TestingWhiz Solutions
TestingWhiz™是以FAST® automation engine為基礎,一個簡單、直觀、可負擔的解決方案。它採用易使用且智能化的記錄技術,如 關鍵字驅動(keyword-driven)測試、數據驅動測試、Excel輸入、目標記錄和Java scripting,提供功能性強的測試自動化解決方案,如 自動化回歸測試(automated regression testing)、跨瀏覽器測試(cross browser testing)、圖像對照及語言翻譯。
Cross Browser Testing
TestingWhiz可在多個瀏覽器上自動執行網頁應用程式的測試。記錄測試情況只需一次並在任何瀏覽器上重複播放。TestingWhiz為您解省手動測試新版瀏覽器的時間。支援瀏覽器:Internet Explorer、Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome、Safari、Opera.
Regression Testing
網頁應用程式上的回歸測試自動化(regression test automation)比你想像中簡單。Using TestingWhiz, you can create your regression test suite by simply recording the test steps. TestingWhiz's codeless test editor makes it very easy to modify those test scripts whenever your application undergoes a new release cycle making maintenance a stress free activity.
Image Comparison
Language Translation
TestingWhiz是多功能的工具,可使用Google Translate工具的語言快速翻譯。這對於需要將應用程式翻譯成多種語言的使用者有很大的功用。TestingWhiz是可以使用谷歌翻譯工具用於快速一字一句語言翻譯一個多功能的工具。
The above video shows the following features of TestingWhiz:
TestingWhiz UI Introduction
TestingWhiz - Test Editor
Automated Script
Cross Browser Testing
Introduction to Visual Reports
Code-Less Test Editor
Cross Browser Testing
Shorter Learning Curve
當您開始使用 Kiuwan 雲端應用程式品質管理工具! 即可開始輕鬆簡單分析各種程式語言所開發出來的應用程式,並提供多元化的評量的報告,還可以依照評量結果進行技術提升及缺陷管理,以維持良好的軟體品質。
簡便:現在只需與友環申請註冊,您便可獲得 Kiuwan 提供的所有強大功能,登入後只需點擊幾下滑鼠即可實現。簡單易用的介面顯示您需要的所有資訊,從您應用程式的整體健康狀況到發現的缺陷的詳情等。
快速:利用 Kiuwan,您可以在幾分鐘內準備就緒,開始正常運行。無需安裝和配置。Kiuwan 分析程式擁有業內最快的速度。您將在幾分鐘內擁有一目了然的結果、指示器、衡量指標和缺陷資訊。
To protect our infrastructure, we allow up to 3 analysis per application a day. Which is almost the same as saying: As many as you want! We actually encourage you to meassure as often as you can —and make sense in your application lifecycle—. Even every day, if you make significat changes daily. We just charge you to keep the application data available, no matter how much data there is. We think it’s a darn good deal.
SmartDraw 可讓你創造出流程圖、組織圖、時間線圖、表格、圖解、樓層圖、網路等等。它特別適合需要快速方便地做出專業品質圖表的人。
SmartDraw是功能超強的流程圖繪製程式,可製作商業用之組織流程或作業流程外,更可繪製化學實驗公式流程。程式中的連結器具有隨機移動功能,不易斷線。內含多種模型,可直接套用或修改。支援各式圖像格式,如 GIF、JPG、TIF...等。可製作網頁圖形,且不超過 3K。有了這套軟體,就可解決製作流程圖的問題,讓你的檔更具有可看性。
流程圖的類型選項有:一般流程圖、組織圖、樹形圖、網路圖、區塊圖、工程用流程圖、平面圖、甘蔗圖、表格、地圖、卡片和其他等等的類型, 只要先選擇你要設計流程圖的類型,SmartDraw 會依你選擇的類型,開啟不同的工具列選項。
可在 Office 的任一軟體中插入 SmartDraw 的物件。
SmartDraw is the World's First Visual ProcessorTM
Generate Reports from Jira Data for Scaled Agile
SmartDraw can now generate reports using your Jira data including:
» Blocking Issue Report
» Epic Dependency Report
» PI Board
» Product Roadmap
These reports will let you connect requirements and dependencies, gain actionable insights, allocate resources more efficiently, and deliver what customers and stakeholders want faster at scale.
Blocking Issue Report
Easily see and understand dependencies in your product development effort. This report will let you see potential bottlenecks that could be slowing down your team at the issue level.
Epic Dependency Report
The epic dependency report will show you all the issues and their dependencies for a single Epic. This report allows organizations to see what is blocking the Epic's stories from being completed as planned.
PI Board
Generate a program increment planning board from your Jira data without any manual whiteboard work. The PI board will give management visibility into dependencies and highlights potential risks to delivering a project on time. SmartDraw's PI Board will scale across multiple teams and projects easily to give your team the insights they need.
Product Roadmap
The new product roadmap is the perfect reporting tool if you have executives and managers who are not comfortable digging around Jira, but still need to know which teams are working on what features.
Product owners can use the roadmap to report on when new features and functionality will ship.
SmartGit is a Git client with support for GitHub Pull Requests+Comments and SVN.
SmartGit 是一款跨平台、圖形化的Git和Mercurial版本控制系統的圖形化客戶端程式。可在Linux、Mac OS X和Windows系統上運行,且支持 GitHub Pull Requests + Comments以及 SVN。
One for All.
SmartGit assists Git newbies as well as it makes experienced developers more productive.
SmartGit has the same intuitive user interface on Windows, macOS and Linux:
graphical merge and commit history
drag and drop commit reordering, merging or rebase
fast, even for larger repositories
Use your SmartGit license on as many machines and operating systems you like.
Interacting with popular platforms.
SmartGit comes with special integrations for GitHub, Azure DevOps, BitBucket (as well BitBucket Server) and GitLab to create and resolve Pull Requests and Review Comments.
Of course, you can use SmartGit like any other Git client with your own Git repositories or other hosting providers.
Everything Included.
No need to install and configure additional tools. SmartGit includes all you need:
intuitive File Compare (no plain wrapper around git diff)
powerful File Merge (freely editable "Conflict Solver")
Git-Flow (high-level branch handling)
graphical Merge and Commit History
bundled Git client
Adopt to Your Needs and Workflows.
A perfect Git client should support your workflows. You can customize SmartGit in various ways:
Preferences for Merging, Rebasing
External tools,
External or built-in Compare or Conflict Solver tools,
Syntax coloring,
Keyboard shortcuts,
Layout of certain views,
Light and dark themes
Windows 10+ (64-bit)
macOS 11 - 14
Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+)