SCRATCH VR 提供了一個端到端的VR工具集,除了SCRATCH的所有常規創造性DI功能外,還包含一系列VR專用工具,用於無縫分級(seamless grading)、360度穩定(360 stabilizing)和2D到Equirectangular合成。
SCRATCH VR 支持所有主要頭戴設備。調色,合成,預覽– 360度,180度,單眼,立體,單視圖,雙視圖,
沉浸式視圖– 實時視圖– 任何視圖!大型工作站或者只是你的筆記型電腦上運行。同時支持Windows和OS X系統。
SCRATCH VR中的工具集可以在360度畫面中進行天空替換或對象移除,就像在任何常規2D製作中一樣輕鬆。始終可以直接在頭戴設備中以您需要的幀率和分辨率預覽,支持(Ambisonic)音頻,以產生您希望觀眾體驗的完整VR用戶體驗。
It's aLIVE!
Capture camera input from ZCAM or via HLS stream, stitch in realtime, grade and paint in realtime, add still or animated overlays, add and sync external (ambisonic) audio, stream out again to Facebook/YouTube or custom streaming server. SCRATCH VR Live is a broadcast station in a box. 360, 180 mono/stereo, in any resolution.
Why start from SCRATCH
• You start by taking the full Dailies and Finishing toolset from SCRATCH (see here) and then you integrate VR into its core.
• Because of the most interactive interface and fastest toolset around, SCRATCH VR is ideal to maintain a true immersive experience during the creative process.
• Output in any format / resolution (h.264/5 up to 8k) to file or directly to FB/YouTube.
SmartDraw 可讓你創造出流程圖、組織圖、時間線圖、表格、圖解、樓層圖、網路等等。它特別適合需要快速方便地做出專業品質圖表的人。
SmartDraw是功能超強的流程圖繪製程式,可製作商業用之組織流程或作業流程外,更可繪製化學實驗公式流程。程式中的連結器具有隨機移動功能,不易斷線。內含多種模型,可直接套用或修改。支援各式圖像格式,如 GIF、JPG、TIF...等。可製作網頁圖形,且不超過 3K。有了這套軟體,就可解決製作流程圖的問題,讓你的檔更具有可看性。
流程圖的類型選項有:一般流程圖、組織圖、樹形圖、網路圖、區塊圖、工程用流程圖、平面圖、甘蔗圖、表格、地圖、卡片和其他等等的類型, 只要先選擇你要設計流程圖的類型,SmartDraw 會依你選擇的類型,開啟不同的工具列選項。
可在 Office 的任一軟體中插入 SmartDraw 的物件。
SmartDraw is the World's First Visual ProcessorTM
Generate Reports from Jira Data for Scaled Agile
SmartDraw can now generate reports using your Jira data including:
» Blocking Issue Report
» Epic Dependency Report
» PI Board
» Product Roadmap
These reports will let you connect requirements and dependencies, gain actionable insights, allocate resources more efficiently, and deliver what customers and stakeholders want faster at scale.
Blocking Issue Report
Easily see and understand dependencies in your product development effort. This report will let you see potential bottlenecks that could be slowing down your team at the issue level.
Epic Dependency Report
The epic dependency report will show you all the issues and their dependencies for a single Epic. This report allows organizations to see what is blocking the Epic's stories from being completed as planned.
PI Board
Generate a program increment planning board from your Jira data without any manual whiteboard work. The PI board will give management visibility into dependencies and highlights potential risks to delivering a project on time. SmartDraw's PI Board will scale across multiple teams and projects easily to give your team the insights they need.
Product Roadmap
The new product roadmap is the perfect reporting tool if you have executives and managers who are not comfortable digging around Jira, but still need to know which teams are working on what features.
Product owners can use the roadmap to report on when new features and functionality will ship.
StarUML 是一套精緻的 UML 繪圖軟體。完整支持 UML2.x以上,具備繪圖嚮導與偵錯功能,在眾多圖表與物件中可快速檢索,具設計感而親切的彩色圖示介面,讓您的UML繪圖最正確、最方便。
StarUML與UML2.x以上相容,並且支持整整11種UML圖表:Class, Object, Use Case, Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Sequence, Communication, Statechart, Activity, Profile Diagram。
製作圖表時需個別建立元件並將其連結,過程繁瑣而費時。StarUML中的Quick Edit精靈提供許多智慧型速記,輔助您快速建立sub-classes、支援介面等等。
Support Mindmap Diagram
Support C4 Architecture
Support UI Wireframe PRO
Support BPMN PRO
Support AWS Architecture PRO
Support GCP Architecture PRO
Support SysML PRO
Resolved Issues
SVG icons are not rendered in PDF export #317
Enhance cursors for edges #303
Open a diagram inside a particular element #288
Support collapse/expand all in Model Explorer #314
Allow alpha value and transparent color #316
Add text by double click on blank area of diagram #310
Fill NodeLabel and EdgeLabel's background with fillColor #289
Paste view elements on the center of viewport #309
Allow zoom in/out at screen center #315
The grid is not scaled or scrolled with zoom and origin #299
Fix QuickEdit position #313
Prevent ordering associationEnd #302
Prevent bring-to-front and send-to-back on sub views not directly contained in diagram #293
Undo not work for moving NodeLabelView (e.g. UMLPortView) #292
Eliminate indentation spaces in .mdj files (reduce file size) #284
Exported diagram images clipped edge labels #295
Use svgcanvas instead of canvas2svg.js #305
Allow drag and drop image files on diagram #307
Allow insert SVG images #306
Hyperlink to diagram should select and open the diagram #300
think-cell chart-是PowerPoint 的加載項,可直接從Excel數據中創建專業的商業圖表
在Microsoft PowerPoint 中創建數據驅動的圖表是艱苦和繁瑣的,經常使用的圖形元素都未整合至圖表中,標籤的自動化配置不起作用,一些圖表類型根本無法使用,這將導致大量的手工工作與無窮無盡的圖形元素調整。
think-cell chart 解決了此問題,他是一個功能強大的圖表軟體,能無縫集成 PowerPoint ,且能被單獨自訂,加強了公司的企業設計。用最少的人工調整,得到準確、精心的配置布局,以符合標準的圖表。此外,有了think-cell chart 甚至能讓偶爾使用的客戶創建或改變圖表的速度,比任何未使用此產品的PowerPoint 專家快三到五倍。
Another problem in PowerPoint charting is inconsistencies because of copied Excel data or broken data links. Once your data is visualized in PowerPoint, you often need additional lines and labels on your chart, and where to put them depends on the underlying data. When the data changes, all these decorations end up being in the wrong place. think-cell chart maintains all data links to Excel and moves all chart features for you when data changes. This tight integration fosters consistency and thereby prevents errors.
think-cell round-是一個Excel加載項,以一貫四捨五入的數字,甚至可跨越複雜的計算
When data is compiled for a report or PowerPoint presentation rounding summations in Excel is a frequent problem. It is often desirable but difficult to achieve that rounded totals match the total of the rounded addends. think-cell round solves this problem in an automated and easy-to-use way.
think-cell layout
- PowerPoint 的專利加載項,可快速撰寫幻燈片版式的標準元素
有了think-cell layout將可解決此問題,其革命性的智慧電網用戶介面,會為你提供演示元素的資料庫,完全匹配專業演示文稿的需求。你只需將這些元素拉進幻燈片中,並將其卡入適合的網格中,所有的元素會自動根據內容調整其大小和位置,但它們仍保持你所定義的布局。
Our objective with think-cell layout is to allow you to create a slide as quickly as sketching it on paper. This is a very ambitious task. Therefore, the smart-grid user interface of think-cell layout is still under development. Nevertheless, you can already use our powerful agenda component and further presentation tools as part of the think-cell presentation
think-cell 在設計時已考慮到無需嚴格的規則
完全集成到Microsoft Office用戶環境
與所有Microsoft Office檔案格式完全兼容
您可以在PowerPoint 中根據Excel 中的數據范圍創建鏈接的數據表。
在Excel 中,僅選擇系列標籤和數字
在Excel中,從think-cell's 元素按鈕選擇...