Dataedo 快速產生資料庫文件
Dataedo 是一款功能強大的 SQL Server、Oracle 及 MySQL 資料庫自動化文件產生工具。 它使您能夠建立資料庫字典(描述所有資料元素),在您的資料庫中建立實體關係圖或文檔存儲過程和函數。
Dataedo 資料庫文件產生工具是 Windows 應用程式,它連接到現有資料庫並導入模式,然後使用者可以提供描述並將文件匯出為 PDF、HTML 或 Excel 格式檔案。
使用 Dataedot 自動化產製資料庫文件的主要流程如下:
Import schema from database
Describe database elements
Export documentation (to PDF or HTML) (optional:)
Update documentation when database schema changed
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Easy Redmine 是一個完整且可擴展的 Redmine 升級。結合了行動電話與實用的插件和功能使您的項目管理更加方便,改善溝通及用戶體驗並節省您的時間。
Easy Redmine 是一個基於 Web 的協作項目管理應用程式。世界各地的公司使用它來處理項目、任務、日程安排、資源利用、預算、出勤監控、支持管理等等。
Easy Redmine 的目標是讓項目管理變得簡單易懂,這樣我們客戶可以專注於他們的核心業務。
Redmine Plugins for you
Compatible with Redmine 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.x and Ruby on Rails 5 – 100% Open Source
Merlin 是一款領導的專業項目管理軟體適用於 Mac OS X,可由專案管理人為專案管理所開發使用,Merlin真的可以滿足您的在專業上的要求。
Merlin不僅是全球客戶公認的專案管理軟體,更贏得了眾多企業獎項。由於ProjectWizards GmbH在專案管理各領域提供專業的經驗,Merlin可以作為最專業的工具,並在Apple Macintosh各種項目管理軟體中脫穎而出。
Merlin activities view: Outline and Gantt
Alchemy CATALYST 採用了創新的新技術,幫助更多翻譯人員、工程師和測試人員提升生產力。Alchemy CATALYST支援 VC、VB、.NET、文本等軟體的當地語系化。CATALYST的特色包括:方案以資源樹的方式顯現、支持“偽翻譯”(Pseudo Translate);支援.rc 文檔的視覺化編輯、可以在不建立方案的情況下直接對某個資源檔進行操作、支援字典自動翻譯、提供外掛字典功能、可修改圖片及圖片組;可以自由地建立、維護、導入、匯出字典檔;對於新版本的檔案可以快速更新翻譯等等。是您不可或缺的翻譯工具。
What's New in Alchemy CATALYST 2023
With Alchemy CATALYST 2023, the innovation continues!
Already recognized for supporting the broadest range of software formats in the industry, Alchemy CATALYST 2023 pushes even further ahead.
Major new features include support for .NET 6 + binaries, including WinForms and WPF, native support for Markdown files, and enhancements for XLIFF and TBX files.
Major enhancements have been implemented into our XML Parser, with the automatic parsing of maximum length and our Segmentation engine, with the added possibility to include tags in custom delimiters.
Keep reading for a more detailed list of new features...
File Support
Alchemy CATALYST 2023 introduces visual support for .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7 file formats, including executables, baml, resx and wpf files. Moreover, the .NET components have been upgraded to support future .NET releases.
Alchemy CATALYST 2023 also introduces native support for Markdown files, including visual rendering.
Finally, also the Xliff parser has been updated, with the added support for XLIFF 2.0 .
Segmentation engine
Segmentation has been extended to the following types of resources: Win32 Strings tables, .NET String tables and DDF files.
Moreover, the segmentation engine now supports using tags as segments delimiters and Import/Export functions have been added to the segmentation dialog for easier management.
UI Enhancements
Navigator: the navigator can now be filtered according to files status.
Translator Toolbar: the Reference area can be collapsed when no TM is attached, in order to gain more space for the windows in use.
Project Workspace: a new contextual menu has been added to the Projects' tab to facilitate common tasks such as closing multiple TTKs, opening containing folder, etc.
XML Parser
The XML parser has been further improved with the ability to automatically parse Max Length in files containing suitable fields or attributes for it.
In Catalyst 2023 you can localize XML files effortlessly parsing Memos, Inline tags, Context links and Max sizes.