最新版 Conners Continuous Performance Test 3 (CPT 3) 更新
Conners’ Continuous Performance Test 是一款注意力測試軟體,他被廣泛應用在 ADHD 的研究和臨床評估為 8 歲或以上的受訪者。CPT 的反應模組提供資料,讓醫生可以更好的理解赤字的類型。舉例來說,有些反應模組建議不專注或衝動,而其他的反應模組可能表明激活/激發的問題和困難以保持警覺性。
CPT 的潛在使用者包括心理學家、社會工作者、醫生、輔導員、精神科工作者、兒科護士、教師和學校的官員。合適的CPT 設置包括學校、門診、住院治療、住院戒毒中心、兒童保護服務既安置和轉診的決定、特殊教育和正規課堂、青少年拘留中心、私人執業辦事處(心理,精神治療,兒科及家庭醫學)。該程式是常用的篩檢工具,用來確定潛在的問題,並作為一種輔助治療效果的監測。
- CPT可以幫助確定在治療鐘改變藥物造成病情改善或是惡化。除此之外,如果仔細繪製CPT 評分表,可以檢測不同的藥物劑量通常可以有助於確定最佳劑量水平。
- CPT的應用程式都有很好的設置經驗證據支援臨床經驗。
- CPT通常珍對過動兒可已能線的問題進行相關的決策分析,例如時間觀念、內部訂購、工作記憶和運動評估控制。CPT還可以用來研究神經系統的表現與個人的注意力、衝動、或活動控制的問題。
- 用戶端之前,行政當局的完整測試引入的一個簡短的練習。
- 儘量減少誤報或漏報的選項。
- 確認的管理有效性的信心指數調整。
- 多式聯運綜合報告結合 CPT 康納斯的評級尺度的結果。
- 啟用金鑰的 USB 快閃記憶體驅動器。
- 與 Windows 8 相容。
- 在客戶實際使用軟體前,先簡短介紹管理人員的測試情況。
- 該選項盡量減少了主動錯誤訊息以及被動錯誤訊息
- 調整信心指數以確認其有效的管理
Conners’Continuous Performance Test (CPT)是注意力測試,廣泛用於小兒多動症的研究和臨床評估受訪者為 8 歲或以上的老人。靜力觸探反應模式提供資訊,使該醫生更好地理解的赤字可能存在的類型。例如,一些反應模式建議 inattentiveness 或衝動,而其他回應模式可能表示啟動/喚醒問題或困難保持警覺。
- Revised paradigm: New ratio of non-targets (the letter X) to targets (all other letters) to improve the test’s sensitivity to impulsivity problems.
- New and updated normative data:
- Consists of 1400 cases representative of the latest United States (U.S.) population census.
- Normative samples normed on a variety of computer models and operating systems.
- Enhanced look and feel of the program designed to reduce glare and reflection on computer or laptop monitors.
- New Scores and Score Dimensions of Attention Measured:
- Inattentiveness
- Impulsivity
- Sustained Attention
- Vigilance (new)
- New age range: Age 8+
- New easy to understand clinical likelihood statements are based on T-scores and displayed as very high, high, moderate, or minimal.
Assessment Reports provide detailed information about scores from a single administration, presented both numerically and graphically. An individual's scores are compared to those in the normative sample and elevations at the scale and subscale level are indicated.
Progress Reports compare the results of two to four administrations for the same individual to measure changes over time. These reports are ideal to use when monitoring treatment and intervention effectiveness.
How To Use
During the 14-minute, 360-trial administration, respondents are required to press the spacebar or wired mouse button when any letter except “X” appears. Once complete, the computer generates two easy-to-use reports that better guide assessors through each step of the recommended interpretation process.
Reliability and Validity
Users can be confident that the Conners CPT 3 will yield consistent and stable scores across administrations.
Internal Consistency
One measure of a test's internal consistency is split-half reliability, which has been previously used to establish the reliability of other continuous performance tests. Split-half reliability estimates of the Conners CPT 3 scales were calculated for the normative and clinical samples. Results were very strong across all scores, the median split-half reliability estimate was .92 for the norm samples and .94 for the clinical samples (all correlations were significant, p < .001). These results indicate that the Conners CPT 3 demonstrates excellent internal consistency for both the normative and clinical groups.
Test-Retest Reliability
Test-retest reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained from the same respondent on separate occasions over a specified period of time. To estimate the test-retest reliability of the Conners CPT 3, a sample of 120 respondents from the general population completed the Conners CPT 3 twice with a 1- to 5-week interval between administrations. The median test-retest correlation was .67. These results suggest a good level of test-retest reliability.
Users can be assured that the Conners CPT 3 will help detect attention deficits and differentiate clinical from non-clinical cases.
Discriminative Validity
Discriminative validity pertains to an instrument's ability to distinguish between relevant participant groups (i.e., the test's ability to differentiate between clinical and non-clinical groups). In order to conduct discriminative validity analyses, Conners CPT 3 data were collected during the standardization process from 346 children and adults who had an existing ADHD diagnosis. Conners CPT 3 scores from this ADHD sample were compared to a matched sample from the general population. Results indicated that differences were found between the ADHD sample and the matched general population sample on most measures with small to moderate effect sizes (d = 0.10 to 0.49). As expected, the ADHD sample performed more poorly (i.e., they had higher scores on the Conners CPT 3). In particular, the ADHD sample had lower dscores, indicating that they had more difficulty in distinguishing between relevant stimuli and distractors. Similarly, the ADHD sample made a greater number of errors (i.e., they had higher percentages of Omissions, Commissions, and Perseverations than did the general population sample) and showed more variability in their responses overall (i.e., higher HRT SD scores) and across subblocks (i.e., higher Variability scores) compared to the matched general population sample. The responses of the ADHD sample were also affected more by changes in block and ISI (i.e., higher HRT Block Change and HRT ISI Change scores).
Incremental Validity
Another approach in establishing the Conners CPT 3's validity is to show how it works together with other measures of similar constructs in the assessment of attention problems. To determine how well the Conners CPT 3 works in combination with other measures of attention, a sample of 112 parents of non-clinical and ADHD youth completed both the Conners Third Edition (Conners 3-P) and the CPT 3. A second sample of 137 non-clinical and ADHD adults completed a self-report form from the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) and the CPT 3. Logistic regressions were conducted in order to determine how well scales from the Conners CPT 3 improve the diagnostic efficacy of the rating scales in predicting group membership into ADHD or general population groups. For youth, when the Conners 3-P and Conners CPT 3 scores were considered together, there was an overall correct classification rate (i.e., the ability to accurately predict group membership) of 88.4%, sensitivity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect ADHD cases) of 89.5%, and specificity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect general population cases) of 87.3%. These values were 4.5%, 3.5%, and 5.5% higher respectively than when the rating scale was used on its own. For adults, when the CAARS and Conners CPT 3 scores were considered together, the overall correct classification rate was 92.7% , sensitivity was 73.1%, and specificity was 97.3%. These values were 4.5%, 3.5%, and 5.5% higher, respectively, than when the rating scale was used on its own. These results indicate that adding the Conners CPT 3 to scores from rating scales increases the ability to predict group membership.
Normative Data
The normative sample consists of 1,400 cases and is representative of the United States (U.S.) population in terms of key demographic variables such as gender, race, geographical region, and parental education level.
System Requirements for Conners CPT 3
- x86 processor 1.0ghz - class computer or higher
- Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or higher
- Windows XP computers should have Service Pack 2 or higher installed for the Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0
- MDAC 2.6 or higher
- 1 gigabyte of RAM memory or higher
- 500 megabytes of hard disk space
- USB 2.0 port
Conners K–CPT
Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test
Evaluate attention deficits in children ages 4 to 7
K-CPT 是針對幼兒、學齡前(4-7 歲)兒童所設計的注意力測驗。其建立在CPT的基礎上,並且測驗時間只有 CPT 的一半,這對於這個年齡組的兒童更合適。K-CPT使用的是圖片而不是文字,因此可以避免混淆,且兒童被要求作出反應。此外,顯示時間和刺激的間隔時間較長(物件在螢幕上顯示為500毫秒,以及有1.5和3.0秒的時間間隔),K-CPT在短短7.5分鐘就可以完成。測試產生的資訊及提供的選項與CPT 是相同的。它提供了單一報告以及多種報告,讓您比較同一個孩子測試的結果。基本數據是基於454位4歲~5歲的兒童樣本。其中,314位被歸類為非多動症,100位被歸類為多動症,而40人未歸類。
- 反應時間
- 反應時間速度和一致性的變化
- 訊號檢測理論統計(Signal Detection Theory Statistics)
- 整體統計(信心指數和總指數)
- 換算漏授(omission error)
- 誤授(commission error)
Conners CATA®
Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention®
The Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® (Conners CATA®) assesses auditory processing and attention-related problems in individuals aged 8 years and older. By indexing the respondent’s performance in areas of inattentiveness, impulsivity, and sustained attention, the Conners CATA can be used to evaluate attention disorders and neurological functioning.
- A comprehensive evaluation with the introduction of an auditory attention test and used alongside the Conners CPT.
- Easy interpretation with new reports offering clear visuals and summaries.
- Trusted results with the most representative CPT normative samples collected.
- Easy to understand clinical likelihood statements are based on T-scores and displayed as very high, high, moderate, or minimal.
Quick Review of the Conners CATA:
- 200 trials
- Two types of trials and sounds:
- Warned Trials: low tone, followed by the high tone
- Unwarned Trials: high tone by itself, without warning
- Dimensions of Auditory Attention Measured: Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention
- Descriptive information about the respondent's Auditory Laterality and Mobility
- Results can be broken down into blocks to track the respondent's performance over the course of the test.