PetraSim 地下水數值模式 TOUGH2 圖形化介面工具
土木工程研究中常用的地下水傳輸及傳熱的數值模式 TOUGH2,主要用來分析地下水流、熱流傳輸分佈情形,PetraSim 是一個用於 TOUGH2 類比程式家族的圖形化介面。TOUGH2 及其衍生程式由伯克利勞倫斯國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)研發,因其在孔隙和裂隙介質中水流和熱運移的強大模擬能力而被認可,包括揮發性有機化合物的多組分混合物(TMVOC)。TOUGH2 已用於包括環境修復和 Yucca 山地下水流在內的多相、多組分問題。
PetraSim 以互動式 3D 環境,包括網格剖分,參數定義和結果展示,使建模者充分應用TOUGH2的功能。PetraSim 解放了分析者,讓他們可以專注於模型本身,同時自動處理TOUGH2輸入和輸出檔的繁瑣細節,從而大大降低了 TOUGH2 的使用難度。具有 PetraSim 的 TOUGH2 版本包括TOUGH2和T2VOC可執行程式,為用戶減少了成本和複雜性。
PetraSim 新版包括 TOUGH2 (version 2), T2VOC, TMVOC 及 TOUGHREACT (version 1.2) executables。同時可另外添加購買TOUGH version 2.1 和 TOUGHREACT v2.0 支持。PetraSim 部分支持 TOUGHREACT v3.0 和 TOUGHREACT-Pitzer。HydrateResSim is also supported and must be acquired from NETL for use with PetraSim.
Applications for PetraSim and the simulators it supports include: |
Advanced Porous Media Simulation
Graphical interface for the TOUGH simulators from LBNL.
PetraSim integrates the TOUGH family of codes into a user interface that allows the analyst to focus on the model, while automatically handling the complex details of simulator input and results.
The TOUGH2 versions of PetraSim include the corresponding simulation software at no extra cost.
3D Model Creation
PetraSim supports completely interactive 3D model creation. The user can import existing 3D layer data and use it to define the model geometry.
Users can assign material properties to the layers and define wells through the model.
Mesh Generation
PetraSim supports multiple meshing options. The most basic is a rectangular mesh in which cells are assigned properties based on the region in which they are located. This mesh provides the most reliable convergence properties. If it is desired to have the mesh conform to the layers, this can be accomplished using either a rectangular or Voronoi conforming mesh. The image shows a Voronoi conforming mesh with the middle layer hidden to display the interior of the model.
Support for TOUGH EOS Options
The TOUGH codes have been developed for many different Equations of State (EOS). Each equation of state describes a different set of components.
For example, EOS3 describes water and air which can exist in single or two-phase conditions and can be used for groundwater or geothermal applications. EOS7C includes methane-carbon dioxide or methane-nitrogen gas mixtures. Applications include subsurface geologic carbon sequestration sites and natural gas reservoirs. The components modeled include water, brine, non-condensible gas (CO2 or N2), gas tracer, methane, and heat.
All EOS module executables are optimized and integrated into PetraSim, so no further compilation is required. The user just clicks and runs. If you have developed a modified variation of TOUGH, support is provided to pre-process and post-process those results also.
Integrated Results Visualization
The user can immediately view results. PetraSim includes time history and 3D iso-surface, vector, and contour plots. Data can be exported to spreadsheets or in a simple format appropriate for graphic software such as TECPLOT.
Helpful Input Visualization
All input is organized in such a way that the user understands what the input value is and where it will be used. For example, when relative permeability input is specified, the equations are given and a dynamic preview of the permeability curves is displayed.
System Requirements
PetraSim will run well on any newer computer. At a minimum, the processor should be at least as fast as a 1 GHz Pentium III, with at least 512 MB RAM. A graphics card that supports OpenGL 1.1 or later with 64 MB of graphics memory is recommended.
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