最新版 IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2 更新於 2024/8/13
最新版 WebStorm 2024.2 更新於 2024/8/12
IntelliJ IDEA 的功能非常優越,有:智慧代碼助手、代碼自動提示、集成的編輯器、refactoring(重構),J2EE支援、Ant(批次處理工具)、JUnit、CVS整合集成、代碼審查、創新的GUI設計等。擁有業界領先的特性,IntelliJ 提高 Java程式師的編程效率,極大地推動了他們的產品開發,縮減任務的常規時間。
IntelliJ IDEA 被認為是當前Java開發效率最快的IDE工具。它整合了開發過程中實用的眾多功能,幾乎可以不用滑鼠就方便的完成你要做的任何事情,大幅加快開發的速度。簡單而又功能強大。與其他的一些繁冗而複雜的IDE工具有鮮明的對比。
Ultimate Edition 版
- Full-featured IDE for JVM-based and polyglot projects of any scale and flavor
- Support for Java EE, Spring/Hibernate and other technology stacks
- No barriers between technologies - treats your project as a whole
- Heavy-hitting tools: duplicate code search, structural search and replace, dependency structure matrix
1 工作的更快,產生更優良的代碼
2 不斷的設計調整,每天輕鬆地編碼
業界領先的重構技術,包括對ejb重構的支援。超過30條重要的重構原則,不僅使幫助你 輕而易舉地更改架構設計,更對你每天編碼提供極大的幫助。
3 和其他工具出色的整合
BEA Weblogic 和 Tomcat
為自定義整合設計的Open API
4 更高的投資回報率(POI)
Deep insight into your code
IntelliJ IDEA analyzes your code, looking for connections between symbols across all project files and languages. Using this information it provides indepth coding assistance, quick navigation, clever error analysis, and, of course, refactorings.
- Smart completion
- Chain completion
- Static members completion
- Data flow analysis
- Language injection
- Cross-language refactorings
- Detecting duplicates
- Inspections and quick-fixes
Developer ergonomics
Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA is designed with ergonomics in mind. IntelliJ IDEA is built on a principle that every minute a developer spends in the flow is a good minute, and things that break developers out of that flow are bad and should be avoided.
- Editor-centric environment
- Shortcuts for everything
- Ergonomic user interface
- Inline debugger
Built-in developer tools
To streamline your workflow, IntelliJ IDEA offers an unbeatable toolset right from the first start: decompiler, bytecode viewer, FTP and many more.
- Version control
- Build tools
- Test runner and coverage
- Decompiler
- Terminal
- Database tools
- Application servers
- Docker
Polyglot experience
In addition to Java, IntelliJ IDEA offers first-class support for top JVM and non-JVM frameworks and languages out of the box.
- First-class support for top frameworks
- Many languages–one IDE
Requirement | Minimum | Recommended |
RAM | 2 GB of free RAM | 8 GB of total system RAM |
CPU | Any modern CPU | Multi-core CPU. IntelliJ IDEA supports multithreading for different operations and processes making it faster the more CPU cores it can use. |
Disk space | 3.5 GB | SSD drive with at least 5 GB of free space |
Monitor resolution | 1024×768 | 1920×1080 |
Operating system |
Officially released versions of the following: Microsoft Windows 10 1809 64-bit or later Pre-release versions are not supported. |
The latest versions of the following: Windows 64-bit |
You do not need to install Java to run IntelliJ IDEA because JetBrains Runtime is bundled with the IDE (based on JRE 17). However, to develop Java applications, a standalone JDK is required.
Older Linux distributions (before Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 8) don't support the required JCEF version starting from IntelliJ IDEA version 2022.1. This means that components relying on the embedded browser will not work, for example, the Markdown HTML preview and the interactive debugger console.
IntelliJ IDEA (可點擊觀看詳細介紹) IntelliJ IDEA 被認為是當前 Java 開發效率最快的 IDE 工具。它整合了開發過程中實用的眾多功能,幾乎可以不用滑鼠可以方便的完成你要做的任何事情,最大程度的加快開發的速度。簡單而又功能強大。與其他的一些繁冗而複雜的 IDE 工具有鮮明的對比。 |
PhpStorm PhpStorm 填補了 PHP 開發智慧 IDE 的長期空白,提供了開發者不可少的工具,如自動化重構、深層代碼分析、聯機錯誤檢查和快速修復。也關注於更多的智慧性,並提供更好的代碼質量保證,並支援最新的 PHP 趨勢。 |
PyCharm PyCharm 具有智慧代碼編輯器,能理解 Python 的特性並提供卓越的生產力推進工具:自動代碼格式化、代碼完成、重構、自動導入和一鍵代碼導航等。這些功能在先進代碼分析程式的支援下,使 PyCharm 成為 Python 專業開發人員和剛起步人員使用的有力工具。 |
RubyMine Ruby 和 Rails 是 IDE 中提供給開發人員最重要的工具,RubyMine 將其整合在一起,提供方便的環境,以確保網絡與 Ruby 在 Rails 的發展。 |
WebStorm WebStorm 是一款商業的 JavaScript 開發工具,用以開發網頁的好用網頁編輯器,讓您可以更方便的編輯 JavaScript 的語法,讓你編輯使用上更加快速! |
AppCode AppCode 是一個全新的 Objective-C 的整合式開發環境,用於幫助開發 Mac、iPone 和 iPad 的應用程式。 |
CLion Cross-platform IDE for C/C++ developers providing superb coding assistance and enormous time savings. |
DataGrip |
Rider 支持許多.NET項目類型 Rider支持.NET Framework,新的跨平台.NET Core和基於Mono的項目。這使您可以開發各種應用程式,包括.NET桌面應用程式,服務和庫,Unity games,Xamarin應用程式,ASP.NET和ASP.NET Core Web應用程式 |
GoLand GoLand是JetBrains的新商業IDE,旨在為Go開發提供符合人體工程學的環境。新的IDE擴展了IntelliJ平台,具有針對Go語言的編碼幫助和工具集成。 編碼協助/人體工學設計/集成工具/IntelliJ plugin ecosystem |
Datalore Datalore, an intelligent web application for data analysis. Explore datasets, build powerful predictive models, create rich visualizations and invite colleagues to get better insights. |
ReSharper (可點擊觀看詳細介紹) ReSharper 是智能化的微軟 Visual Studio 外掛程式。ReSharper 保持和增進 C#、VB.net、XML、Asp.net、XAML 構建腳本。ReSharper 還為 C# 和 VB.net 提供增強的交叉語言功能,它使開發者可以有效的控制 .net 混合項目。並可以檢測與移除錯誤代碼、加速編碼,及提供豐富的導航和搜索功能。 |
ReSharper C++ The Visual Studio Extension for C++ Developers ReSharper的C ++使得Visual Studio的C ++開發一個更好的IDE,提供有關即時代碼分析,快速修復,強大的搜索和導航,智能代碼完成,重構,各種代碼生成選項和其他功能,讓你每天增加生產率。 |
dotPeek Free .NET decompiler and assembly browser that is empowered with ReSharper-style navigation and displays decompiled code as C#. It also enables creating Visual Studio projects from decompiled code, which facilitates reconstructing lost source code. |
dotCover JetBrains dotCover is a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool that integrates with Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. dotMemory dotMemory allows you to analyze memory usage in a variety of .NET and .NET Core applications: desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, IIS, IIS Express, arbitrary .NET processes, and more. dotTrace dotTrace helps you detect performance bottlenecks in a variety of .NET and .NET Core applications: WPF and Universal Windows Platform, ASP.NET, Windows services, WCF services, and unit tests. Mono and Unity applications are supported as well. |
TeamCity (可點擊觀看詳細介紹) TeamCity 的是個連續的整合與建設管理解決方案,遵循著 IntelliJ IDEA 的傳統,軟件開發團隊將持續研究,為開發程式建造一個全新的水平。 |
YouTrack YouTrack 是個鍵盤為中心的錯誤和問題追蹤Web應用程式,可以節省您在處理問題所花費的時間。使用 YouTrack 只要運用兩個簡單的控制:搜索框和命令視窗。 |
Space Space is an all-in-one team collaboration platform that tightly integrates communication, process management, and software development tools in a single web or desktop interface. It lets you host repositories, analyze and review code, stay informed, and interact with your fellow colleagues from a single place. You can quickly find out who's working on what and who's in charge of what — and instantly contact the right person via a built-in messenger (Chats). |