最新版 Softany WordToHelp 3.315 更新於 2023/4/21
最新版 Softany WinCHM Pro 5.49
Softany Software 公司開發的 WinCHM 為一個簡易上手的創造說明文件檔的軟體,不需複雜的學習,您可以輕易的駕馭製作出HTML、Web、PDF以及Word的說明文件檔。使用WinCHM,您不僅能夠不需任何東西,直接製作一份說明文件檔,也能夠將一個HTML的文件轉換成CHM文件。
1.支援固定模板 – 讓製作整齊的HTML說明文件變得容易
2.可創造全功能的Web說明文件。 (目錄、索引、搜索和書籤)
Operating system compatibility: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Softany WordToHelp
Create HTML Help(.chm), Web help and PDF with Microsoft Word.
Softany CHM to PDF converter
The most professional CHM-to-PDF product on the market so far. It can convert Windows html help (.chm) file into PDF with cover, table of contents, header, footer, page number, title number, etc.
Softany CHM to DOC converter
The most professional CHM-to-DOC product on the market so far. It can convert Windows html help (.chm) file into Word document that contains cover, table of contents, header, footer, page number, title number, etc.
Softany Txt2Htm2Chm
Txt2Htm2Chm is a template-based text to HTML converter that easily convert text files to a set of good organized HTML files such as chm project, webhelp, html ebook, faq and single html(can be easily converted to Word Document or PDF). These files can be directly used in web site or converted to chm files.