Altova MissionKit - Suite of XML, Database & UML Tools
Altova MissionKit 主要是為了現今軟體架構師和XML開發人員所設計,它是一個集成的工具套件,包含了XML、SQL 資料庫和 UML,以滿足開發人員不同的開發和數據管理需求。選擇Altova MissionKit就能擁有所有的優勢,您將以實惠的價格獲得工具套件 – 只要花費您兩種工具的費用就能獲得高達七種工具的多元功能。
Altova MissionKit
Enterprise Edition
Altova MissionKit
Professional Edition
Provides the most advanced functionality for working with XML, SQL, and UML in a tightly integrated toolset. It includes Enterprise Editions of XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, UModel, DiffDog, DatabaseSpy, and SchemaAgent.
Offers a subset of the tools and functionality found in the Enterprise Edition. It includes Professional Editions of XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, UModel, and DatabaseSpy.
SAML for ASP.NET 安全斷言標記語言(SAML)控件是一款工具包。它為SAML 2.0版本單點登陸到ASP.NET應用程式添加了支持。它同樣為SAML斷言的自定義運用而在網絡服務應用程式中使用了SAML斷言安全代符。
Example Projects
Example ASP.NET projects written in C#, with full source code, are included. The examples demonstrate:
Acting as the SAML service provider (SP)
Acting as the SAML identity provider (IdP)
Service provider initiated SSO
Identity provider initiated SSO
Setting and retrieving SAML attributes
SAML metadata creation and consumption
OWIN ASP.NET Identity integration
High-Level API
A high-level, configuration-driven API provides a very simple to use interface that hides the mechanics of SAML SSO. This makes it easy to add SSO functionality to your web application with just a few lines of code. Configuration changes, including adding support for additional partner identity providers or service providers, may be made with zero code changes.
Initiating SAML SSO from the SP
Initiating SAML SSO from the IdP
Receiving the SAML Response at the SP
Low-Level API
A low-level API provides complete control and flexibility. The API provides accesses to the SAML profiles, protocols, bindings, assertions and metadata. The high-level API is implemented using the low-level API. For most scenarios, the high-level API provides all the control you need in a simpler interface. For those situations where this isn’t enough, the low-level API is available.
SAML v2.0 Specification Compliance
SAML Profiles
All SAML v2.0 profiles are fully supported, acting as either the identity provider or service provider.
Web browser single sign-on (identity provider and service provider initiated)
Single logout
Artifact resolution
Identity provider discovery
Authentication, attribute and assertion query
Name identifier management and mapping
SAML Assertions
SAML v2.0 assertions are fully supported.
Create, modify and access SAML assertions
Serialize SAML assertions to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML assertions
Encrypt and decrypt SAML assertions, attributes and identifiers
SAML Protocols
All SAML v2.0 protocols are fully supported.
Create, modify and access SAML protocol messages
Serialize SAML messages to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML messages
SAML Metadata
SAML v2.0 metadata is fully supported.
Create, modify and access all SAML metadata
Serialize SAML metadata to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML metadata
SAML Bindings
All SAML v2.0 bindings are fully supported.
HTTP Redirect
HTTP Artifact
JWebServices for Exchange
JWebServices for Exchange is Java and Android API for Microsoft Exchange 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 and Office 365 / Exchange Online.
JMSG is Microsoft Outlook .msg file API for Java. The API allows you to easy create/read/parse/convert Outlook .msg files and more. The API does not require Microsoft Outlook to be installed on the machine or any other third party application or library in order to work.
JPST is Microsoft Outlook .pst file API for Java. The API allows you to easy read/parse/export Outlook .pst files and more. The API does not require Microsoft Outlook to be installed on the machine or any other third party application or library in order to work.
JShare is Java and Android API for Microsoft SharePoint 2013 / 2016 / 2019 and Office 365 / SharePoint Online.
JOffice contains four components: JWord, JSpreadsheet, JPresentation and JODF.
JWord is Microsoft Word compatible API for Java and Android.
JSpreadsheet is Microsoft Excel compatible API for Java and Android.
JODF is Open Document Format API for Java and Android.
Exchange Web Services .NET
Exchange Web Services .NET is .NET Framework / .NET Core API for Microsoft Exchange server. The API offers complete Exchange Web Services functionality including the ability to create/update/move/copy items and folders, search items and folders, send messages, send meetings requests and more.
MSG .NET is Microsoft Outlook .msg file API for .NET Framework / .NET Core. The API allows you to easy create/read/parse/convert .msg files and more. The API does not require Microsoft Outlook to be installed on the machine or any other third party application or library in order to work.
PST .NET is Microsoft Outlook .pst file API for .NET Framework / .NET Core. The API allows you to easy read/parse/export Outlook .pst files and more. The API does not require Microsoft Outlook to be installed on the machine or any other third party application or library in order to work.
SIP .NET is Session Initiation Protocol API for .NET Framework / .NET Core. The API is written in 100% managed C# code.
The WebDAV .NET is WebDAV protocol API for .NET Framework / .NET Core. The API supports all WebDAV protocol methods and properties specified in RFC 4918.
Office .NET
Office .NET contains four components: Word .NET, Spreadsheet .NET, Presentation .NET and ODF .NET.
Word .NET
Word .NET is Microsoft Word compatible API for .NET Framework / .NET Core.
Spreadsheet .NET
Spreadsheet .NET is Microsoft Excel compatible API for .NET Framework / .NET Core.
Presentation .NET
Presentation .N...
IntelliJ IDEA 的功能非常優越,有:智慧代碼助手、代碼自動提示、集成的編輯器、refactoring(重構),J2EE支援、Ant(批次處理工具)、JUnit、CVS整合集成、代碼審查、創新的GUI設計等。擁有業界領先的特性,IntelliJ 提高 Java程式師的編程效率,極大地推動了他們的產品開發,縮減任務的常規時間。
IntelliJ IDEA 被認為是當前Java開發效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了開發過程中實用的眾多功能,幾乎可以不用滑鼠就方便的完成你要做的任何事情,大幅加快開發的速度。簡單而又功能強大。與其他的一些繁冗而複雜的IDE工具有鮮明的對比。
Ultimate Edition 版
Full-featured IDE for JVM-based and polyglot projects of any scale and flavor
Support for Java EE, Spring/Hibernate and other technology stacks
No barriers between technologies - treats your project as a whole
Heavy-hitting tools: duplicate code search, structural search and replace, dependency structure matrix
1 工作的更快,產生更優良的代碼
2 不斷的設計調整,每天輕鬆地編碼
業界領先的重構技術,包括對ejb重構的支援。超過30條重要的重構原則,不僅使幫助你 輕而易舉地更改架構設計,更對你每天編碼提供極大的幫助。
3 和其他工具出色的整合
BEA Weblogic 和 Tomcat
為自定義整合設計的Open API
4 更高的投資回報率(POI)
JProfiler 是一個全功能的Java剖析工具(profiler),專用於分析J2SE和J2EE應用程式。它把CPU、執行緒和記憶體的剖析組合在一個強大的應用中。JProfiler提供許多IDE和應用伺服器整合用途。
JProfiler直覺式的GUI讓你可以找到效能瓶頸、抓出記憶體漏失(memory leaks)、並解決執行緒的問題。它讓你得以對heap walker作資源回收器的root analysis,可以輕易找出記憶體漏失;heapsnapshot模式讓未被參照(reference)的物件、稍微被參照的物件、或在終結 (finalization)佇列的物件都會被移除;整合精靈以便剖析瀏覽器的Java外掛功能。
Profiler supports profiling on the following platforms:
Mac OS X
New features:
» Support for MongoDB 5.2
» Support for Spring WebFlux client 6.1.14+
» Support for ktor 3
» Prevent native agent warning for Java 24+
Bug fixes:
» Regression in JProfiler 14.0.3: Remote attach to a Docker container with a user switch via sudo did not work anymore
» Fixed remote attach to Docker containers with a different architecture for certain situations
jsPlumb Toolkit 是一個先進的、符合標準的、易於使用的JS庫,用於構建基於連接的應用程式,如流程圖、工藝流程圖、序列圖、組織圖等。可與Angular、React、Vue 2或Vanilla JS一起使用。
JsPlumb 提供了一組軟體包來幫助您快速建立功能強大的應用程序,其重點是圖表和視覺連接。 JsPlumb 的一些主要功能包括
A powerful declarative mechanism for defining the appearance and behaviour of the various parts of your UI.
Data binding via client side templates, supporting declarative configuration of connectivity.
An underlying directed graph, allowing you to query the data in several ways.
A pan/zoom widget with the ability to serialize its state (either manually or automatically) to local storage or cookies.
A miniview widget to assist in the navigation of large datasets.
Automatic layouts (Hierarchy, Force directed, Circular, Balloon, Absolute), plus the ability to write your own.
Data load/save Either automatically or on-demand.
Angular integration Deep integration with Angular. All versions from 2 - 16 are supported.
React integration Supporting React 16+ and NextJS.
Vue 2 integration
Vue 3 integration including the composition API.
Svelte 3 integration
Liquid XML Studio
Liquid XML Studio是一個先進的圖形化XML編輯器,其包含設計、開發、以及符合W3C標準的,測試XML應用程式所需的所有工具。其特點包括一個圖形化的XML編輯器、 XML Schema編輯器、XML Data Mapper,XPath builder和 XSLT 與 XQuery Debugger,WSDL Editor, Web Service Tools以及和 Microsoft Visual Studio的集成。
XML Editor
JSON Editor
Data Mapping & Transformation
Web Service Testing
XPath Builder
Infer XSD from Sample XML
Infer JSON Schema from JSON
Convert JSON Schema to XSD
Convert XSD to JSON Schema
Compare XML Files
XML Schema Editor (XSD)
JSON Schema Editor
XSLT Editor and Debugger
WSDL Editor
XQuery Editor and Debugger
XSD to XML (Create Sample XML)
Sample JSON from Schema
Compare JSON Files
Large File Editor
Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions
System Requirements
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Please ensure you have the latest Service Pack for your operating system installed.
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2
Liquid XML Data Binder requires Microsoft MSXML 6.0 (auto installed with product if not present)
XML Editor 能提高XSLT的生產率,且能發展附加的快速修復和改善重整行為。Saxon-CE 支援特定的擴充套件,您現在可以應用 XPath以查詢多個檔案。如果你使用 Ant來組織建立程序過程則,那麼在有特定內容的運作下,現在您可以輕鬆的為每個條件設定不同的顏色和格式或是以透過隱藏所有排除內容的方式專注於一個特定的標的。您可以修改 DITA 和 DocBook表格,簡單地使用這些新表格修改性能行為。將會以強大的 Ant編輯工具來支援您特點驗證、內容完成、大綱視圖,重點與法、搜尋和重整行為。您可以自定義的格式,使用全新的 WebHelp 軟體介面製作工具,能輸出和您想要的樣式看起來完全一樣。新版本包含許多組件更新和新的API功能。
Oxygen XML Editor version 26 introduces the exciting new Oxygen AI Positron Assistant, an add-on that provides a powerful tool to help writers increase their productivity by performing repetitive tasks, reviewing grammar, generating structure and text, or proposing changes to improve readability. It always keeps the writer in control, offering a visual diff comparison to help quickly understand what changed and the ability to continue the chat with the AI to refine the proposals.
There is new functionality available for DITA users, XSLT/XQuery developers, as well as for JSON/YAML developers. It is now possible to generate comparison results as documents containing change tracking highlights to allow the changes to be rendered visually in the resulting documents, making it easy to review, accept, or reject them.
Some of our popular add-ons were updated such as Git Client, Batch Documents Converter, and OpenAPI Documentation Generator. As always, this release also provides various important component updates, such as DITA-OT and Saxon, bug fixes, and security enhancements.
There are changes in:
Oxygen AI Positron Assistant
DITA Authoring
DITA Publishing
XSLT / XQuery / XPath
XML Refactoring
File Comparison
Add-on Updates
Trusted Certificates
Component Updates
Other Changes