010 Editor 是一個全新的十六進制編輯器 (professional-grade text editor and hex editor),在解析和編輯的二進位文件方面功能相當強大,有別於傳統的十六進制編輯器。擁有一個易使用的介面,無限次的undo和redo操作。另外還可以列印十六進位的字節或以書籤的方式標出某些重要的字節。也支持二進位模板(binary template)系統。
010 Editor: Professional Text Editor
Edit text files, XML, HTML, Unicode and UTF-8 files, C/C++ source code, etc.
Unlimited undo and powerful editing and scripting tools.
Huge file support (50 GB+).
010 Editor: World's Best Hex Editor
Unequalled binary editing performance for files of any size.
Use powerful Binary Templates technology to understand binary data.
Find and fix problems with hard drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, etc.
Investigate and modify memory from processes.
Binary Templates - Hex Editing to a New Level
Why is 010 Editor so powerful? Unlike traditional hex editors which only display the raw hex bytes of a file (1), 010 Editor can also parse a file into a hierarchical structure using a Binary Template (2). The results of running a Binary Template are much easier to understand and edit than using just the raw hex bytes.
Binary Templates are easy to write and look similar to C/C++ structs except they may contain if, for, or while statements as well as functions or complex expressions.
Powerful enough to parse almost any binary file format.
Can be set to run automatically when files are opened.
Templates may be shared and a list of templates for download is available in our Template Repository.
Analysis Tools - Drill into your Data
A number of sophisticated tools are included with 010 Editor for analyzing and editing binary files:
Full Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files functionality for many different data types.
Powerful Binary Comparison tool for analyzing byte-by-byte differences between two files.
Use the Histogram tool to count byte occurrences and visualize data.
Computes Check Sum/Hash Algorithms including CRC-16, CRC-32, Adler32, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA-1, SHA-256, TIGER, etc.
Scripting - Automate your Editing
Simple or complex editing operations can be automated using a syntax similar to C/C++.
Features over 300 different functions for operating on data.
Integrated with Binary Templates to intuitively edit files. Simply assign to variables defined in a Binary Template to modify a file.
Scripts may be shared and a list of scripts for download is available in our Script Archive.
Run scripts from the command line with no user interface for batch processing.
...plus much more.
Powerful Workspace view including file explorer.
Convert data between ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode, UTF-8, etc.
Inspector allows data to be quickly interpreted in different formats.
Mark important bytes using Bookmarks.
Full integra...
4D Systems' Workshop4 IDE 編輯器
Workshop4 具有成熟的整合開發環境,專屬開發者的實用開發工具。軟體功能強大包含四種開發環境,一次滿足使用者不同的開發需求。
Workshop4 是一款全面的 Microsoft Windows 軟體 IDE 編輯器,為所有的 4D 系列處理器和模組提供了整合開發環境平台。 IDE 結合編輯器,編譯器,鏈接器和下載器來開發完整的 4DGL 應用程式程式碼。所有使用者應用程式程式碼都是在 Workshop4 IDE 中開發的。支持多種開發環境,滿足不同使用者個需求和技術水平。除了便利好用的開發工具之外,同時販售多種時下流行的微控制器,包括 Arduino、Raspberry Pi 樹梅派多款模組、相機模組等產品,歡迎聯繫洽詢詳細產品資訊。
Alchemy CATALYST 採用了創新的新技術,幫助更多翻譯人員、工程師和測試人員提升生產力。Alchemy CATALYST支援 VC、VB、.NET、文本等軟體的當地語系化。CATALYST的特色包括:方案以資源樹的方式顯現、支持“偽翻譯”(Pseudo Translate);支援.rc 文檔的視覺化編輯、可以在不建立方案的情況下直接對某個資源檔進行操作、支援字典自動翻譯、提供外掛字典功能、可修改圖片及圖片組;可以自由地建立、維護、導入、匯出字典檔;對於新版本的檔案可以快速更新翻譯等等。是您不可或缺的翻譯工具。
What's New in Alchemy CATALYST 2023
With Alchemy CATALYST 2023, the innovation continues!
Already recognized for supporting the broadest range of software formats in the industry, Alchemy CATALYST 2023 pushes even further ahead.
Major new features include support for .NET 6 + binaries, including WinForms and WPF, native support for Markdown files, and enhancements for XLIFF and TBX files.
Major enhancements have been implemented into our XML Parser, with the automatic parsing of maximum length and our Segmentation engine, with the added possibility to include tags in custom delimiters.
Keep reading for a more detailed list of new features...
File Support
Alchemy CATALYST 2023 introduces visual support for .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7 file formats, including executables, baml, resx and wpf files. Moreover, the .NET components have been upgraded to support future .NET releases.
Alchemy CATALYST 2023 also introduces native support for Markdown files, including visual rendering.
Finally, also the Xliff parser has been updated, with the added support for XLIFF 2.0 .
Segmentation engine
Segmentation has been extended to the following types of resources: Win32 Strings tables, .NET String tables and DDF files.
Moreover, the segmentation engine now supports using tags as segments delimiters and Import/Export functions have been added to the segmentation dialog for easier management.
UI Enhancements
Navigator: the navigator can now be filtered according to files status.
Translator Toolbar: the Reference area can be collapsed when no TM is attached, in order to gain more space for the windows in use.
Project Workspace: a new contextual menu has been added to the Projects' tab to facilitate common tasks such as closing multiple TTKs, opening containing folder, etc.
XML Parser
The XML parser has been further improved with the ability to automatically parse Max Length in files containing suitable fields or attributes for it.
In Catalyst 2023 you can localize XML files effortlessly parsing Memos, Inline tags, Context links and Max sizes.
BBEdit 是一款運行於蘋果作業系統的強大專業HTML文字編輯器,專門為Web作者和軟體開發人員的需求而製作,為編輯,搜尋和處理文字提供了豐富的高效能功能,具有強大的智慧搜尋、程式碼摺疊、FTP上傳等功能,是程式開發不可缺少的程式碼編輯器。智慧介面提供方便應用的最好的特徵包括grep模式匹配,搜尋和替換多個檔案,功能導航和語法著色的大量原始碼語言,FTP,SFTP開啟和儲存,AppleScript,Perl和OS X的UNIX指令碼支援,詞彙的支援,和一套完整的HTML工具。
What's new in BBEdit 15?
A new Minimap palette shows a high-level overview of the active text document. This facilitates visualization of the document's overall structure, as well as navigation within larger documents.
Expandable “Cheat Sheets”
Building on the concept of the Grep Cheat Sheet used in its Find windows, BBEdit 15 introduces the ability to create and use your own Cheat Sheets, which are functional references for text markup and editing. Included are cheat sheets for basic Markdown syntax and for BBEdit's clippings placeholders.
AI Chat Worksheets
BBEdit 15’s joins BBEdit’s unique “worksheet” interface to ChatGPT, Claude, and Ollama so that you can have conversations right in BBEdit itself — no application switching or awkward copy/paste from a web browser. Each chat worksheet that you create maintains its own history, so that you can easily refer back to past conversations, or keep a conversation going across an extended period of time.
An expansion mechanism is provided so that you can add support for additional OpenAI API-compatible services.
(Note: In order to use this feature with ChatGPT or Claude, you will need an account and an API key for the appropriate service.)
Project Workspace and Settings Improvements
BBEdit project documents gain an awareness of the “workspace root”, which for a given project is the “most important directory” in the project. A configured workspace root allows BBEdit to automatically select the correct directory for source control operations, and improves the behavior and completion accuracy of Language Server Protocol servers which support workspaces.
Additionally, web site settings are more easily available in the project window itself, improving efficiency and productivity as and when changes are needed.
New Interface for Text Factories
BBEdit’s unique “Text Factory” feature has been reimagined for version 15. All available transformations are listed for easy access, and assembling a factory requires fewer steps. A new “Run Unix Command” operation improves factory portability by storing the Unix command in the factory itself.
Visual Studio 提供了大量的內建產能工具,而眾多協力廠商的產品則讓您的技術更加精進。
AxTools 的 CodeSMART for Visual Studio 提供許許多多的視窗、工具、精靈和對話方塊,可大幅減少您花費在反覆程式碼撰寫工作上的時間。
►適用於Visual Studio2013、2012、2010和Visual Studio .NET2008-2002
1.1. General Integration Notes
CodeSMART is tightly integrated with Visual Studio - all its commands and tools are accessible through the main menu and four toolbars it adds to the environment, as well as from the code window popup menu. Other CodeSMART tools are hosted or display their results within special tool windows - for example, pictured below are the 'VS10x CodeMap' and the CodeSMART 'Find and Replace 1' windows.
2.1. CodeMap
Have a look at the small sample below. Notice the way nested types are represented, as well as the implemented interface. The region sub-container is prefixed with a # for an easier identification. Members have distinctive icons, with special overlays for constructors, public items (not pictured in the below example) and members belonging to implemented interfaces.
2.2. Code Flow Explorer
The Visual Studio code editor doesn't have tools to assist the developer in navigating inside a method body. When working with fairly simple methods browsing their code inside the code window is usually enough to grasp a general idea about the code logic, but trying to navigate complex methods with hundreds of code lines, nested conditional blocks and loops, can be a very tedious job.The CodeSMART Code Flow Explorer can parse method code and output a tree representation thus offering instant access to the method's internal structure and logical code blocks.
2.3. Designer Explorer
With the CodeSMART Designer Explorer you can visualize a designer control hierarchy, select a control (which normally is not an easy job controls when controls overlap, are included in containers or simply are out of the visibility window) and benefit of several additional control-related operations and enhancements.
2.4. Code Library Explorer
The CodeSMART Code Library Explorer represents a convenient way to quickly store and retrieve code pieces written in VB, C#, C++, HTML, XML etc, thus providing a valuable help in reusing, managing and sharing pre-written code. It can be seen as a code repository in which you can store and organize different code items, group them in logical folders and share them within a team.
3.1. Editor View Enhancer
Allright, here's how the code editor normally looks like - yes, I know you know, but it'...
CppDepend 是一種工具,可簡化複雜C \ C ++代碼庫的管理。開發人員可以通過比較不同版本的代碼來分析代碼結構,指定設計規則,進行有效的代碼審查並掌握演變。提供了代碼規則和代碼查詢、技術債務估算、代碼質量的檢測、代碼Vizualisation等功能,其目的便是幫助開發人員設計出更安全的程式。
CppDepend 2024.1: Advanced Source Explorer, Support for C++23/C++20/C++17, C++ Modules Support, and More.
Advanced Source Explorer.
Support for C++23/C++20/C++17.
C++ Modules Support.
Improved Incremental analysis.
Improved Visual Studio support.
New useful rules added.
Improved Linux Support.
External Symbols Refined.
了解你的 程式碼的Clojure(Script) IDE 編輯器 架構於IntelliJ之上
Cursive建構於最完整的Java IDE整合式開發環境-IntelliJ之上。Cursive包含所有JetBrains產品的功能,從project管理到跨平台的版本管理。基於IntelliJ的架構使Cursive可以在編輯器內檢查程式碼,並且與Java互動時無縫接軌。
IntelliJ is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The current version of Cursive will work with IntelliJ versions from the previous year, and the current version compatibility list can be found on our VERSIONS page.
1.14.0-eap1 (2024-09-13): 2024.3, 2024.2, 2024.1, 2023.3