ChaosHunter ®是一個獨立的軟體工具,旨在產生可讀的公式,您的數字數據模型的應用如下:
● 對金融市場生產買入/賣出信號
● 預測未來價值的時間序列,包括市場價格
● 建立科學數據模型
● 建立企業財務或銷售數據模型
● 預測實驗的結果等等
● NeuroShell® Trader Professional
● NeuroShell® DayTrader Professional
● Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation
● TradeStation®
● NinjaTrader®
● MetaTrader 4
● Wealth-Lab Pro®
● eSignal®
● Microsoft® Excel
Science and Trade Modeling
The ChaosHunter works by evolving formulas from basic building blocks - "atomic" functions like add, subtract, multiply, divide, sine, cosine, square root, etc. The user selects which of these functions will be in the pool of available functions, and the ChaosHunter evolves combinations that continually get better at solving the problem.
Solving the problem can mean predicting or classifying a time series for business and science users (primarily), or it can mean generating buy/sell signals for trading. Since the formulas that get generated are usually not esoteric like neural network formulas, you can show them to your boss, modify them, and insert them into other programs.
The ChaosHunter's atomic function set contains simple polynomials (e.g. a2 + b2), neurons, boolean functions (AND, OR, NOT), and many more. The neuron functions (if chosen) can combine to form unique neural net structures.
For our science and business users, you get models that have readable, understandable formulas to model the data. If the data is time series, it builds recurrent formulas necessary for most definitions of chaotic functions. Although it mostly predicts, you can classify as well if there are two classes, one of which can be described by positive numbers and the other by negative numbers.
The trading models it builds can be used standalone or in conjunction with NeuroShell Trader Professional or DayTrader Professional, and they are capable of investigating chaotic time series.
Traders can also fire the trading models the ChaosHunter makes from any number of trading products that you may have purchased before you found out how good NeuroShell Trader Professional is. The reason is that ChaosHunter makes formulas that can most likely be inserted into many of these systems. So you build the model (formula) based on text files exported from NeuroShell Trader or these other systems, then use the model in real time somewhere else. Of course, we have a much easier way to insert the models into NeuroShell...
Data Mining with Cubist
Cubist 資料採礦軟體工具
資料探勘(Data mining)是指從組織的資料庫中萃取資料的過程,這些資料通常被用來洞察該組織的營運模式和預設未發生之結果,以支援使用者做決策。
Cubist是 RuleQuest Research 公司開發的建立預測模型的工具。其內建的規則算法可幫助建立預測模型的輸出值,並與See5/C5.0產品互補。例如,See5/C5.0可能依據其百分比將數據分類為“高”、“中等”或“低”,而Cubist將會是輸出一個數字,如“7.3”。
DTREG 是一款完美的建模工具,適用於商業建模或建立多種醫學資料模型,例如性別、人種、婚姻狀況等! 從一組數據值中提取有用信息的過程被稱為「數據挖掘」(data mining)。這些數據可以用來創建模型並做出預測。目前的技術已經發展出許多預測模型,而如何選擇和應用最好的模型則是一種藝術。
DTREG實現強大的已開發預測建模方法。你可以使用決策樹模型、支援向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM)、基因表示規劃法(Gene Expression Programming)、符號回歸(Symbolic Regression),K-means 分群法(k-means clustering)、判別分析法(discriminant analysis)、線性回歸(Linear Regression models)和(Logistic Regression models)。DTREG也可以進行時間序列分析和預測。
Classification and Regression Trees. DTREG can build Classification Trees where the target variable being predicted is categorical and Regression Trees where the target variable is continuous like income or sales volume.
DTREG 提供多種強大的預測建模
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks
Probabilistic Neural Networks
General Regression Neural Networks
RBF Neural Networks
GMDH Polynomial Neural Networks
Cascade Correlation Neural Networks
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Gene Expression Programming - Symbolic Regression
Decision Trees
TreeBoost — Boosted Decision Trees
Decision Tree Forests
K-Means Clustering
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Checking Data Quality with GritBot
使用GritBot檢查您的數據品質(Data Quality)
資料探勘(Data mining)是指從組織的資料庫中萃取有價值資料的技術。資料探勘的搜索模式對於分析資料的影響重大,如果分析的資料中包含錯誤的數值,其分析的資料將會是“垃圾進,垃圾出”(Garbage in, garbage out.)。
GritBot是 RuleQuest Research 公司開發的異常檢測工具,其作為自動的異常數據資料發現工具,其試圖在分析前找到資料中的異常數據。它可以被認為是一個獨立的資料品質審核員,尋找資料庫中異常的離散值或連續屬性的數值。使用GritBot可以提高See5/C5.0和Cubist等演算法從資料集構造模型的有效性。
Crystal Ball 是一套與工作表格完美結合的套裝軟體,運用蒙地卡羅模擬與各種模型做出預測分析與最優化解。Crystal Ball被廣泛的運用在各個不同的領域,例如財務分析、製造業、能源運用、醫療生技等。針對不同的用戶群,Crystal Ball擁有廣泛的應用功能,包括財務風險分析、資產評估、財務工程、六標準差、投資組合分析、成本預估、專案管理等。
Crystal Ball是一個容易使用的模擬程式,它可以在Microsoft Excel內幫助您分析風險和不確定的關聯。
Oracle Crystal Ball is the leading spreadsheet-based application suite for predictive modeling, forecasting, simulation, and optimization. It gives you unparalleled insight into the critical factors affecting risk. With Crystal Ball, you can make the right tactical decisions to reach your objectives and gain a competitive edge under even the most uncertain market conditions.