最新版 BonesPro 4.86 for 3ds Max 2025 更新於 2024/5/15
最新版 Unwrella 4.06 更新於 2024/4/7
最新版 UV-Packer 3.04 更新於 2024/4/4
BonesPro 皮膚繪製動畫工具
BonesPro 是一款擁有尖端、快速且優化技術的皮膚繪製動畫工具,針對Autodesk 3ds Max的角色和物件的描繪製作。
Bones Pro主要工作原理就是一個修改器,在對模型指定它的修改後,就可以和骨骼建立聯繫,然後選擇網格物體中不同的頂點,將其分配到不同的骨骼上。這樣,當你移動骨骼的時候,網格物體上相應的點也會隨之移動和變形。最特別的是它不是通過球形框來確定影響範圍,而是沿骨骼方向進行對皮膚的影響,所以用起來很簡單。
*支持3ds max內部的Bones骨骼系統,也可以直接用立方體Box做骨骼。
*Bones Pro 3的數據可以通過一個SDK開發工具直接輸出到遊戲引擎中。
*支援Character Studio和3ds max內建的Skin皮膚系統,可以協同工作。
This is the trial version for 3ds Max 2015 and newer. (for older Max versions please contact us)
Maya UVW 拆解工具軟體
Unwrella 是一個快速和有效的紋理貼圖展開外掛。目的是讓 3D 藝術家可以輕鬆處理大量需拆貼圖的模型物件。只需一個點選。藝術家就可以展開低/高 poly 的物件,以最佳的 UV 空間使用率製作 UV 貼圖。製作出的貼圖有效地進行貼圖烘培,讓貼圖能均勻分佈在物體上,且降低紋理接縫的可見度。
Unwrella 4 Features
Effective. Simple. Painless.
Unwrella is solving the problems of generating UVs for irregular or complex 3D geometries. There is no need for manually placed seams. There is no need to arrange UV chunks or to shift UV tiles around.
The new normality in 3D are no longer low-poly models, but extremely high-poly assets, impossible to unwrap manually.
Unwrapping crooked things
Unwrella’s strength lies in your weakness.
You can’t unwrap high-poly, jagged, twisted and misshapen assets. The “Organic” mode is entirely automatic, the time usually spent by artists for manually unwrapping such complex objects is reduced to zero.
The worse the geometry is shaped, the better Unwrella can exploit it!
Unwrapping edgy things
Unwrella’s “Hard-surface” method is optimized for lightning fast quality unwrapping of architectural elements, machines, weapons, engineered structures and masses of generic asset.
This is a true one-click action for creating UVs on the fly for light-maps, procedural textures, texture baking or preparing your cities, indoor or industrial design geometries for Unreal or Unity.
P.O.V. UVs
There are countless cases in the production where an object is visible from only one side: hills, walls, doors, exhibition dolls. Wouldn’t it be great to only unwrap the areas facing the camera and save valuable UV space by texture baking only visible polygons?
Projection unwrapping in Unwrella does this job for you.
Superb UV packing
Unwrella comes with integrated UV-Packer technology for optimal UV packing. There are not many tools on the market that can compete with UV-Packer in terms of speed and efficiency. It is unrivaled when it comes to packing thousands of clusters and millions of polygons.
This makes it an ideal choice for texture-baking or painting, where each pixel counts.
Still waters run deep
Unwrella is one click, but not yet entirely a magic button.
We have listened for a decade what our 3D customers have to struggle with and what production workflow expectations they have. It was very soon clear to us that there are as many special cases as there are customers. We have developed and cultivated Unwrella over a long time, adding as much functions as necessary while removing as much superfluous stuff as needed.
And we contiue to do it every day.
Artist friendly
Unwrella was the first 3D app, back in 2008, to introduce a single click UV unwrapping and packing workflow. It is conceptualized to be a pure, practical solution, made for Artists by Artists. It comes with an easy to understand, user-friendly interface, all necessary options and fluid user experience.
We are resolutely committed to good, clear and functional usage.
Permanent license, constant updates.
Unwrella uses a mobile license, which you can move from one computer to the other around the world. The activation & deactivation happens with a simple click. For more, detailed explanations about the licensing functionality, please refer to the Installation and Licensing Manual.
What is new in Unwrella 4?
#### UnwrellaMax 4.06.00
# Add support for 3ds Max 2025 and Maya 2025
UV-Packer 拆圖外掛軟體
UV-Packer能在UV map裡自動重新分配出最佳的曲線組合。你有發現你需要花很多時間去重新安排投擲產生的曲線,或需要修改UV maps嗎?這都是因為UV的空間比例或需要填的尺寸已經改變了,UV-Packer只要按一個鍵就能夠完成以上的動作。
### UV-Packer 3.04 Released
– The new version of UV-Packer includes support for Autodesk 3ds Max 2025
Flatiron 紋理渲染外掛程式
Flatiron 是一個獨特的紋理渲染插件,只需點擊幾個簡單的按鈕,就能夠充分烘烤的整個場景或選擇單一物件映射到單一的UV Map。
這是開發給需要在遊戲中添加最大的視覺質量,同時對硬體的要求可以保持在最低限度。它可以烘烤陰影貼圖,完整封閉的房間環境,甚至一次總體水平,並結合多個物件在一個單獨的uv map上。
設計師用非常有限的記憶體實際創建視覺效果的移動設備或類似平台紋理。 烘烤一張由多個物件分享的地圖,它可以用最少的紋理空間來包含整個場景。
Advantages of Flatiron
- Unwrap and bake multiple objects into a single texture map without having to manually arrange UV charts or compose rendered maps in image editing software.
- Unwrap all the objects in a scene, bake them in a single render pass and get high quality texture maps in record time.
- Minimize the size of your texture maps by automatically arranging UVs of one or multiple objects perfectly.
- Use unique organic, hard-surface or projection unwrapping methods for superior UV compressions.
- Keep a uniform pixel density on mesh surfaces – even across multiple objects. This avoids the effect of some areas on the mesh having a very sharp and detailed texture while others appear blurred.
- Use the full power of your network rendering setup – Flatiron is fully integrated into 3ds Max thanks to MAXScript.
Flatiron is ideally suited for
Game developers who need to add a maximum of visual quality to their games while keeping hardware requirements at a minimum. Bake shadow maps or ambient occlusion for complete rooms or even whole levels at once and combine multiple objects on a single uv map.
Major international game and infotainment companies including Ubisoft, Firaxis, Sega, Monolith, Sanzigen, Gameloft, deepsilver, Gas Powered Games, as well as industrial and telecommunication key players such as Disney, Sony, Panasonic, Konami, Pixomondo, Fuji, Mitsubishi, CBS TV Network, FOX, Thyssen and Dynamic Pictures have utilized Flatiron unique technology.
Architects and product designers who want to visualize their creations in record time. Bake the illumination for the complete background scenery into a single map instead of recalculating its visual details repetitively. You reduce render time and can concentrate on truly creating value: your architecture and products.
Designers creating real-time visuals for mobile devices or similar platforms with very limited texture memory. Bake a single map that is shared by multiple objects and can contain a whole scene with minimal wasted texture space.
Flatiron can be used with all 3ds Max integrated renderers that have texture baking support. No matter if you use Scanline, Mental-Ray or plug-ins like V-Ray or FinalRender, Flatiron will work with all their render elements.
Support for network rendering, distributed rendering and further automation possibilities through MAXScript allow you to integrate Flatiron flexibly into your existing production pipeline.
Flatiron is compatible with all versions of Autodesk 3ds Max 2020 and newer.
(Max 2010-2019 Max versions are no longer actively supported but older Flatrion versions for them are also available for all customers)