Wisconsin Card Sorting Test® Computer Version 4–Research Edition (WCST:CV4™)
Robert K. Heaton, PhD and PAR Staff
臨床醫生可以選擇客戶匹配的所有有效尺寸,或者只需點擊任何一個有效尺寸; 該軟體將自動記錄該卡的任何其他尺寸匹配。
報告包括人口統計信息和測試績效變量; WCST原始分數和相應的年齡和教育校正標準分數,T分數和主要WCST變量的百分位數分數; 並且,對於年齡在20-89歲之間的個體,與基於1995年美國人口普查數據的年齡匹配樣本得出的標準分數進行比較。
WCST:CV4 Report
The software program automatically scores the responses according to Dr. Heaton's scoring system and then generates a report that includes the following information and features:
Demographic information and test performance variables.
WCST raw scores and corresponding age- and education-corrected standard scores, T scores, and percentile scores for major WCST variables for clients ages 6.5-89 years.
Scores for individuals ages 20-89 years are compared to normative scores derived from an adult sample matched by age to 1995 U.S. Census data.
Reports may be printed or saved in Rich Text Format (which is compatible with most word processing programs).
Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10
NTFS file system; Internet connection or telephone for activation; CD-ROM drive for installation; 16-bit, 800x600 (SVGA) display
PAUP*: Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (and Other Methods) 4.0 Beta
Sinauer Associates 公司的PAUP* 是目前使用最廣泛的演化分析軟體,其讀作Paup Star,而PAUP是Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony 的縮寫。
PAUP* version 4.0 is a major upgrade and new release of the software package for inference of evolutionary trees, for use in Macintosh, Windows, UNIX/VMS, or DOS-based formats. The influence of high-speed computer analysis of molecular, morphological and/or behavioral data to infer phylogenetic relationships has expanded well beyond its central role in evolutionary biology, now encompassing applications in areas as diverse as conservation biology, ecology, and forensic studies. The success of previous versions of PAUP: Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony has made it the most widely used software package for the inference of evolutionary trees. In addition, the PAUP manual has proven to be an essential guide, serving as a comprehensive introduction to phylogenetic analysis for beginning researchers, as well as an important reference for experts in the field. With the inclusion of maximum likelihood and distance methods in PAUP* 4.0, the new version represents a great improvement over its predecessors. In addition, the speed of the branch-and-bound algorithm has been enhanced and a number of new features have been added, from agreement subtrees to tests for combinability of data and permutation tests for nonrandomness of data structure. These, along with many other improvements, will make PAUP* 4.0 an even more indispensable tool in comparative biological analysis than were previous editions of the program and manual. PAUP* 4.0 and MacClade 3 use a common data file format (NEXUS), allowing easy interchange of data between the two programs.
Peak Spectroscopy 可以讀取 70 多種光譜檔案類型的資料。支援的檔案類型...光譜檔案轉換。從封閉專有格式批次轉換檔案。
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PetraSim 地下水數值模式 TOUGH2 圖形化介面工具
土木工程研究中常用的地下水傳輸及傳熱的數值模式 TOUGH2,主要用來分析地下水流、熱流傳輸分佈情形,PetraSim 是一個用於 TOUGH2 類比程式家族的圖形化介面。TOUGH2 及其衍生程式由伯克利勞倫斯國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)研發,因其在孔隙和裂隙介質中水流和熱運移的強大模擬能力而被認可,包括揮發性有機化合物的多組分混合物(TMVOC)。TOUGH2 已用於包括環境修復和 Yucca 山地下水流在內的多相、多組分問題。
PetraSim 以互動式 3D 環境,包括網格剖分,參數定義和結果展示,使建模者充分應用TOUGH2的功能。PetraSim 解放了分析者,讓他們可以專注於模型本身,同時自動處理TOUGH2輸入和輸出檔的繁瑣細節,從而大大降低了 TOUGH2 的使用難度。具有 PetraSim 的 TOUGH2 版本包括TOUGH2和T2VOC可執行程式,為用戶減少了成本和複雜性。
PetraSim 新版包括 TOUGH2 (version 2), T2VOC, TMVOC 及 TOUGHREACT (version 1.2) executables。同時可另外添加購買TOUGH version 2.1 和 TOUGHREACT v2.0 支持。PetraSim 部分支持 TOUGHREACT v3.0 和 TOUGHREACT-Pitzer。HydrateResSim is also supported and must be acquired from NETL for use with PetraSim.
Applications for PetraSim and the simulators it supports include:
Coupled process modeling (thermal, hydrologic, chemical, mechanical, biological)
Carbon sequestration and other types of injection
Methane hydrate dissociation and recovery
Performance assessment of nuclear waste repositories
Geothermal reservoir studies
Vadose zone hydrology
Fate and transport of volatile organic compounds
Design and analysis of laboratory and field experiments
ProShake 是功能強大的用戶友好型電腦程式,用於一維等效線性地震反應分析。ProShake完全由零開始編寫,具有眾多功能,可高效,有效地進行數據輸入,分析,查看和記錄結果,包括內置的模數降低和阻尼模型,土壤剖面和輸入運動參數的圖形顯示,寬範圍的圖形顯示各種輸出參數以及地震的動畫。
ProShake is organized into three "managers" - an Input Manager, a Solution Manager, and an Output Manager. The Input Manager allows entry of soil profile and input motion data. The Solution Manager performs iterative equivalent linear analyses while tracking the process of convergence toward strain-compatible soil properties. The Output Manager allows easy plotting of results in the form of time histories, response spectra, parameter profiles, and animations. A series of other parameters can also be computed.
ProShake also includes useful Report feature, as a file in Microsoft® Word® format, that automatically records the conditions of each analysis in tabular form. All ProShake plots can be copied to the Report and saved for subsequent editing in Word.
ProShake has been shown to produce results virtually identical to those produced by SHAKE91 and closed form solutions - but the process of entering data, running the analysis, and plotting the results is approximately 50 times faster with ProShake!
PSCAD: Power System Computer Aided Design(電力系統的電腦輔助設計)
EMTDC: Electro Magnetic Transient in DC System (直流系統中的電磁瞬態分析)
EMTDC程式(Electro Magnetic Transient in DC System)是目前世界上被廣泛使用的一種電力系統模擬分析軟體,它不僅可以研究交直流電力系統問題,又能完成電力電子模擬及其非線性控制的多功能(Versatile Tool)工具。PSCAD(Power System Computer Aided Design)是EMTDC的前處理程式,用戶在面板上可以構造電氣連接圖,輸入各元件的參數值,運行時則通過FORTRAN編譯器進行編譯、連接,運行的結果可以隨著程式執行的進度在PLOT中實時生成曲線,以檢驗運算結果是否合理,並能與MATLAB接口。EMTDC/PSCAD主要功能是進行電力系統時域和頻域計算模擬,典型應用是計算電力系統遭受擾動或參數變化時,電參數隨時間變化的規律;另外EMTDC/PSCAD還可以廣泛的應用於高壓直流輸電、FACTS控制器的設計、電力系統諧波分析及其電力電子模擬。軟體還可以作為實時數字模擬器(Real Time Digital Simulator,RTDS)的前置端(Front End)。
Dennis Woodford博士於1976年在加拿大曼尼托巴水電局開發完成了EMTDC的初版,是一種世界各國廣泛使用的電力系統模擬軟體, PSCAD是其用戶界面,PSCAD的開發成功,使得用戶能更方便地使用EMTDC進行電力系統分析,使電力系統複雜部分可視化成為可能,而且軟件可以作為實時數字仿真器的前置端。可模擬任意大小的交直流系統。操作環境為:UNIX OS, Windows95, 98,NT;Fortran 編輯器;瀏覽器和TCP/IP協議。
• 可以發現系統中斷路器操作、故障及雷擊時出現的過電壓
• 可對包含複雜非線性元件(如直流輸電設備)的大型電力系統進行全三相的精確模擬,其輸入、輸出界面非常直觀、方便
• 進行電力系統時域或頻域計算模擬
• 電力系統諧波分析及電力電子領域的模擬計算
• 實現高壓直流輸電、FACTS控制器的設計