OrgChart JS 使開發人員可以創建簡單,靈活且高度可定制的組織結構圖,以簡捷的方式呈現結構數據。專為使用HTML5、CSS和JavaScript 製作整潔的組織結構圖而設計的。使用服務器端組件,開發人員可實現一個特別製作的編輯界面。
- Edit Form
- Expand Collapse
- Mixed Hierarchy
- Assistant
- Scroll Bars
- Zoom
- Drag and drop
- Exporting
- Node Customization
- Search
- Lazy Loading
OrgChart JS 是管理者用來幫助說明角色和組織層次結構的視覺化工具。無論你是一個企業,非營利組織,還是政府機構,一個圖表可以幫助你的員工瞭解指揮鏈,清楚地知道哪些人向哪個管理者彙報。有了一張準確的圖表,你就可以製定發展戰略,分配新的項目。一個清晰的組織結構圖可以幫助你找出工作效率低的地方。
OrgChart JS 特點是能夠構建各種復雜的組織結構圖。組織結構圖可展示一個組織的層次結構。或顯示一個公司、業務或項目團隊的結構。OrgChart JS可使用導出服務將用戶的圖表/圖導出為CSV或SVG。
OrgChart JS organization chart supports the following features:
- Grouping – Putting multiple nodes into one box saves a considerable amount of space compared with assigning each node their own box. For example, if you have two employees at the same level you can group them.
- Assistant nodes - Assistants are child nodes that have a different relationship with the parent node. They are laid out in a dedicated part of the tree.
- Expand/Collapse - When you’re working on a big, complicated OrgChart, you can collapse everything except the part you want to focus on.
- Search - In case Organization Chart get too big, a built-in search field allows users to search and highlight nodes.
- Performance – Support thousands of nodes without any performance impact.
- Multi-format exports - OrgChart JS can export data to PDF, PNG, SVG and CSV.
Single website | Unlimited websites or SaaS | OEM |
» One authorized Internet or Intranet website domain or IP address » One year access to major versions » One year Professional support » Export Server on-premises » 72 hour response time » Unlimited incidents per year » Perpetual license - one-time payment and use the software forever |
» Unlimited authorized Internet or Intranet website domains or IP addresses » One year access to major versions » One year Premium support » Export Server on-premises » 24 hour response time » Unlimited incidents per year » Phone assistance » Remote web assistance » Source Code » Perpetual license - one-time payment and use the software forever |
» Choose this license if you are bundling Org Chart JS with hardware and/or software solutions designed to be hosted or operated by your clients » This license allows you to distribute Org Chart JS in your software or hardware product » All Premium license privileges apply here. |
OrgChart JS runs on any server that supports HTML. You can even run OrgChart.js locally from a filesystem.
OrgChart JS does not depend on any third party JavaScript library.
OrgChart JS works in all modern browsers and uses SVG for the graphics rendering.