STELLA 和iThink屬於系統動力學軟體,提供動力視覺化的一種實際的方法,並且交流複雜系統和想法,讓它們真的起作用,他們基本上是同一個軟體,只不過應用方向不一樣,iThink側重於商業領域,STELLA主要用於教育和科學研究。
• 氣候變化怎樣隨著時間影響生態系統?
• 如果他已經更早殺死克勞迪厄斯,哈姆雷特的命運將改變嗎?
• 油價怎樣在供應和需求方面對震動作出回應?
• 當臭氧層消失時,將發生什麼?
• 基本的總體經濟原則下怎樣影響收入和消費?
STELLA 軟體通過很多講故事的特色支持各種學習類型。圖表和動畫幫助視覺學習者發現等式中變數之間的關係。文字學習者可以從視覺模型周圍環繞的文字和附加檔來解釋一個新的環境策略的影響。
使用 STELLA 可以
• 長時間做系統模擬
• 將理論同現實世界連接在一起
• 讓學生們創造性地改變系統
• 教授學生如何尋找關係——從 大局出發
• 清楚地理解系統輸入和輸出同時展示輸出結果
Documentation added to Connectors and Loop Labels
It is now possible to add documentation to connecters and loop labels. The documentation is entered using the Documentation Tab as it is for variables and will display on hover. When using the Model View object on the interface the documentation will display if the option to show documentation is chosen, though Loop Labels will always display their documentation.
Comparative Tables Grouped by Run
Comparative tables can now be grouped either by variable or by run making it easier to see all variables for a given run. Learn More
Removing Borders on Allocation Input
The Pie Chart and the Allocation Input (Interface) have a new option to keep or remove the borders between the displayed pie slices. This can help to remove clutter.
Styling of Tabbed Graphs, Tables, Group Input, and Array Input
You can now customize the appearance of the tabs used to switch between different graphs and tables (or variables for the Group Input). Learn More
Stricter Units Checking
A strict units checking option has been added. It is on by default unless changed in the Default Settings Run Specs dialog. This option will check for dimensioned variables being used in graphicals and builtins such as EXP. The option is set on the Model Settings Properties Panel.
Controlling Initial Stock Values in Stella Live
Stocks with constant equations can now have the initial value updated fr...
UN-SCAN-IT Gel 電泳分析軟體可以迅速提高掃描儀的顯像密度,並且在全掃描分辨率條件下自動分析電泳圖像。UN-SCAN-IT Gel軟體可以與任何掃描儀、數碼相機、或者其它圖像輸入設備結合使用將凝膠電泳數字化。除了凝膠分析的特徵以外,UN-SCAN-IT gel也包含了UN-SCAN-IT 所有的(x,y)數字化和圖表化特色。在其它的軟體程序中,也可以利用被導出的數字化凝膠和(x,y)數據。
使用UN-SCAN-IT Gel可以幫助你:
Turn your scanner into a high-speed gel densitometer
Quantify lanes, segments, and dot blots
Analyze TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, and many other image formats
Perform gel densitometry and quantification on many types of electrophoresis bands
Quantify Western blots, Agarose gels, PCR gels, TLC, or any other gel image
Improve accuracy and reproducibility
Reduce the need for guesswork in gel quantifying
Automate your gel analysis for a much lower cost than other densitometry software
Reduce gel analysis times and increase laboratory productivity
Determine the relative abundance and position of each band or segment within the gel
Calibrate the image intensity to normalize results
Save the data in ASCII and clipboard format
Export gel data to other spreadsheet, data analysis, and graphics programs
Digitize (x,y) graphs with all of the same features as regular UN SCAN IT
How UN‑SCAN‑IT gel Works
Although the UN-SCAN-IT gel - Gel Analysis Software has numerous options and features, the basic operation simply consists of converting an image (TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PCX, etc.) into pixel density and area values through a few simple gel analysis steps...
System Requirements | Windows
► Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 (or newer)
► 512 MB or more of RAM memory
► 30 MB of free hard disk space
► Scanner, digital camera, other imaging device, or standard image files
System Requirements | Macintosh
► Macintosh OS X 10.x through 13.x (or newer)
► 512 MB or more of RAM memory
► 50 MB of free hard disk space
► Scanner, digital camera, other imaging device, or standard image files
WIEN2K 套裝軟體是目前使用密度泛函理論計算週期性體系的電子結構的最精確的計算程式之一。它在密度泛函理論框架下使用局域 (自旋)密度近似 (L(S)DA) 或廣義梯度近似 (GGA),採用全勢 (Full Potential, FP) 方法和 (線性)增廣平面波 ((L)APW)+ 局域軌道 (lo) 基組。WIEN2K套裝程式計算中對芯層電子考慮完全相對論效應,對價層電子考慮標量相對論效應。
Define your structure (cif-file import, spacegroup support, symmetry detection)
initialize (semi-automatic guided input generation)
run scf-cycle (with/without simultaneous optimization of atomic positions)
Calculate some properties ("Guided Tasks" in w2web)
write a publication (NOT yet supported in w2web, you must do it yourself)
New features include:
A new version of the mixer
init_lapw: slightly modified RKMAX values for the different prec levels
2 new convenient options for x optimize [-job "run-command of your choice" -save "save_name of your choice"]
At you can find new tools:
PY-Nodes by V. Pandey, S.K. Pandey
ElaTools by Shahram Yalameha
a couple of new videos for IRelast
LinReTraCe (transport properties beyond semi-classical Boltzmann techniques).
Winsteps 是Windows 介面的軟體,用 Rasch-Model 的很多應用幫助,特別是在教育測試,看法調查和等級規模分析的區域內。
Rasch analysis是一種方法,能夠獲得客觀的、基本的、由隨機觀察有序類別的反應的線性措施(合格的標準誤差和質量控制符合統計)。Georg Rasch,丹麥數學家,於 1953年制定本辦法,分析了一系列的反應,閱讀測驗(Rasch G, Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests, Chicago: MESA Press, 1992, withinstructive Foreword and Afterword by B.D. Wright)
在丹麥語Rasch發音類似英語單詞rash,在德國聽起來像英語raa-sch。德國發音,raa-sch,是為了避免誤解。人與項目總原始分數被用來估計線性措施。 Rasch模式條件下,這些措施是項目免費(項目分配免費)和人的自由(人分配免費)。因此,該措施相當於統計的項目-無論是哪個人(來自同一人口)進行了分析,對其中無論哪個項目(來自同一人口)進行了分析。分析數據的響應級別表明在何種程度上實現這些理想在任何特定的數據集。
在 Winsteps,Rasch模式實施包括Georg Rasch dichotomous, Andrich "rating scale",Masters "partial credit", Bradley-Terry "paired comparison",Glas "success model",Linacre "failure model"和most combinations of these models。其他如binomial trials和Poisson也可以分析anchoring (fixing)的結構,以符合反應的反應模型。 (如果您有特殊需要,請讓我們知道,Winsteps不斷增強。)
該估計方法是JMLE,“Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation”,與初始值開始提供PROX是Normal Approximation Algorithm”。
» Windows: Winsteps is 64-bit/32-bit software. It runs successfully under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, but not 8, 7, Vista, Windows XP, 2000, ME, NT, 98, 95, 3.1.
For Windows XP and 32-bit-only Windows installations, Winsteps 4.8.2 is available. Purchase a standard Winsteps license, then request the earlier Winsteps version
» Mac, Linux,Chrome OS: Winsteps runs under Windows installed on the target hardware using special-purpose software.
Please check compatibility by downloading and running the free student/evaluation/demo version, MINISTEP - same as Winsteps but limited to 25 items and 75 persons/cases.