Powerful eLearning Authoring Software
ActivePresenter includes all the tools needed to record screen, annotate, edit screencast videos and create interactive eLearning contents in HTML5
Screen Recording
Software Guides
Video Editing
eLearning Games
Software Simulation
Quiz Building
All My Movies 是一個電影收藏管理軟體,用於建立由Bolide Software開發的媒體收藏(藍光光碟,DVD,VHS錄像帶等)的個人數據庫。
Catalogue your movie collection with virtually no typing.
Automatically gather information from online sources (lookup IMDb and a dozen of other sources).
Organize all of your movies across all of your drives.
Store extended cast info; actor's photo, biography, etc.
Track your collection through detailed statistics.
Add your own journal entries after watching a film.
Become a movie expert!
Includes support for TV Series. Auto-fill episode details from
Play movies directly within AMM (can be used as a video playlist).
Automatically look up actor photos, biographies and filmographies.
Search for movies using different fields (title, director, year, cast, genre, synopsis, etc).
Scan your hard drive for movie files; add them all or a select few in batch mode.
Download large cover images and DVD/Blu-ray posters from online databases.
Capture frames directly from DVDs or AVI files and add them to the movie database.
Add DVD/Blu-ray using UPC/EAN movie barcodes.
Import details automatically from IMDb (and other online movie databases of your choosing). Additional databases available through plug-ins.
Import DVD/Blu-ray catalogues from other formats (CSV, EXCEL, or other movie organizer program) for easy migration.
Export your collection data to PDF, HTML, TEXT, CHM, or EXCEL (templates are available or you can create your own).
Sync your collection with iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android mobile devices.
Browse your collection through a customized table view.
Generate reports about your collection using customized data points.
Access collection statistics through a clear overview of your video inventory.
Print a hard copy of your collection details using the built in report editor.
Network mode, allows you to share your collection database with your home network across multiple computers at a time.
Multilevel automatic backup option.
Password protection.
Generate images with video details for hardware media like Tvix or Dune.
Auto-fill technical details for video files through MediaInfo.DLL support.
For Windows Vista/7/8/10/11
Depthkit Studio 是一種專業的 3D 影像捕捉技術和軟體,用於創建高質量的全像影像。它由 Depthkit 開發,主要用於製作虛擬現實 (VR)、擴增實境 (AR) 和混合實境 (MR) 內容。Depthkit Studio 使用多台攝像機來同步捕捉不同角度的視頻,並將這些視頻數據轉換為 3D 模型和紋理。這使得內容創作者能夠生成逼真的全息圖,適用於各種沉浸式媒體應用。
Depthkit Studio 通常應用於電影製作、遊戲開發、教育培訓、藝術表演等領域,為創作者提供強大的工具來製作高品質的 3D 視覺內容。
Total Video Converter 的影音轉檔工具包括以下強大的功能:
轉換所有影片檔(Convert ALL Videos)
可燒錄的 AVCHD和藍光片(Burn AVCHD & Blu-Ray)
播放全部影片(Play All Videos)
下載影片檔(Download Videos)
編輯影片檔(Edit Video)
錄製桌面(Record Desktop)
製作照片幻燈片(Make Photo Slideshow)
Total Video Converter是款極為強大的、功能齊全的轉換軟體,幾乎支援所有的影音格式。不但可以讓我們開啟數種不同的影音檔案外,還可以轉換成數種不同的影音 檔案。該軟體是專門設計來轉換您的行動影音播放器中的影片,如:3gp、mp4、PSP、PS3、iPod、iPhone等,當然也包含VCD、DVD播 放機與XBOX360。
Total Video Converter 高度相容於RMVB 和RM 格式,可以把各種影片檔轉換成標準的DVD/SVCD/VCD;製作DVD rip。他還可以從各種視頻中抽取背景音,轉換成各種音源格式(mp3、ac3、ogg、wav、aac)。以及將CD的音樂轉換成其他音源檔。
Convert all kinds of videos to mobile videos or audios (mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio) which are used by cell-phone, PDA, PSP, iPod, iPhone, Xbox360, PS3 etc.;
Photos slide show combines multi-photos and musics with more than 300 photos fantasy transition effect;
High compatibility and high efficiency for Importing RMVB or RM video/audio;
Convert various videos to MPEG videos compatible with standard DVD/SVCD/VCD;
Burn the converted videos to DVD/SVCD/VCD;
Rip DVD to popular videos of all sorts;
Extract audio from various of videos and convert which to all kinds of audios (mp3, ac3, ogg, wav, aac);
RIP CD to audios of all sorts directly;
Support using with command line;
Combine several video and audio files to one video file;
Demultiplex or extract video and audio;
Multiplex video and audio to one file;
Flv Nelly Mosser audio extract and decode.
作業系統:Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7
處理器:1GHz Intel/AMD 或更高階處理器
記憶體:256MB RAM (推薦512MB或更高階)
顯卡:VGA (800×600) 解析度、16位顯卡或更高階
Video Formats:
Convert from Real Video Rmvb (.rm,.rmvb)
Convert from MPEG4 (.mp4)
Convert from 3gp (.3gp, 3g2)
Convert from Game Psp (.psp)
Convert from MPEG1 (.mpg, mpeg)
Convert from MPEG2 PS (.mpg, mpeg, vob)
Convert from MPEG2 TS (DVB Transport Stream)
Convert from DIVX (.divx)
Convert from Ms ASF (.asf, .wmv)
Convert from Ms ASF (.asf, .wmv)
Convert from Ms AVI (.avi)
Convert from Macromedia Flash video FLV (.flv)
Convert from Apple Quicktime (.mov)
Convert from FLIC format (.fli, .flc)
Convert from Gif Animation (.gif)
Convert from DV (.dv)
Convert from Matroska (.mkv)
Convert from ogm (.ogm)
Convert from Video Formats Dx9 Directshow can open
Audio Formats:
Convert from CD audio (.cda)
Convert from MPEG audio (.mp3, mp2)
Convert from Ms WAV (.wav)
Convert from Ms WMA (.wma)
Convert from Real Audio (.ra)
Convert from OGG (.ogg)
everpano 3D 是由西班牙團隊開發,隨着krpano1.20版本發佈的一款第三方桌面軟體,有windows、mac、linux三個版本。everpano 3D是專門針對爲 krpano漫遊場景構建三維模型而開發,其輸出模型後的漫遊功能和krpano1.20的Depthmap深度映射技術高度整合,實現了無需立體掃描儀數據的支持下,對krpano全景場景空間進行反向建模並貼圖,就可將krpano的全景Web項目三維化、模型化,同時實現高精度、平滑順暢的前行漫遊效果。
EZ CD Audio Converter • 音軌擷取 • 音樂轉檔 • 光碟燒錄
EZ CD Audio Converter 是個多合一音樂轉換及擷取軟體,提供CD 音軌擷取外,還可以利用它將音樂檔案,轉換成其他格式。同時亦可燒錄音樂及編輯音樂檔的中繼資料。除此之外,EZ CD Audio Converter 還可製作四種不同格式的光碟片,分別是音樂 CD、MP3 CD/DVD、資料光碟以及 DVD 影音光碟。除了從檔案製作成光碟的功能之外,可以將光碟製作成 ISO 光碟影像檔,而若已經擁有光碟影像檔,也可以利用 EZ CD Audio Converter 將光碟影像檔直接燒錄成光碟。
BB FlashBack 是一套功能強大的螢幕錄製軟體,不僅畫面清晰順暢,錄製的方式也快速又簡單。最適合在教學展示、影片宣傳、簡報呈現、指導教學和教育訓練。
安裝完BB FlashBack Express後,你只需點幾下滑鼠就能在幾分鐘內錄製您要的螢幕影像。
執行BB FlashBack程式後,按下Record鍵並正常使用您的PC,任何在您螢幕上的畫面都將被錄製擷取。
使用BB FlashBack的強大編輯功能來增加或編輯文字、影像和聲音到你錄製的螢幕影片。
BB FlashBack提供最常使用的檔案格式:Flash、AVI、WMV、EXE 和 PPT。
Full-Featured Recording
BB FlashBack screen recorder uses a number of different recording technologies to get the best from PCs old and new.Capture online events unattended with scheduled recording. Make notes at record-time and edit them in playback. Record indefinitely and limit the file size by keeping only the last few minutes.
Webcam Recording and Picture-in-Picture Video
將透過網路攝影機的會議展示更具個人風格。BB FlashBack screen recorder可以從網路攝影機中錄製並記錄到你的螢幕上。
將你的教學影片和會議發表內容提升到更高的品質。使用BB FlashBack你可以微調影片、編輯多軌聲音和視頻。刪除和重做的功能讓你可以製作的更完美。