BonesPro 皮膚繪製動畫工具
BonesPro 是一款擁有尖端、快速且優化技術的皮膚繪製動畫工具,針對Autodesk 3ds Max的角色和物件的描繪製作。
Bones Pro主要工作原理就是一個修改器,在對模型指定它的修改後,就可以和骨骼建立聯繫,然後選擇網格物體中不同的頂點,將其分配到不同的骨骼上。這樣,當你移動骨骼的時候,網格物體上相應的點也會隨之移動和變形。最特別的是它不是通過球形框來確定影響範圍,而是沿骨骼方向進行對皮膚的影響,所以用起來很簡單。
*支持3ds max內部的Bones骨骼系統,也可以直接用立方體Box做骨骼。
*Bones Pro 3的數據可以通過一個SDK開發工具直接輸出到遊戲引擎中。
*支援Character Studio和3ds max內建的Skin皮膚系統,可以協同工作。
This is the trial version for 3ds Max 2015 and newer. (for older Max versions please contact us)
everpano 3D 是由西班牙團隊開發,隨着krpano1.20版本發佈的一款第三方桌面軟體,有windows、mac、linux三個版本。everpano 3D是專門針對爲 krpano漫遊場景構建三維模型而開發,其輸出模型後的漫遊功能和krpano1.20的Depthmap深度映射技術高度整合,實現了無需立體掃描儀數據的支持下,對krpano全景場景空間進行反向建模並貼圖,就可將krpano的全景Web項目三維化、模型化,同時實現高精度、平滑順暢的前行漫遊效果。
Essentials Collection
Twelve carefully selected transitions that work great out of the box!
Fully GPU Accelerated
Blazing Fast Render Speeds
Activate up to 3 computers
Free Support & Updates
47% Annual Savings
Essentials Collection
Luma Fade Impacts
Dissolve Impacts
Push Impacts
Burn Chroma Impacts
Chaos Impacts
Blur Dissolve Impacts
Flash Impacts
Copy Machine Impacts
Stretch Impacts
Roll Impacts
Burn Alpha Impacts
Blur to Color Impacts
FMOD Studio
專為遊戲而製作 - FMOD Studio是一款快速,流暢且靈活的軟體,用於遊戲的音頻創建工具。
FMOD Studio是一種端到端的解決方案,可為任何遊戲添加聲音和音樂。使用FMOD Studio創作工具構建自適應音頻,並使用FMOD Studio音頻引擎在遊戲中播放。
FMOD Studio支援所有熱門的作業系統和遊戲平台。
支援的音樂格式則有:AIFF、ASF、ASX、DLS、FLAC、FSB(FMOD's sample bank格式)、IT、M3U、MIDI、MOD、MP2、MP3、Ogg Vorbis、PLS、S3M、VAG(PS2/PSP格式)、WAV、WAX(Windows Media Audio Redirector)、WMA、XM、XMA(僅限 Xbox 360),以及原始音頻(raw audio data)。
Native Linux
FMOD Studio now has a native Linux version with support for a wide range of distributions.
The majority of the functionality supported on Windows and macOS is carried over to Linux with a few caveats:
Much like the macOS version, be mindful of supported export formats when building banks - console specific formats (XMA / AT9) do not have Linux encoders available for us to use.
There is currently no support for control surfaces.
Event Min / Max Distance
The concept of minimum and maximum distance for spatialization and attenuation has long been a feature of FMOD spatializers. Now these properties have been promoted up to the event level.
This means any spatializer can now take advantage of min/max automation and modulation for greater flexibility. For compatibility, the 3D and object spatializers now provide an override for event min/max distance to retain the previous individual behavior.
Additionally by lifting these properties to the event level we can support the new built-in normalized distance parameter. Using a scale that runs from 0 (representing your event’s min distance) to 1 (representing your event’s max distance) you can design custom curves that can be shared between events with different min/max distance ranges.
Note: When migrating a project from a version earlier than 2.02, the event min/max distance will be set to match the values of the first FMOD spatializer or object spatializer found on the event. Additionally, preset FMOD spatializers and object spatializers will all be set to override with their current values.
Output Ports
Sending audio to auxiliary output ports has traditionally been a programmer task, but now it's part of the sound designer workflow within FMOD Studio.
With ports, you can make use of your target platforms' features for handling online voice chat and in-game music, route sound to individual controller and headset speakers, control controller vibration, and more.
The master bus is now shown in the routing browser, highlighting the fact that the new port buses are siblings, representing additional outputs from the system. You can specify the destination of each port within the port macros area of the mixer deck.
Improved Flexibility
With every release we try to add more flexibility. Here are some recent additions:
Scatterer instrument spawn total now suppo...
Nuke 是個強大的特效後製軟體,具有無比的速度,有效的多頻道掃描繪圖引擎,和桌上型電腦軟體市場中一流的工具組。如果你是從事高品質影像創作的行業,那麼 Nuke 這個經過產業證明的視覺特工具可以為你的視效作業流程帶來速度、功能、及彈性。
Nuke 原本是 Digital Domain 內部的合成和特效軟體。它在那裡的研發組獲得 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science® 所頒發的技術成就獎。
它是個用來解決世上所有後製公司所面臨的問題,並經過55部以上的電影和數百部的廣告及音樂片的實際測試,例如駭速快手 (Speed Racer)、黃金羅盤 (Golden Compass)、和金剛 (King Kong) 等。
無論你如何工作,完成工作的工具。基於節點的高級合成,3D跟踪和模型構建,符合和審核...... Nuke系列可根據您的需求進行擴展。
Nuke具有開放性和可定制性,可提供主要的操作系統支持,低硬件要求,對OCIO和Alembic等行業標準的支持,以及帶Pyside的Python API。
Viewer Saturation Slider
In Nuke 15.0 we added a saturation slider to the Comp Viewer. This small but much-requested feature was designed to help you check your work, much like the Gamma and Gain controls already available. For this release we’ve added the Saturation Slider to the Timeline Viewer, so that you can review the saturation levels across your shots in context.
Updated A/B Compare controls
Enhancing review even further, Nuke 15.1 includes a redesign for the A/B Compare tools. Cut down the time you spend on Quality Control of versions, side by side comparison, and analyzing differences — with updates that make the Nuke Viewer A/B compare toolset easier to use, and more powerful when handling shots with long names.
3D System - Time Remapping (beta)
As we continue to evolve the new USD-based 3D system, this new release makes working with time in the new 3D system simpler and more efficient. Including updates to existing time nodes such as TimeOffset and Framehold, to allow you to work with these nodes in the new 3D system and the ability to work in a new Fractional Time mode for even greater control over 3D data. Plus the GeoImport and GeoReference nodes have new time remapping options for greater control when working with 3D animation data.
Improved 3D stage building (beta)
We’re continuously making adjustments at each level of the new 3D system to maximize performance and responsiveness when handling the large amounts of data required when working in 3D scenes. For this update we’ve improved the backend to make stage building in large 3D scenes faster and more responsive. Depending on the stage involved this could mean tasks that previously took seconds, are now instantaneous. With the new system in beta, we look forward to he...
FumeFX 是在模擬和渲染逼真的火、煙霧、爆炸和其他氣體現象而設計的插件。它具有多功能性、穩固且直觀的工作流程,使其成為能肩負嚴苛任務的完美解決方案。FumeFX具有捕捉流體氣體行為的微妙和復雜性的能力,因此在視覺效果藝術家,遊戲開發人員,可視化專業人員中受到青睞。
FumeFX 5.0 new features
The latest incarnation of FumeFX offers the artist with unique set of tools that will free the creative mind and minimize tedious tasks even further than before. As a result of the FumeFX core rewrite, a wide range of irregular objects can be used for simulation without the fear of solver instabilities. The newly implemented conservative advection, GPU accelerated 3ds Max viewport, faster simulations, .fxd multithreaded lossy compression are just some of the new features found inside FumeFX 5.0.