Dataedo 快速產生資料庫文件
Dataedo 是一款功能強大的 SQL Server、Oracle 及 MySQL 資料庫自動化文件產生工具。 它使您能夠建立資料庫字典(描述所有資料元素),在您的資料庫中建立實體關係圖或文檔存儲過程和函數。
Dataedo 資料庫文件產生工具是 Windows 應用程式,它連接到現有資料庫並導入模式,然後使用者可以提供描述並將文件匯出為 PDF、HTML 或 Excel 格式檔案。
使用 Dataedot 自動化產製資料庫文件的主要流程如下:
Import schema from database
Describe database elements
Export documentation (to PDF or HTML) (optional:)
Update documentation when database schema changed
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HelpNDoc 是一套強大而容易使用的說明文檔撰寫軟體。使用 HelpNDoc 單一平台,便可享用便捷的圖文、網頁編輯器功能,同時輸出成不同的格式:包括可立即發佈的 HTML 網頁檔封裝、Windows 說明文檔 CHM、高相容性可隨處閱讀列印的 PDF 檔、以及可編輯共享的傳統 word 格式、閱覽用epub電子書檔、以及跨作業平台的 Qt Help 檔。
HelpNDoc 具備了所有撰寫完整說明文檔、使用手冊、技術文件、以及電子書籍所需的工具,並巧妙的整合成對使用者友善而容易使用的環境。
各種功能可折疊或隱藏、自訂您的工作選單,將 Word 的編輯排版功能、HTML 原始碼編輯整合在一起。
HelpNDoc 的樣版系統囊括各大平台,可以直接產生iPhone、iPad、Amazon Kindle 閱覽用文件或網站,您不需要自己另外調整,直接選擇內建樣版,不但可完整保留所有目錄階層、圖片,還可自行選擇封面與紙張樣式,增進閱讀體驗。
New project starter kits to help bootstrap a new documentation project's hierarchical structure based on best practices. Includes the following starter kits: API documentation, Cooking recipes, Mobile app, Software documentation
It is now possible to filter topics in the table of contents by status (e.g. complete, in progress...) and visibility (e.g. visible, hidden, hidden from table of contents)
Table of contents panel now has an optional toolbar to conveniently access some common table of contents related actions
Redesigned new project dialog for faster and easier creating of the initial table of contents thanks to a toolbar showing available actions
New YAML automatic syntax highlighter
Script editor now optionally indents / decreases indents for all selected lines when the TAB or SHIFT-TAB keyboard shortcuts are pressed
Script editor now optionally highlights matching brackets
Panels such as as the table of contents, library and keywords now update their caption to mention if they are currently filtered
Library item analyzer's "Select similar items" action didn't always select all similar items
Improved grid sorting application-wide: all grid columns now use case insensitive sorting
Script editor didn't respect any updated options until the application was restarted
Optimized speed for loading and operating main form and table of contents panel
Speed up the opening of the topics status popup menu
The "Delete" button was flickering in the status management window under certain conditions