GUI Design Studio 簡介
GUI Design Studio 是一款無需編碼、拖放式使用者界面設計(User Interface)軟體,亦適用Web、Desktop、手機與嵌入式軟體應用程式的原型設計工具。
GUI Design Studio適用的用戶
NEW: 新版增加模版、自定義元素、並提升工作流程檔案數值與條件內容面板間的互動。
Step 1: Turn Ideas Into Visuals
So you've got a rough understanding of your application's requirements. Ideas are forming in your head. Now it's time to get them down in the form of screen or web page visuals.
Start a new project and create some designs. With each design file, GUI Design Studio gives you a big canvas to work with. Really big. And because of the unique way it uses what's on the canvas, you can decide what's important and what's just a passing thought to hang onto for later. Push different ideas into the margins and mix them around. Or use them as a new train of thought in a quickly duplicated version of a design.
Step 2: Add User Interactions
The closer you are to a working application, the more insight you'll get into how well it meets requirements.
Static mockups are a great start but they don't tell the whole story. User flow is important in an application, so you also want to describe what happens on each screen and explore their relationships.
How do you get from A to B?
What happens when you press this button or that button?
Sometimes it's obvious. Sometimes it's not.
What are the different states a screen can be in? What do they look like?
You want to communicate these ideas in a manner that's quick to grasp and easy to understand.
Step 3: Test Your Prototype
With one click you can instantly test the design you're currently working on or run the whole project prototype from your designated starting point.
No coding and no waiting for compilation.
This makes the turnaround between design and testing extremely fast for maximum productivity. Make a small tweak to your design and test it instantly.
Only when you test with a working mockup do you uncover all the hidden questions that are lurking behind your design...
Does the structure and flow make sense?
What happens in this case or that case?
What's missing?
What can I leav...
uniGui 是基於Delphi的一套開發Web應用的UI框架,前端使用的是ExtJS
uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve. uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.
Based on industry's most advanced JavaScript library Sencha Ext JS. (Current version is Ext JS 7.5.1)
Includes OEM license for Sencha Ext JS. (Please see licensing for details).
A unique platform to create stateful web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms, frames and handling data modules.
Advanced support for scripting client side JavaScript events.
Library core is fully optimized to achieve highest level of scalability.
Including advanced Stress Test Tool utility.
Comes with various deployment options: ISAPI Module, Standalone Server, Windows Service and Native Apache 2.4 Module (Windows & Linux).
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6, XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2.3 Tokyo, 10.3.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11.3 Alexandria and 12.0 Athens (Win32, Win64 and Linux64 platforms). (Linux support is available for Delphi 10.3 and later)
C++ Builder supported. ( See installation instructions for more details on C++ Builder support )
Supported Browsers: IE 9+, Microsoft Edge, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera
New state-of-the-art uniGUI HyperServer technology.