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GMS - Groundwater Modeling System
GMS 是最尖端的和全功能的地下水模擬軟體,數以千計的人在全世界90多個國家使用在政府機關、私人公司和國際站點等,它已被證明是一個有效率的和令人興奮的模擬系統。
GMS提供每一個階段的地下水模擬功能,包括工地的表徵模型開發、校準以及後置處理和可視化。GMS也提供在二維和三維的有限微分和有限元素法模型包括MODFLOW 2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS/RT3D, SEAM3D, ART3D, UTCHEM, FEMWATER, PEST, UCODE, MODAEM 和 SEEP2D。不論你需要哪些模擬功能,GMS都能滿足你。
3D visualization optimized for performance
GMS is the most advanced software system available for performing groundwater simulations in a three-dimensional environment.
Interact with models in true 3D
Optimized OpenGL graphics for improved hardware rendering
Create photo-realistic renderings
Generate animations for PowerPoint or web presentations
Drape images over the model and control the opacity
Annotations – Add north arrows, scale bars, reference images, company logos, and more
Import a variety of data formats & imagery
Models require data from many different sources. That’s why GMS is built to easily import numerous file types:
Raster images including georeference and projection support
Topographical maps & elevation data
Borehole data including stratigraphy and geophysical data
Native MODFLOW files
MODFLOW files from Visual MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas and PM Win
Web data services such as TerraServer
ArcGIS geodatabases and shapefiles
CAD files including .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf formats
Worldwide projection support including Cartesian and Geographic Systems
File Import wizard for delimited text files and spreadsheets
Advanced subsurface characterization
From cross-section editing to advanced probability statistics, GMS offers unparalleled subsurface modeling tools.
Generate iso-surfaces from 3D data to visualize plumes
Cut cross-sections anywhere through 3D data
2D & 3D geostatistics – Kriging, IDW and Natural Neighbor
Robust and fast algorithms to create solids from horizons
GMS 10.8 System Requirements
► Operating System: Windows 11
► RAM: 16GB or more recommended
► CPU: GMS software is CPU intensive. Some models and utilities integrated with GMS can take advantage of multiple processor cores simultaneously. We recommend the fastest CPU your budget allows.
► Storage: Recommended storage amount will vary depending on individual data requirements. Latest versions of GMS are very disk I/O intensive.
- Mechanical hard drive: Basic performance
- SATA solid state drive: Better performance
- NVMe solid state drive: Best performance
► Graphics: A dedicated graphics card is better than integrated graphics. A basic or mid-range nVidia card designed for gaming works...
ASC XCalibre 項目反應理論(IRT)分析軟體
Xcalibre 在對評估數據進行項目反應理論(IRT)分析的軟體中居於領先地位。Xcalibre 使用4個二分(dichotomous)和5個多分類(polytomous) IRT模型來調整您的檢驗,並可以產生專業匯總分析報告,包括內嵌圖形和表格來幫助數據解釋。Xcalibre 4是目前最綜合的IRT軟體,完全不需要執行DOS命令!
XCALIBRE 使用邊際最大概似法估計項目參數(Item parameter estimation),此法的優點是可以改進當測試的數目很少時或短缺時。XCALIBRE依然可以估計2-3參數IRT模型,非常適合大量且有希疏性的不完整資料估計。
Xcalibre 4 licenses are determined by the use of the program:
Student research license - Proof of student status required.
Academic - The program will be used at an accredited college or university for research or teaching purposes only.
Government/Non-profit - The program will be used at a governmental or a non-profit organization, or by a school district or college or university for analyzing the data from its testing programs. The use of the program must also be non-profit; that is, if the organization is non-profit but conducts consulting activities for other organizations, the use is commercial.
Commercial - The program will be used for commercial purposes, for example, in the course of consulting in test development and psychometrics.
3D幾何教學到現在為止仍是相當困難。複雜的設計與模型,在構想時是相當困難且費時。Cabri 3D將會是您唯一的解決方案,透過使用Cabri 3D,您可以更快掌握幾何構造觀察和操控各種3D空間圖形如直線、平面、圓錐、球體、稜錐…等。Cabri 3D可以創建簡單與複雜的各種動態幾何結構,擁有cabri 3D,就等於擁有了助人學習解答幾何與數學問題的非凡工具。
應用 cabri 3D,可以容易的做出線與面的垂線,線段的中垂面,一個角的角平分面,圓柱,圓錐,球,稜錐,稜柱,多面體(當然包含正正多面體),也就是常用的幾何對象。
當然,還可以對這些對象進行變換,測量,跟蹤等。而且可以做出幾何體與面的交線,比如,圓柱與平面的交線等,正是有了以上基本構件,才得以實現cabri 3D可以完成任意幾何體的制作,而且可以把幾何體表面展開,用打印機打出來,來完成實物模型。當然,更吸引人的,是cabri 3D由於採用了open GL技術,表示立體立體幾何圖形的三維效果,確實令人震撼。
動態幾何的新創舉,第一套實現使用者希望能像GSP或Cabri Geometery II以尺規作圖並拖動幾何物件,而且操作介面非常容易的的動態立體幾何軟體。
過去在GSP或Cabri Geometry II的環境中,想要畫個立體圖形,可是要耗費許多功夫,如果要研究幾個立體幾何物體的關系或模式,那就更困難了,如今Cabri 3D提供了一些基本物件:點、線、面(廣義角度來看這些物件)與一些立體圖形,以及一些關系,如對稱等。如今我們可以聚焦在立體幾何物體間的關系或是某些物件所呈現的模式,如果對照GSP與Cabri Geometery II為平面歐氏幾何(甚至是非歐)所注入的活力,我們當然可以期待Cabri 3D為立體歐氏幾何開拓新的研究領域!
Cabri 3D在中學數學的應用 節錄至台北市立華江中學網站
Cabri 3D圖形簡介 節錄至清大數學系網站
System requirements
To use Cabri 3D, users must have a computer with the following minimum requirement:
Cabri 3Dv2.1 Windows requires Win XP, Vista, 7 or higher
Recommended: OpenGL compatible graphics card with 64MB RAM or more Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
CANTAB Connect Research 認知心理學術研究軟體
The gold standard in cognitive assessment
Conducting high impact cognitive research can be challenging and complex.
CANTAB Connect Research is the world’s most validated, precise and reliable research software providing sensitive digital measures of cognitive function for all areas of brain research. Delivering leading neuroscience through our secure cloud platform, CANTAB Connect Research is an efficient and easy-to-use system providing insights into behaviours, underlying brain circuits and neurochemical systems and measurement of digital cognitive biomarkers.
CANTAB Connect Research 優勢
關於 CANTAB 技術:CANTAB 測試相當簡單:電腦化、非語言測試和文化上中立