DealRoom 是一個集成的調查管理平台,將安全的虛擬數據室與通信和項目管理工具結合在一起,可將調查所花費的時間減少25-40%。在DealRoom中,所有調查操作都在安全,易於使用的基於Web的平台中進行。請求直接鏈接到文檔,從而無需電子表格和手動搜索。註釋直接鏈接到文檔和簡化溝通的請求。
A project management platform and virtual data room for M&A. The world's first and only Agile M&A platform designed to reduce work, track progress and utilize analytics on one centralized project management system. DealRoom is 40% faster and up to 50% less expensive than a traditional data room. Utilize innovative features such as diligence requests, smart search, document viewer, and pipeline management.
Directory Opus 是一款真正好用的檔案管理工具,除了包括雙視窗、標籤視窗等多種方便的操作介面外,它的功能也毫不含糊,超簡單的檔案複製、搬移、刪除功能,支援 FTP、資料夾同步、重複檔案搜尋等實用功能,更可以大大降低檔案管理的難度,讓你可以快速尋找、複製、整理、備份檔案,也可以直接秀圖、看電影、預覽 Word檔、上FTP抓檔,當個輕鬆又有效率的檔案管理者。
Ease of use
As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well.
We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file.
Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another.
As an Explorer Replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed.
Easy Redmine 是一個完整且可擴展的 Redmine 升級。結合了行動電話與實用的插件和功能使您的項目管理更加方便,改善溝通及用戶體驗並節省您的時間。
Easy Redmine 是一個基於 Web 的協作項目管理應用程式。世界各地的公司使用它來處理項目、任務、日程安排、資源利用、預算、出勤監控、支持管理等等。
Easy Redmine 的目標是讓項目管理變得簡單易懂,這樣我們客戶可以專注於他們的核心業務。
Redmine Plugins for you
Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.x and Ruby on Rails 5 – 100% Open Source
eDocPrinter PDF Pro 從 Windows 8.1 或更高版本的應用程式創建 PDF 文件。它在 Windows 環境下用作影印機,因此用戶可以使用 Windows GDI 影印設備從任何應用程式進行影印。
eDocPrinter PDF Pro 是一款豐富功能的PDF影印工具。提供了完整的統一碼(Unicode)及中文字型內嵌處理你所生成的PDF電子檔將是符合真正可攜式的要求,即便是在西語系的PDF閱覽器中亦可正確無誤顯式原字體。除基本的PDF產生功能外,還提供了其他重要功能,如標準PDF的高強度加密及許可權設定,自動超鏈結偵測及產生,書籤自動偵測及產生,文字影像及復合式的浮水印,字型內嵌,自動電子郵件,合併PDF檔等等,可滿足用戶日常所有需求。