10-Strike Connection Monitor 可以審核遠端用戶訪問你的共享檔案、資料夾和驅動器。10-Strike Connection Monitor是個MS Windows網絡共享訪問的監控軟體。這個工具可以讓您即時觀看誰在取得您的文件的資訊!該程式可以監視您的PC與文件伺服器(File Server)上的管理員(admin)與和定期網絡共享的使用狀況,且當遠端用戶訪問您的共享驅動器時並可以生成警報通知。
How to monitor the share access on your LAN?
It is easy! After starting, the application hides into the system tray displaying the program icon with the context menu. With its help, you can watch the user access logs, configure the program settings and monitoring alerts with notifications, stop or start again the Server service which provides the network access to your shared drives via NetBios (SMB).
Important notice: the program monitors shares locally. If you want to audit access on a remote server, you need to install the program on it and configure alerts and logs.
Charles 是一個HTTP Proxy/HTTP monitor/Reverse Proxy,讓開發者可以詳細瀏覽機器與網路間的所有HTTP/SSL/HTTPS流量。包含request、response、HTTP headers(包含cookies和快取資訊)。
SSL Proxying – view SSL requests and responses in plain text
Bandwidth Throttling to simulate slower Internet connections including latency
AJAX debugging – view XML and JSON requests and responses as a tree or as text
AMF – view the contents of Flash Remoting / Flex Remoting messages as a tree
Repeat requests to test back-end changes
Edit requests to test different inputs
Breakpoints to intercept and edit requests or responses
Validate recorded HTML, CSS and RSS/atom responses using the W3C validator
DU Meter 是一個可以檢測網路速度的測試軟體。透過精準的圖像與數據化您的電腦網路連線速度,讓你清楚的看到瀏覽時以及上傳下載時的數據傳輸情況,即時監測上下傳的速率,使您的網際網路連線速度更有效率。DU Meter還包括廣泛的匯報設施、靈活的通知和事件系統等功能。新版增加了觀測日、周、月流量等累計統計數據,並能導出為多種文件格式,使用戶瞭解連線品質。
DU Meter 的操作方式相當的簡單,它可以幫助您檢測數據機或是 DSL & Cable的速度,它已圖表或是數字的方式顯現其下載或上傳的真實速度。讓您不於會被其 ISP 業者所標示的速度被蒙蔽。