最新版 Wijmo 2024 v2 更新於 2024/9/18

Wijmo 是一個包含40+個jQuery UI控制項的完整工具包,從互動式功能表、豐富的圖表到表格,用於移動和Web應用程式的開發。Wijmo 3支持包括IE6在內的主流及早期舊版本的流覽器。
- 在任何框架中使用Wijmo的一組真正的JavaScript控件,包括Angular,React和Vue.js
- 使用Wijmo Web Components將控件用作本機HTML元素
- 使用JavaScript最快的數據網格FlexGrid進行過濾,分組,排序等
- 使用80多個圖表和控件可視化數據
- 使用OLAP Pivot Grid 即時分析和聚合數據
採用 HTML5
jQuery和jQuery UI實際上是JavaScript庫,並擁有世界上最強大的web開發者社區。Wijmo 3建立在jQuery UI和jQuery Mobile的基礎上,使用這個共同的標準。
ThemeRoller 主題
使用Wijmo主題,可輕鬆地在整個應用程式中保持一致的外觀和感覺。您可以使用Wijmo3預裝的6個專業設計主題輕鬆開發。或者,您還可以從jQuery UI專案的24種主題中選擇,或者使用ThemeRoller創建自訂的主題。
基於 jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile
您的web應用程式將執行更快、運行更流暢、比以往任何時候更吸引人。Wijmo控制項基於行業標準,使用HTML5、jQuery、CSS3和 SVG創建,因此它使您的應用程式更適用於當今網路。Wijmo還與Knockout、AngularJS和BreezeJS無縫集成。
無需擔憂相容問題,確保您的UI可以在每一個流覽器和設備上正常工作。創建一個互動式圖表,它在IE6和iPad上均可正確繪製。Wijmo支持流行的流覽器:IE6+、Firefox 3+、Safari 3+和Chrome。
所有Wijmo控制項將自動適應jQuery Mobile或者jQuery UI環境。您可以將使用Wijmo控制項,將jQuery UI的環境直接替換為jQuery Mobile的環境,而不需要對Wijmo控制項做任何改動。獲取更多請點擊回應式控制項框架。
Wijmo控件永遠不會膨脹您的網絡應用程序!我們的控件專為最佳性能而設計,不僅可以實現無依賴性 - 它們還可以構建為小型,可擴展和快速
使用TypeScript,您將獲得面向對象的C#感覺,設計時錯誤檢查以及Visual Studio中的完整IntelliSense,並將真正的JavaScript控件寫入ECMAScript 6標準並包含Web組件和ES模塊
Wijmo's JavaScript/HTML5 UI Controls
The best JavaScript data grid includes built-in sorting, formatting, pagination, and flexible data binding
Includes 50+ chart types, dozens of chart elements, interactions, and customizations
Includes autocomplete, colorpicker, date/time, masks, menus, multiselects, and more
Process and aggregate thousands of rows in milliseconds with no server-side dependencies. Not available in Wijmo Core.
Instantly create stunning, advanced stock trending visualizations with this powerful financial chart control. Not available in Wijmo Core.
View reports in your web apps with this lightweight report viewer
Explore all of Wijmo's Features | ||
Frameworks & Integrations
Navigation & Layout Input & Editors DateTime Controls Viewers Designers
e = Wijmo Enterprise features |
What's Included | Wijmo | Wijmo Enterprise |
Core Controls | V | V |
V | V |
FlexChart | V | V |
Input | V | V |
Gauges | V | V |
Navigation | V | V |
V | V | |
Excel | V | V |
Enterprise Controls | V | |
V | |
FinancialChart/Analytics | V | |
FlexSheet | V | |
MultiRow Data Grid | V | |
ReportViewer/PdfViewer | V |
ComponentOne (點擊可觀看詳細介紹)
An extensive, flexible collection of performant, extensible .NET UI controls for mobile, web, and desktop. Full support for Visual Studio 2019 and Windows 10.
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise |
WinForms Edition |
WPF Edition |
UWP Edition |
ASP.NET MVC Edition |
ASP.NET Web Forms Edition |
ActiveX Edition |
Silverlight Edition |
LightSwitch Edition |
Studio for Xamarin |
Xamarin.Android Edition |
Xamarin.iOS Edition |
Spread Studio 電子試算表開發軟體 (點擊可觀看詳細介紹)
Spreadsheet components for WinForms, ASP.NET, WinRT, and WPF.
Spreadsheet components for JavaScript and Angular
Spread COM
The classic COM version of Spread for use in Visual Studio 6
for Excel, .NET Edition
This high-speed, small-footprint spreadsheet API for .NET Standard 2.0 allows you to generate, load, modify, and save spreadsheets with no Excel dependencies.
Documents for Excel, .NET Edition
Includes 1 developer license and 1 distribution location
Documents for Excel, .NET Edition Unlimited
Includes 1 developer license and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for Excel, .NET Edition Team Unlimited
Includes 5 developer licenses and unlimited distribution
for Excel, Java Edition
This high-speed, small-footprint spreadsheet API for Java 6.0+ allows you to generate, load, modify, and save spreadsheets with no Excel dependencies.
Documents for Excel, Java Edition
Includes 1 developer license and 1 distribution location
Documents for Excel, Java Edition Unlimited
Includes 1 developer license and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for Excel, Java Edition Team Unlimited
Includes 5 developer licenses and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for PDF
This high-speed, small-footprint PDF API for .NET Standard 2.0 allows you to generate, load, modify, and save PDFs with no Acrobat dependencies.
Documents for PDF
Includes 1 developer license and 1 distribution location
Documents for PDF Unlimited
Includes 1 developer license and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for PDF Team Unlimited
Includes 5 developer licenses and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for Word
This high-performance Word API allows you to generate, load, modify, and save DOCX files with no Word dependencies.
Documents for Word
Includes 1 developer license and 1 distribution location
Documents for Word Unlimited
Includes 1 developer license and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for Word Team Unlimited
Includes 5 developer licenses and unlimited distribution locations
Documents for Imaging
This high-performance imaging API allows you to create, load, modify, and save images in .NET Standard 2.0 applications.
Documents for Imaging
Documents for Imaging Unlimited
Includes 1 developer license and unlimited distribution locationsDocuments for Imaging Team Unlimited
Includes 5 developer licenses and unlimited distribution locations
ActiveReports .NET報表工具 (點擊可觀看詳細介紹)
ActiveReports Professional
This complete reporting solution features a standalone report designer app, ad-hoc reporting for end users, a Visual-Studio integrated report designer, an extensive .NET API, data visualization, and distributable viewer controls for desktop, web, and mobile.
ActiveReports Standard
The lighter version of ActiveReports Professional does not include the ActiveReports Professional standalone designer app with ad-hoc reporting for end users.