Direct access components for MySQL
MicroOLAP為開發人員提供了從Delphi/C++Builder 的應用程序來存取數據庫伺服器的多種技術,不需要任何中間體。
MicroOLAP Direct Access Components for MySQL and Delphi/C++Builder, also known as MySQLDAC is a Borland Delphi/C++Builder component set for direct connect to MySQL database server.
Global Mapper 是一款經濟實惠且易於使用的GIS應用程式,可以訪問無與倫比的各種空間數據集,並提供恰當的功能,以滿足經驗豐富的GIS專業人員和初級用戶的需求。
Global Mapper 不僅是實用工具,她的內置功能提供距離和面積的計算。光柵混合、羽化、對比調節、海拔高度查詢、視線計算、同時可以對您的資料進行剪裁等的高級功能。如圖像校正、通過地表資料進行輪廓生成、通過地表資料觀察分水嶺、對 3Dpoint 資料轉換為三角多邊形和網格化等。內建的指令碼語言或全面的批次處理轉換選項能高效地完成重複性任務。
Global Mapper 可以轉換資料集的投影方式以符合你的專案的座標系統,並可以同時對資料集的範圍進行裁剪。
您的數據可以以階層方式被加載。Global Mapper 內部的地形圖及以真實的3D方式查看高程地圖的功能。數位航空圖可以將表面輪廓與向量繪圖整合,創建一個高品質和內容豐富的圖表。而這些結果可以被列印出來,或者可以在高解析度的圖表中導出,用於演示或報告。
Global Mapper的最新進展
近二十年來,Global Mapper的開發依賴於與用戶的直接交互, 主要功能增強可以清楚地追溯到個別請求。
New Eye Dome Lighting settings in the 3D viewer to help improve the visual display of vector and lidar data
A new tool for simplifying loaded meshes or TINs
A new Spatial Operations tool to find the intersection of two vector layers
A new Analysis menu option to find the overlap (both percentage and graphical) between two or more lidar, raster/image, and/or terrain layers.
An update to the Raster Reclassify tool that allows it to work with continuous data (terrain / slope, single bands of imagery).
A new sweep selection tool for working with vector data in the 3D viewer
Dramatically faster rendering of tiled online sources, especially in 3D.
Support for creating point, line, or area features from a list of coordinates in an MS Excel (.xls/.xlsx) file.
A new Digitizer menu providing convenient access to all Digitizer functions.
A tabular preview showing the first ten lines of an imported ASCII or Excel file.