amCharts 提供您最需要的JavaScript/HTML5圖表。amCharts 是用Flash開發的基於Web的圖表軟體產品,amCharts 支援CSV和XML資料類型,同時也支援動態產生的資料,例如PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion等更多的程序語言。因為amCharts是基於flash開發的產品,所以具備了和使用者交互的功能,可以在頁面中隨意改變要顯示的資料。
Line & Smoothed line
Area & Range Area
Column & Bar (stacked or clustered)
Scatter & Bubble
Candlestick & OHLC
Step (incl. w/ no-riser)
Floating & Gantt
Error & Control
Stacked (regular or 100%)
Pareto Diagram
Dumbbell Plot & Lollipop
Order Book / Depth
Stream & Process Control
Box Plot
Micro & Sparklines
… and any combination of the above
Pie & Donut
Nested donut
Sankey diagram
Chord, Chord directed, and Chord non-ribbon diagrams
Force-directed tree
Radar & Polar
Radial Histogram & Heat Map
Flower & Wheel of Life
Word cloud & Sentence cloud
Venn diagram
Geo maps
Map chart (flat & globe)
Geo heat map
Tile map
Map combined with charts
Maps is an add-on and requires separate license.
Easy Street Draw
Trancite Easy Street Draw 是一套專門用來繪製交通碰撞事故現場的軟體。在使用的時候,可以從範本中先選取道路或街口形狀,然後再修改或者添加各種形狀的符號。
What are the basic system requirements to run Editor, Easy Street Draw, ScenePD, FireScene or ATTAC?
Our applications operate in the Microsoft Windows environment.
The software supports Windows 8/ Windows 10/11
Computer and Processor = 500 MHz or faster processor
Memory = 256 MB RAM or More (512 recommended)
Hard Disk = 2.0 GB or more available disk space
Display = 1024 x 576 or higher resolution monitor
Operating System = Windows 8/ Windows 10, Windows 11 (64 bit only), Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2,2012,2012R2,2016,2019,2022 etc.
Additional Requirements = Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or higher is required to generate PowerPoint files, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF files
Are there any software requirements needed to run Easy Street Editor?
64-Bit requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64).
Side Note: The EXE installers automatically install the correct Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package if it is not already present. The MSI installation packages do not install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package.
Grapher 可建立超過40種獨特的2D或3D圖!2D圖有4種不同型態:inear、bar、polar和 specialty graph types。如果你需要一個額外的變量需要表示在你的圖上,可試試3D圖三種型態的其中一種:3D XYZ 圖,等高線圖或者表面地圖!
Create 2D doughnut plots
Create 3D doughnut plots
Create polar vector plots
Create ternary class plots
Create class plots based on text or numbers
Link axes
Set histograms to display cumulative data
Enhanced error bar display
Export fit curves with set spacing and limits
Fully control date/time values
Store last used export settings
Calculate statistics on range of values
Increased file compatibility
Calculate data transforms with text, blanks, and numbers
Communicate Results
Grouped Box Plots
Users can now create grouped box plots by specifying a category column! No more vlookups and pivot tables in Excel, plug in your data directly from the original database or instrument!
In previous versions of Grapher, data needed to be separated into individual columns based on what category the data belonged to. In this example, the variable data sets have been grouped by the Location category.
Now you can leave your data as is, saving you time reformatting your data!
Grouped box plot axes also allow you to combine your box plots with other plot types to make your data's story even more compelling.
GraphPad Prism 集生物統計、曲線擬合和科技繪圖於一體,其所具有的功能均非常實用和精煉,包括了一些特色的功能,如ROC曲線分析、Bland-Altman分析等;曲線擬合功能是GraphPad Prism超越其他統計軟體的制勝法寶,GraphPad Prism的線性/非線性擬合功能使用操作極其方便,不僅內置了常見的回歸模型,還專門內置了Aadvanced Rradioligand Bbinding, Bacterial Growth, 劑量反映曲線,峰擬合等數十個生物統計模組,GraphPad Prism的繪圖功能也很具特色,無需專門繪製統計圖形,只要輸入資料,圖表自動生成且隨資料改變及時更新,非常方便實用。
能進行自定義方程曲線擬合的軟體中,GraphPad Prism的操作最為簡便快捷,擬合前參數設置方便,擬合速度快,並支援批量擬合,這在同類軟體中非常少見,可以說GraphPad Prism當之無愧為非線性擬合的高手。
Prism 在科學圖表的繪製方面可以視為Sigmaplot的替代軟體,但是卻又包含了簡單的試算表,可以直接輸入原始數據,軟體自動計算標準差和p value,此外,也包含了其他幾項數值分析的能力。
Analysis Bug Fixes
(Mac) Fixed the issue in which it was impossible to select the option "Compare row main effect" on the Multiple Comparisons tab of the parameters dialog for Two-way ANOVA while using the Geisser-Greenhouse correction
Other Bug Fixes
– Fixed the issue in which files may potentially become corrupted while using Prism if the system folder used for storing temporary Prism files is write protected
– Fixed the issue in which an unexpected alert appeared when launching Prism offline if a rollback of the system time was detected while using a valid Prism license
– (Mac) Implemented cryptographic routines associated with OpenSSL code within Prism to prevent the GoFetch attach on macOS devices with Apple Silicon
– (Mac) Fixed the issue in which Prism was unable to save a project with corrupted images in the .pzfx format after saving it in the .prism format