Linqer SQL to LINQ 語句轉換工具
Linqer 是一個 SQL 到 LINQ 的轉換工具。它有助於學習 LINQ 並轉換現有的 SQL 語句。
Not every SQL statement can be converted to LINQ, but Linqer covers many different types of SQL expressions. Linqer supports both .NET languages - C# and Visual Basic.
Because LINQ is a part of the C# and VB languages, it is sensitive to data type conversion. Linqer performs required type castings in the produced LINQ statements.
It can convert the most usable SQL Server functions. The full list of supported MSSQL functions can be found here.
You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 ,Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 , or Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed on your computer to be able to use Linqer. Visual Studio needs to be installed, in order to use the SqlMetal tool to generate LINQ to SQL model files or the EdmGen tool to generate LINQ to Entities model files.
NoSQLBooster 是MongoDB v3.6-8.0 的跨平臺GUI工具,提供內置MongoDB腳本調試工具MongoDB腳本調試器、全面的伺服器監控工具、連結流暢査詢、SQL査詢、査詢代碼生成器、任務調度、ES2020支持和高級IntelliSense體驗。
NoSQLBooster for MongoDB 是MongoDB數據庫的管理以及服務器監控工具,擁有Visual Explain Plan,查詢構建器,SQL查詢,ES2017語法支持等功能,功能強大,操作簡單,可以幫助用戶更輕鬆便捷的管理監控MongoDB數據庫。
NoSQLBooster for MongoDB 帶有查詢程式碼生成器,允許使用者將MongoDB查詢(查詢,聚合或SQL查詢)轉換為各種目標語言:MongoDB Shell,JavaScript(Node.js),Java,C#和Python。
Embedded MongoDB Shell
NoSQLBooster embeds V8 JavaScript engine. No external MongoDB command line tools dependence. Support MongoDB 3.6-8.0
Query Code Generator
Converts MongoDB find/aggregate and SQL into Node.js, Java, Python, C #, PHP, Ruby, Golang and mongo shell languages
Tasks and Task Scheduler
Define and perform tasks to import/export, dump/restore, or run script files on a recurring schedule.
Peganza Pascal Analyzer ── Delphi 原始碼分析工具
Peganza Pascal Analyzer 是 Delphi 開發者喜愛的分析工具,可以幫助你解析 Delphi 和 Borland Pascal 原始碼的工具,並可以依據解析完產生的報告書,可再進而提高品質、可信賴的原始碼。
General Reports
Status Report
PAL always generates this report, regardless of any setting. It presents important facts about the current analysis, e.g. selected compiler directives and searched folders.
Strong Warnings Report
This report generates warnings that help you identify especially severe errors. Those are errors that can cause runtime failures ("showstoppers"), or erroneous results in your application.
Warnings Report
This report consists of several lists with different types of warnings. The warnings point to possible anomalies and errors in the code.
Optimization Report
This report pinpoints elements of the code that you can improve, resulting in better performance.
Memory Report
This report helps you find locations in your code with possible memory leaks.
Code Reduction Report
This report pinpoints locations in your code where unnecessary code could be deleted, resulting in a smaller amount of code to maintain and search for errors.
Convention Compliance Report
This report contains several lists of identifiers that do not comply with the conventions for naming of identifiers.
Inconsistent Case Report
This report that lists all identifiers with inconsistent case. If for instance, the identifier tblEmployee is declared, and it is written as tblemployee in other locations, those places in the code are listed.
Prefix Report
This report contains a list with variables that have a different prefix than the defined ones. For instance you can decide that all TLabel variables must start with the letters 'lbl'. Labels that don't will then be listed by this report.
NextGen Readiness Report
This report measures how well your code is prepared for the new NextGen compiler.
Metrics Reports
Totals Report
This report provides a table that summarizes the number of files, procedures, functions, types etc, in the analyzed source code. It also shows how many of each category that are global, interfaced and unused.
Module Totals Report
This report produces similar results as the Totals Report, but divided for each module (unit).
Complexity Report
The Complexity Report lists for each unit and subprogram some important metrics.
Total Lines
Lines of Code (LOC)
Comment Lines
Comments/Total Lines
Decision Points (DP)
Decision Points/Lines of Code (DP/LOC)
Characters/Lines of Code
These metrics can help you evaluate source code in terms of understandability, complexity, and reusability. You can also locate complex subprograms that should be split up.
PAL also creates a list of all identifiers with names that are longer than 15 (default) characters.
Object-oriented Metrics Report
This report calculates six different metrics according to Chidamber and Kemerer...
將Visual Studio塑造成強大的PHP編譯器
影片介紹 & 介面展示
Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
支援版本管理(TFS, Git, SVN, ...)
完整支援PHP 5.6
PHP IntelliSense,自動完成功能
Breakpoints in PHP and JavaScript
Inspect variables, watches
Immediate Window
Multiple session debugging
PHP functions&constants&classes
Integrated documentation
Search available symbols while typing
PHPDoc support
Browse declarations within your solution
Quickly search through available symbols
Navigate directly to symbol definitions
Navigate To, Class View, Object Browser, ...
Visual Studio HTML Editor
Syntax Highlighting, Schema validation
Formatting, Outlining, Commenting
Full IntelliSense
Web Essentials Support
用 plusFORT 進行 Fortran分析和重構
來自Polyhedron Solutions的 plusFORT 是用於分析和改進Fortran程式的多功能工具套件。它在一個強大的程式包中將重組和重新格式化與全局靜態分析,動態分析和許多其他功能結合在一起。plusFORT是使用Fortran源代碼的程式設計師,專案經理和軟體測試工程師的一站式解決方案。
SPAG – Re-engineering Fortran source code
Quality Assurance using plusFORT
GXCHK – Global Static Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Coverage Analysis
AUTOMAKE – automated make for Fortran and C
QMERGE – Version Selection
HyperKWIC – Hyperlinked KeyWord In Context
Version 8 Changes
SPAG uses structure templates to unscramble spaghetti code. In earlier versions, there were three major templates:
Block IF statements
DO loops with EXIT and CYCLE
Single statement code replication
Version 8 adds two new templates which allow it to remove all GOTOs in even the most convoluted code. These are:
Dispatch loops. SPAG identifies separately addressable code blocks (block 1, block 2 etc.), and relocates them into a SELECT CASE construct for execution in the correct sequence, under control of a dispatch loop.
Internal Subroutines. SPAG identifies separately addressable code blocks, and relocates them into internal subroutines. Blocks are invoked in the correct order using CALL statements, and the calls may be recursive.
These two new templates provide alternative ways to express the same control flow. SPAG allows you to select either one, but the default is to use internal subroutines in simpler cases, where there is no recursion, and dispatch loops otherwise. In practice, internal subroutines are a natural way to express many simple cases, for example where a code fragment is used to tidy up before exiting a subprogram. Conversely, dispatch loops keep a strict cap on the complexity of more complex codes.
Examples may be found in section 2.7.1 of the plusFORT manual.
Version 8 benefits from a major internal upgrade which removes a long-standing limitation to SPAG’s symbolic analysis, allowing it to “look ahead”, and reliably identify the characteristics of subprograms with and without explicit interfaces. This change has knock-on effects throughout SPAG and GXCHK, for example in improved reporting and error detection. It also enables new functionality both in this release and in the future.
SPAG’s prescan, which allows it re-order input files so that MODULES are processed before code that uses them without the use of makefiles or external props, has been extended and improved.
SPAG now uses the standard ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module to allow it to translate legacy non-standard types, such as INTEGER*1 and REAL*8, to standard Fortran. This supersedes and improves upon the previous treatment using the proprietary F77KINDS module.
By default, SPAG now inserts a PROGRAM statement at the beginnin...
PrimalScript 是款非常強大的程式碼編輯器!其支援多種的程式設計語言的語法,提供方便的嚮導功能以及強大工程和範本管理功能,還有特別為程式師而設計的代碼編輯功能,如:自動完成關鍵字、成員清單、動態提示參數資訊、自動校正大小寫、添加/減少縮進、批量注釋/反注釋等,並且還提供了十六進位編輯功能。特別適合於編寫ASP、JSP和HTML等網頁程式設計語言!
Supports over 50 languages and file types.
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platform development.
Next generation PowerShell local and remote debugger.
Supports Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7 at the same time.
Script against a remote machine’s Installed Module Set (IMS).
Remote VBScript, JScript and PowerShell debugger.
Supports PowerShell variable and function breakpoints.
Integrated 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell and command console.
Multi-file and module debugging.
Single click build for packages, MSI databases and deployment.
Plus much more.
Silverfrost Fortran FTN95 是一款專業的Fortran編譯器,提供代碼編輯、編譯和應用程式創建等多種功能,與VisualStudio無縫集成,為您進行應用程序創建帶來很大的便利。
使用 Silverfrost FTN95: Fortran for Windows,您可以創建基於控制台的傳統 Windows® 和 Microsoft .NET 應用程式。Silverfrost FTN95 是唯一可以生成可以使用完整 Fortran 95 語言的 Microsoft .NET 應用程式的編譯器。Silverfrost FTN95 還擁有世界領先的CHECKMATE 運行時檢查技術,可以快速發現錯誤!
Features Include:
Full ANSI Fortran 95 compiler
Full ANSI Fortran 77 compiler (Fortran 77 is part of the Fortran 95 standard)
32- and 64-bit compilers
Plato IDE
Build Windows GUI applications in Fortran using ClearWin+
Visual Studio integration*
CHECKMATE technology
Microsoft .NET Support
Fast Compilation