dhtmlxSuite 是一個 JavaScript 庫,提供完整的 Ajax - 驅動UI組件。使用者能使用dhtmlxSuite開發出簡潔介面、快速性能和豐富用戶體驗的企業級web應用程式。
由於我們的尖端和功能齊全的JavaScript UI框架,您可以節省創建和維護業務應用程式的時間。無需從頭開發應用程式,使用現成的解決方案。
擁有良好而生動的JavaScript / HTML5 UI組件使用示例是成功的一半。您可以瀏覽它們,獲取源代碼並了解UI組件如何表現和相互交互
詳細的技術文檔將指導您使用我們的JavaScript / HTML5 UI框架的所有方面。DHTMLX技術專家將幫助您深入了解Web UI組件功能並將您的想法轉化為現實。
由於簡單的集成和較短的學習曲線,您將能夠在短時間內開發全功能的Web應用程式。立即開始使用我們的JavaScript / HTML5 UI小部件,並在幾分鐘內顯示您的第一批結果。
dhtmlxSuite 多種實用UI組件
dhtmlxSuite 熱門組件
DHTMLX是一全功能的完整JavaScript UI庫,提供使用者快速建構Ajax-based web UI,強大的跨瀏覽器開發,包括 Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer 8+、Firefox 0.9+、Safari 2.0+、Chrome以及 Opera 9.0+。
豐富的的JavaScript UI 組件
DHTMLX套件包括20多個專業設計、定製的UI組件和小部件,滿足所有Web應用程式的需求。不管你是否需要一個強大的JavaScript datagrid,自動完成組合框或時下流行的 HTML5圖表,DHTMLX都能實現。
dhtmlxDataStore 為web應用程式提供全面的的DHTMLX組件庫,您可以在不同的組件中顯示相同的數據,如datagrid,樹,表單,或下拉框。所有的數據操作(如添加、刪除過濾)可以通過數據存儲處理,允許使用者將更改應用於所有相關的UI組件。
DHTMLX可以在任何伺服器端技術使用,唯一的要求是一個合適的數據格式填充組件(XML、JSON SCV,等等)。 為了簡化與伺服器端集成,我們為PHP,ASP。ASP.NET、Java和ColdFusion提供連接器。DHTMLX也可以使用node.js 啟用實時更新在您的應用程式。
視覺設計工具提供了一種簡單的方式來用DHTMLX UI部件,無需編寫語法來實現應用程式的用戶介面。這是富客戶端dhtmlx庫非常好的一個工作方式。
Individual | Commercial | Enterprise | Ultimate | |
License Terms | Read License Agreement | Read License Agreement | Read License Agreement | Read License Agreement |
Projects to use in | 1 | 1 | 5 | ∞ |
Use in SaaS products (unlimited end-users) | ─ | Upon request for a fee | V | V |
Developers | 1 | 5 | 20 | ∞ |
Source code | V | V | V | V |
Distribution rights | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual |
Support Plan | Standard | Premium | Premium | Ultimate |
Time Period | 1 year | 1 year | 1 year | 1 year |
Updates | Major, minor, and maintenance updates | Major, minor, and maintenance updates | Major, minor, and maintenance updates | Major, minor, and maintenance updates Priority queue for bug fixing |
Support requests | 10 | 30 | 50 | ∞ |
Response time | 72h | 48h | 48h | 24h |
Edition | Pro | Pro | Pro | Pro |
Multiple Gantt/Scheduler instances on a page | ─ | V | V | V |
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark | Free for 1 year | Free for 1 year | Free for 1 year | Free for 3 years |
Free local export module to PDF/PNG | ─ | V | V | V |
Free local export module to MS Project | ─ | ─ | V | V |
Free local export module to Excel | ─ | ─ | V | V |
Free Node.js Gantt server module | ─ | ─ | ─ | V |
DHTMLX Bundle Offers
Planning to use several DHTMLX products? Here are the most popular combinations at most reasonable prices. Choose your license type and a set of UI components.
每個 Bundle 都有提供三種版本 Individual / Commercial / Enterprise / Ultimate
DHTMLX Complete Pack | DHTMLX Advanced Pack | DHTMLX Scheduling Pack | DHTMLX Planning Pack |
Suite Pivot Scheduler Vault Kanban Diagram Spreadsheet Gantt Event Calendar Rich Text Editor To Do List |
Suite Gantt Scheduler |
Gantt Scheduler Kanban To Do List Event Calendar |
Gantt Scheduler Event Calendar |
dhtmlxSpreadsheet 基於Ajax Web的電子表格
dhtmlxSpreadsheet is an open source spreadsheet widget written in JavaScript and PHP that allows you to quickly add an Excel-like, editable data table on a web page. It is also available as a plugin for WP, Joomla, etc.
- Easy to setup
- Intuitive Excel-like interface
- Keyboard navigation and shortcuts
- Copy/paste cells from/to clipboard
- Math formulas
- Data validation in cells
dhtmlxScheduler 日曆
dhtmlxScheduler is a Google like JS event calendar with a wide range of views and features. It has a clean UI and customizable appearance.
- Wide range of powerful features that are essential for event calendar users.
- dhtmlxScheduler has an extensive JavaScript API that gives you full control over the calendar's look and feel.
- Online export service that allows you to export your calendar to PDF or PNG formats and print it.
dhtmlx Scheduler .NET 日曆
DHTMLX Scheduler .NET provides simple drag-and-drop user experience and intuitive interface, allowing you to quickly
add an Ajax-enabled, interactive event/booking calendar or car rental to your ASP.NET apps.
dhtmlxGantt 甘特圖製作
- Easy customization that provides you the ability to change tasks view based on your needs.
- The component has simple API that provides a short learning curve.
- The ability to print a full-sized gantt chart in PDF, PNG, Excel, CSV and MS Project.
dhtmlxPivot JavaScript Pivot Table
- High performance that allows working with large amount of data.
- Sorting and filtering features help you to manage data and display the needed info in seconds.
- Fully configurable elements of a pivot table let you simply modify its look and feel.
dhtmlxDiagram JavaScript Diagram
- Build numerous types of diagrams like org charts, flowcharts, decision trees, block diagrams and plenty of others to visualize data in a hierarchical structure.
- Just a few steps to integrate the diagram into your solution and use with any server-side platform.
- Customize look and behavior of the component with ease and let end users edit diagrams on the fly in the edit mode.edit mode.