最新版 A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy 更新
1. 互動的學習工具-提供高品質的解剖及生理學平台供醫學教育者、學生、健康科學、病人教育、看護、醫學出版商及合法的專業使用。
2. 超過2萬個獨立的解剖學構造-以圖層的方式提供解剖照片,可點選超過2萬個獨立的解剖學構造,完整的搜尋、索引且交互參考功能。
3. 可開啟多重視窗-涵蓋最廣、最詳細的數位影像資料庫,可開啟多重視窗:前面的、中間的、後面的視線,互相比較。
4. 超過400個大頭針連結圖片主題-超過400個大頭針連結圖片主題及人體解剖照片以增加使用者的經驗,以真正的人體解剖照片顯示,而非商業製圖而成,附有完整的連結可以相互比較學習。
5. 3D圖片不再是只能旋轉了-1D、2D、3D模型讓使用者可看到數百個指定的結構至極小的細節。此外,除了標準自轉,3D模式還提供了爆發性的透明、飛躍穿梭效果。由可視人體計劃而來,提供的模型符合真正的解剖學。經由交越式連結,使用者可直接從3D模型連結至不同型態的同一構造,並互相比較。
6. 幻燈片顯示提供互動學習-容易使用的標註工具可幫助建立使用圖片的互動教材。可藉由磁片、區域網路、網際網路傳遞。新的幻燈片顯示提供更多的教學方法來了解豐富的解剖學資科庫。
- Multiple Languages
- Increased Color Resolution
- Designed For Today's Operating Systems
- Open Dialog Window
- View Multiple Open Windows
- Over 3,900 Articles For Teaching Clinical Applications
- Over 3,000 New Clinical Illustrations
- Convenient Online Access
- Completely New 3D Anatomy Library
- Animation Library and Viewer
- Dissectible Atlas
- of Anatomy
- Clinical Illustration Library
- Extensive List of Pinned Atlas Anatomy Images
- Curriculum Builder
- Moveable Transparency Box
- Additional Clinical Content
- Advanced Find Feature
- Multiple Selection of Anatomical Structures
Interact with 3D models
A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy online now includes the most detailed 3D Library available. The 3D Library contains 8 fully-interactive 3D models, including:
- brain
- ear
- eye
- heart
- lungs
- female reproductive system
- male reproductive system
- skull
With our 3D library, you can visualize hundreds of specific detailed structures in the highest resolution available. In addition to full rotation, the 3D models provide for cut-away views, transparency effects, and fly-through sequences.
Minimum System Requirements
Recommended System Requirements
A.D.A.M. Interactive Physiology
- 10 個InterActive生理學模組 - 心血管系統,肌肉的系統,呼吸系統,神經系統尿的系統,流體和電解液,神經II,內分泌系統,消化系統已及免疫系統。
- 學生作業有交互式CD - 包含標準的題目及課程上難教難學的題目。
- Each physiological concept is preceded by a set of goals and an anatomy review, and followed by a thorough quiz that tests mastery of those goals through engaging activities that ask your students to predict outcomes, play with variables, and measure responses.
Interactive Physiology 軟體特色
學生可以從Elaine N. Marieb,RN,Ph.D。獲得人體解剖學和生理學第三版的相應章節概要。幫助將模塊主題與教科書中的相關頁面和圖形相關聯。
Elaine Marieb提供了對重要,困難概念的進一步澄清和強調,他出現在屏幕上作為“虛擬教授”。
Operating System
Download and Recommended Hardware Requirements
Anatomy Practice Online
Anatomy Practice will provide you with 24/7 online access to a rich atlas of anatomy images and test questions designed to challenge your knowledge of key anatomical structures. The interactive and detailed images and illustrations in Anatomy Practice include more than 15,500 structures and identification questions accompanied by nearly 600 full-color anatomical illustrations, cadaver images, and radiographs. You can take customized or randomized tests by body region to align with your courses or area of study.
Lab Exercises
A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy Online Lab Exercises is an add-on module for use with A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy, providing an assessment tool for your students. It is designed to help students acquire anatomical knowledge by matching labels to corresponding anatomical images. A.D.A.M. Online Lab Exercises covers over 950 key anatomical structures across 11 body systems. Lab Exercises support your one-term or two-term Anatomy and Physiology courses.
A.D.A.M. OnDemandTM
Off-the-shelf medical programs for all your learning needs.
Our team of medical writers, instructional designers, graphic designers, project managers, medical illustrators, and subject-matter experts has developed eLearning programs across a number of therapeutic areas. A.D.A.M. OnDemand features a wide variety of programs for the health care industry, including basic and advanced learning programs.
A.D.A.M. Inside Out
This award-winning online resource enhances science and health education courses, family life curriculum, and health literacy. A.D.A.M. Inside Out combines the award-winning content and features of The Inside Story, the 9-Month Miracle, and the Health and Wellness chapters to give your students a truly unique view of the human body.
Health Resources for Libraries
Offered in either an Academic or a Public version, A.D.A.M. Health Resources for Libraries combines four authoritative databases, providing a single access point for easy and convenient learning. Information available online includes our Illustrated Medical Encyclopedia, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, in-depth reports, and A.D.A.M Image Databases.
A.D.A.M. Images
Our award-winning illustrations and images are now available for licensing—with more than 31,000 detailed and medically accurate images ready for immediate download, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for. Browse our comprehensive online image catalog covering disease states, injuries, medical conditions, tests, treatments, surgical procedures, and human anatomy.