MedModel 比起其他模擬軟體,是款功能強大且基於Windows,將所有類型和規模的衛生保健系統可視化、分析和優化的仿真工具。這是一個專門為醫院、診所和實驗室在設計、評估、規劃、設計/重新設計的流程、程序和政策時,提供預測的分析工具。在一個訓練有素、經驗豐富的分析師手中,MedModel模型可用於測試各種方案。可以監看並記錄,在任何被設計出來的事物之間的改變。這種技術提供的靈活性和易於使用,以及完整的模擬幾乎任何情況下可以完美預測,以及做出完整的評估。
Typical applications of MedModel include:
Department specific productivity improvement
Facilities design (labs, clinics, radiology, ER's, OR's, etc.)
Planning for future changes
Staff planning
Analyzing patient capacity
Equipment planning and logistical analysis
Evaluate the impact of HIPAA, JCAHO and other changes
Emergency preparedness
Bed capacity management
Health care policy formulation
Managed care analysis
Conners’ Continuous Performance Test 是一款注意力測試軟體,他被廣泛應用在 ADHD 的研究和臨床評估為 8 歲或以上的受訪者。CPT 的反應模組提供資料,讓醫生可以更好的理解赤字的類型。舉例來說,有些反應模組建議不專注或衝動,而其他的反應模組可能表明激活/激發的問題和困難以保持警覺性。
CPT 的潛在使用者包括心理學家、社會工作者、醫生、輔導員、精神科工作者、兒科護士、教師和學校的官員。合適的CPT 設置包括學校、門診、住院治療、住院戒毒中心、兒童保護服務既安置和轉診的決定、特殊教育和正規課堂、青少年拘留中心、私人執業辦事處(心理,精神治療,兒科及家庭醫學)。該程式是常用的篩檢工具,用來確定潛在的問題,並作為一種輔助治療效果的監測。
CPT可以幫助確定在治療鐘改變藥物造成病情改善或是惡化。除此之外,如果仔細繪製CPT 評分表,可以檢測不同的藥物劑量通常可以有助於確定最佳劑量水平。
多式聯運綜合報告結合 CPT 康納斯的評級尺度的結果。
啟用金鑰的 USB 快閃記憶體驅動器。
與 Windows 8 相容。
Conners’Continuous Performance Test (CPT)是注意力測試,廣泛用於小兒多動症的研究和臨床評估受訪者為 8 歲或以上的老人。靜力觸探反應模式提供資訊,使該醫生更好地理解的赤字可能存在的類型。例如,一些反應模式建議 inattentiveness 或衝動,而其他回應模式可能表示啟動/喚醒問題或困難保持警覺。
Revised paradigm: New ratio of non-targets (the letter X) to targets (all other letters) to improve the test’s sensitivity to impulsivity problems.
New and updated normative data:
Consists of 1400 cases representative of the latest United States (U.S.) population census.
Normative samples normed on a variety of computer models and operating systems.
Enhanced look and feel of the program designed to reduce glare and reflection on computer or laptop monitors.
New Scores and Score Dimensions of Attention Measured:
Sustained Attention
Vigilance (new)
New age range: Age 8+
New easy to understand clinical likelihood statements are based on T-scores and displayed as very high, high, moderate, or minimal.
MicroShield 對衛生物理學家、廢物管理人員、設計工程師和放射性工程師是有相當大幫助的解決方案,其使用需要具備基本的知識和了解輻射屏蔽的原則。
MicroShield 是完全互動的,並利用廣泛的輸入錯誤檢查。綜合工具提供了圖形的結果、材料和來源文件的創建、來源推理與衰變(dose-to-Ci calculations accounting for decay and daughter buildup)、投影暴露率V.S時間衰減的結果、獲得物質和放射性核素數據和衰變熱計算。
MicroShield’s® Features Include:
Sixteen geometries that accommodate offset dose points and as many as ten standard shields plus source self-shielding and cylinder cladding.
The geometry display for entry is re-scaled as dimensions are entered. Dimensional data are accepted in meters, centimeters, feet, or inches.
Updated Library data (radionuclides, attenuation, buildup, and dose conversion) reflect standard data from ICRP 38 and 107 as well as ANSI/ANS standards and RSICC publications
Dose conversion factors include ICRP Publication 116 absorbed dose rates and dose conversion factors from ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977.
Includes a wide variety of custom materials based on NIST, ANSI/ANS-6.4.2-2006, etc.
Buildup and uncollided results are both automatically and simultaneously calculated.
Provides the ability to design and save up to eight custom materials for any case to add to the twelve built-in materials.
Sources may be created and saved and moved among cases, either as nuclides or energies, and as concentrations or totals. Several photon grouping methods are provided including custom (user defined).
Source decay can be calculated with daughter products generated.
As many as twenty-five energy groups (with an energy range of 15 keV to 10 MeV) may be used; input may be concentration or totals.
Sensitivity of exposure rate to time, source dimension, shield thickness, or distance can be investigated. Integration conversion verification can be conducted with sensitivity to quadrature order.
Decay heat/energy can be calculated (Pro version).
Ability to utilize international numerical formats (decimal commas, etc.).
Geometry – Source Configurations Include:
Rectangular Area – Vertical
Rectangular Area – Horizontal
Cylinder Volume – Side Shields
Cylinder Volume – End Shields
Cylinder Surface – Internal Dose Point
Cylinder Surface – External Dose Point
Annular Cylinder – Internal Dose Point
Annular Cylinder – External Dose Point
Rectangular Volume
Truncated Cone
Infinite Plane
Infinite Slab
MicroShield® v13 includes
Improved computational algorithms including the addition of updated National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mass attenuation factors [Hubbell, J.H. and Seltzer, S.M. (2004)].
Enlargement of the Custom Material Library to include more than 30 new custom materials, bringing the library to over 100 materials.
Added func...
MindMapper 可以將您的思想和觀點可視化的表達出來,並組織成為實際真實的行動。 MindMapper不僅允許您輸入自己的思想和意圖,它還能理解您的思考方式,並將其最大程度的表達出來,以充分發揮您的思想優勢。
MindMapper 不像一般軟體那樣受線性格式和提綱結構的限制,它允許您自由思考,能對您未經整理的思路進行組織。MindMapper 通過一個集成映射形式,在想法剛出現時便將其捕捉,促進了思考過程,同時提供了一個快速簡單的多人協作方法。
MindMapper具有一個雙程文件聯合系統,能夠將映射圖傳輸到Microsoft Word文檔、PowerPoint、Microsoft Project、email和手持設備中,從而將您的創造性想法轉換為可交付形式,以便進一步研究和分析。 當然,您也可以在MindMapper軟件內 部操作,提交您思想映射圖報告,甚至創建一個包括所用時間和資源的詳細進度表。
就像寫程式之前要先畫流程圖一樣,透過分析流程圖讓我們能夠逐步的將所需功能一一寫出,最終拼湊出完整的程式出來。每個人都會遇到種種難解的問題,不管是 在生活中或者工作、課業上,當遇到問題的第一時間不是急著馬上解決問題,而是冷靜下來透過心智軟體來分析問題的前因後果,並從中找到最佳的解決之道。
for PC
Sync to Google Calendar
Standard, Academic
No Mac OS
for USB
Sync to Google Calendar
US Only
3-in-1 Mind Mapping Software: Mind Map, Dashboard, Planner
Create and organize information using the mind mapping workspace. Assign schedule to topics and view it in the Gantt chart.
Link map to planner or planner events to map. Use the dashboard to manage and access linked maps and the planner.
Dashboard is bird’s-eye view of my past, present and future activities
Mind Map
A mind map is a project blueprint that facilitates ideation and organization
Use mind map to think, create, and organize information in visual format. Here you can edit maps,
add hyperlink and attachments, brainstorm, and collaborate.
The Planner is a time management tool that fosters project execution.
This is where you can add schedule items: all day events,
appointments, and important memos. You can connect schedule items to any project maps.
Mnova 是西班牙Mestrelab Research公司開發的 核磁數據處理軟體,集NMR 和LC/MS 數據處理分析、預測、發表、驗證及數據的儲存、檢索以及管理等功能於一身,具有功能強大健全、支持無縫共享數據,可以為用戶提供準確的數據處理。具操作簡便人性化、處理結果準確美觀等優勢。
1- Mnova ElViS for Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopies
2- Mnova BioHOS for the determination of a biologic drug’s higher order structure
3- Mnova Gears for automating your analytical workflows with already 11 Gears bricks
4- Mnova StereoFitter for 3D conformational and configurational analysis
5- A new Ensemble NMR Prediction that uses several prediction algorithms
6- 2D NMR Resolution Booster: A new algorithm for the resolution enhancement of 2D NMR spectra
7- qNMR and Concentration determination: Improved usability, reporting, and many new features
8- Mnova Screen v1.3.
9- Data Analysis panel – stack chromatograms from MS or UV detectors
10- Compliance tools such as Digital signatures & Audit trail
11- Mnova NMR – Advised Processing tool: The most sensible processing options for most 1D and 2D NMR spectra
12- Mnova NMR – NMReData: Export NMR information following the new NMReData standard format.
13- Mnova NMR – NMR VOI compression: A new algorithm for the efficient VOI compression of NMR spectra
14- Several new features for Mnova MS such as improved default settings for uploading MS data or labels can be added to mass spectrum peaks and datasets