Active@ KillDisk 是一款功能強大的強力清除磁碟資料軟體。
壞軌或已經無法使用的硬碟該怎麼處理?低階格式化 (Low Level Format)、消磁、將資料碟片鑽洞…等方式,這些方式雖然可行,但能不能真的將資料完整乾淨的清除呢?例如經過低階格式化的硬碟處理時間過長且仍然有方式可以復原資料、將硬碟進行消磁作業雖然可以確保資料復原機率極低但是費用卻太昂貴。有沒有簡單又快速的方式能將壞軌或無法使用的硬碟中資料清除乾淨呢?
Active KillDisk 就是專門為了清除儲存裝置 (例如 硬碟、USB、Floppy) 中資料銷毀而設計,它支援了20種資料銷毀安全標準技術 (例如 美國國防部的 DOD 5220.22-M 資料清除與銷毀標準),和FAT32,NTFS等各種常用硬碟分區格式,以及DOS,Winxp,Linux等各種主流作業系統,徹底排除硬碟檔案重複浪費空間的可能!
Complete sanitation
Disk Erase (complete all disk's surface sanitation) for HDD, SSD & USB disks
International erase standards
Support for 24 international erase methods, including US DoD 5220.22 M
Parallel erasing
Simultaneously erase of multiple disks at the same time
Various comfirmation
Supports verification, PDF Certificates & XML exports, emailing results, reports customization
Disk Wipe sanitation
Sanitation of unused clusters on live volumes for most file systems
Variable sticky labels
Prints customizable Sticky Labels in different formats for HDDs/SSDs
Automatic Mode for hot-swappable disks
Automatic Mode allows to discover and erase hot-swappable disks automatically
Full access to non-bootable PC
Ability to start from Bootable CD/DVD or LiveUSB and erase disks on any PC
Monitor PC health status
Displays and monitors health status for all disks based on a S.M.A.R.T. info
Support 32-bit PC architecture (x86)
Support for legacy 32-bit PC architecture (x86) to run on
Secure PDF certificates
Digitally signed PDF certificate with optional encryption and visual signature presentation
Resume Erase
Resume Disk erase action to continue interrupted disk erase due to disk malfunction or errors
DymaxIO 是快速數據軟體。它是最具成本效益、最易和不可或缺的解決方案,可提高輸送量並加快 I/O 性能,因此系統和應用程式以最高速度運行。DymaxIO 利用 AI(人工智慧)來檢測和部署適用於精確單個系統的適當性能增強技術,以便組織可以在硬體上不超支的情況下提高性能。
DymaxIO消除了Widows環境中的兩個大的I/O效率低下問題,這兩個問題至少會產生30-40%的雜訊I/O流量,從而導致性能和可靠性問題。通過安裝 DymaxIO,企業可以期望在MS-SQL工作負載、Oracle、ERP、VDI、EHR(MEDITECH)、商業智慧(BI)應用程式、CRM、Exchange、SharePoint、檔案伺服器、備份等方面立即提高效能。
Condusiv 保證您將比使用 DymaxIO 的系統獲得更好的性能。如果你想要快速的數據,你想要DymaxIO。無需新硬體,無需重新啟動
I/O Inefficiencies that Rob Performance
There are 2 severe I/O inefficiencies that cause performance and reliability problems.
First, is caused by the behavior of the Windows file system. It will tend to break up writes into separate storage I/Os and send each I/O packet down to the storage layer separately and this causes I/O characteristics that are much smaller, more fractured, more random than they need to be.
Second is storage IO contention, also known as the I/O Blender Effect, which happens when you have multiple systems all sharing the same storage resource, such as multiple VMs all sending small, random I/Os down through the same hypervisor.
Your performance is penalized twice by these storage I/O inefficiencies causing systems to process workloads about 50% slower than they should.
DymaxIO dynamically accelerates data for maximum I/O performance. By solving I/O inefficiencies at the source, DymaxIO
Proactive and Efficient Server Performance Optimization
DymaxIO contains thin file system drivers, that installs (no reboot required) on Windows VMs or physical servers and performs optimizations inline automatically while running transparently in the background with near-zero overhead to the server. What little CPU cycles are needed to run at lowest priority so as not to interfere with server operations in the event that CPU cycles are needed by other applications or processes.
DymaxIO contains a suite of patented technologies that optimize the Windows Storage I/O subsystem so that applications can get to and from the storage layer much faster and process a lot more data.
Some organizations may react to performance challenges by throwing expensive new hardware at the problem. Overbuying and overprovisioning for more IOPS or data throughput might mask the underlying problem for a while, but it does not solve the root cause of performance issues. The quickest, most inexpensive, and least disruptive approach to more performance is simply installing DymaxIO fast data software on all of your Windows systems and watching performance problems disappear.
Keep your Windows systems running better than new with DymaxIO fast data software
• Delivers accelerated I/O performance for Windows systems whether physical, virtual, or in the cloud...
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
Windows 電腦、筆記型電腦、硬碟、USB 適用的資料救援軟體。方便、好用的工具協助您從各種檔案丟失情境中(比如格式化、病毒攻擊、意外刪除檔案、裝置斷電...)還原丟失的檔案
EaseUS 開發一系列的資料救援工具協助您解決從最簡單的意外刪除到複雜的資料丟失困境。
無論何種原因導致檔案遺失或丟失檔案原本所在位置在哪都不是問題。EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 可以從 HDD、SSD、SD 卡、記憶卡、USB 隨身碟等儲存裝置上救回因為格式化、意外刪除、硬碟故障、系統崩潰、病毒攻擊丟失的檔案。
EaseUS 進階資料救援算法支援恢復 1000 多種不同類型檔案,包括文件、照片、影片、音樂、電子郵件、程序文件、資料庫文件和 ZIP 文件。
EaseUS 至今擁有超過 10 年的研發經驗並曾幫助數百萬用戶找回丟失的資料,在業界擁有相當知名度。同時,知名權威網站推薦 EaseUS 作為可靠、有效的資料救援方案。
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac
一款可靠的 Mac 資料救援軟體用於掃描硬碟、外接硬碟、融合硬碟、USB、相機、記憶卡或其他儲存裝置以找回裝置上刪除的檔案。
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac 功能
Mac 資料救援軟體替您輕鬆反刪除檔案!
三個步驟從 Mac 硬碟及其他可卸除式裝置救回刪除的檔案。首先,啟動軟體。接著掃描找到丟失的資料。最後,預覽找到的檔案並執行恢復。
輕鬆恢復 MacBook、iMac、硬碟、記憶卡、USB 隨身碟、相機、影片播放器上丟失的資料。支援 HFS、HFS+、FAT、NTFS 或 ExFAT 檔案系統。
安裝 EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 建議高於以下硬體規格:
檔案系統: FAT(FAT12, FAT16, FAT32), exFAT, NTFS, NTFS5, ext2, ext3, HFS+
CPU:x86 以上、500 MB以上
RAM:128 MB以上
可用磁碟空間:32 MB以上
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 可以在以下作業系統上運行:
Windows 11/10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Windows Server:
Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 支援以下裝置:
儲存裝置已經是人們不可或缺的東西,尤其硬碟是我們存放資料最多的地方,雖然有記憶卡、SSD等設備,但是硬碟還是最必要的,那硬碟的健康及運作情況是不容忽視的,所以有效的監控及處理,可以避免一些慘劇發生,Hard Disk Sentinel就可以幫你避免這些事情,完整仔細的監控,支援IDE / Serial ATA (S-ATA) / SCSI / SAS / USB merevlemezeket,連伺服器的Raid也支援喔。
Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel)是一個多操作系統的SSD和HDD監控和分析軟體。他的目標是要尋找、測試、診斷和修復硬碟驅動器的問題、報告和顯示SSD和HDD狀態。Hard Disk Sentinel提供了完整的文字說明、提示和顯示/報告電腦內的硬碟和外接盒 (USB hard disks / e-SATA hard disks)最全面的資訊,不同的警報和報告都是為了要確保數據資料的安全性。
Hard Disk Sentinel介面如下,清楚分出有多少顆硬碟,有多少分割區,並對每顆硬碟做監控。預設語言為英文,應該很多人不習慣,不過別擔心,Hard Disk Sentinel是支援多國語言的。
Mediafour Corporation 公司的MacDrive可以讓您在Windows系統直接讀取硬碟裡的Mac格式磁碟或光碟機等相關資料,讓此兩種系統可以存取一樣的資料,方便使用者在不同的作業環境下也能更輕鬆的處理日常工作。 一旦你使用過MacDrive,您將會因為之後不能再安裝它而感到煩悶。由於MacDrive能夠解決Windows PC在Mac disks被忽略、不能被使用的問題。MacDrive幫助Mac disk運轉並且如同正常的Windows一樣出現。您能拖曳檔案並且去複製您需要的文件,或者雙擊從Mac disks直接打開資料。MacDrive可以跟任何檔案類型合作,包括hard drives, CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, floppies, iPods, flash drives, Zip, Jaz, MO, DMG virtual disk files等。
透過在 Windows PC 上安裝 OWC MacDrive,您可以使其變得「Mac 感知」並且可以輕鬆存取 Mac 格式的驅動器。沒有什麼可以啟動或學習的。MacDrive 11 Standard 允許使用者簡單地將 Mac 格式的磁碟機連接到您的 PC,它的行為就像系統上的任何其他磁碟一樣。您將能夠讀取和寫入幾乎所有硬碟、SSD、CD、DVD 等。您甚至可以使用 MacDrive 11 Pro 存取 SoftRAID 以及 Apple RAID 0 和 RAID 1 磁碟區。
這太簡單了,您甚至會忘記 MacDrive 的存在。
What’s New in MacDrive 11?
Introducing Full APFS Support
OWC MacDrive has been the industry leader for accessing Mac disks in Windows for over 25 years. With the introduction of MacDrive 11, we’re excited to bring full support for Apple’s new file system APFS to Windows.
MacDrive’s support for APFS is unmatched. You get more speed, features, and protection than any other solution. MacDrive provides full read and write support, APFS crash protection, multi-volume APFS disks, APFS formatting, and much, much more.
New APFS Features
Full read and write support for APFS volumes
APFS crash protection
Supports multi-volume APFS disks
Mount any snapshot on APFS volumes
APFS formatting
Read/write duplicated APFS file
Read/write files that are included in snapshots