最新版 HyperSnap v9.5.2 更新於 2024/8/30
最新版 HyperSnap 中文版 7.29.21
最新版 HyperSnap v9.5.2 更新於 2024/8/30
最新版 HyperSnap 中文版 7.29.21
- 圖像可以從屏幕上的任何位置或多個顯示器上以任何形狀或大小捕獲。
- 新的強大的圖像捕獲,編輯,註釋和操作工具。現在可以隨時選擇,編輯,顯示和隱藏,移動,刪除在圖像上繪製的對象。
新的本機文件格式保存為以後進一步編輯而繪製的對象,或保存標準圖像並使對象永久地“印記”在它們上面。 - 無限撤消/重做。
- TextSnap™功能可從屏幕上的幾乎任何位置捕獲可編輯文本。還可以捕獲製表符分隔的數據,以便輕鬆粘貼到MS Excel中。
- 使用熱鍵功能或延遲捕獲捕獲下拉菜單和列表。
- 圖像標記,幀,投影,徒手捕獲,FTP伺服器上傳等。
- 自動顏色替換。
- 非矩形窗口捕獲。
- Button Capture - 非常適合需要快照和記錄數十個按鈕的專業技術作家!
- 自動滾動並同時捕獲長網頁和其他。文檔,使其能夠抓取比屏幕上顯示的更多。
- 與MS Windows剪貼板緊密集成,自動執行重複性任務 - 甚至可以自動PASTE在需要的地方捕獲圖像!
- 自動將捕獲保存到圖形文件。
- 雙打作為有效的圖像查看器,格式轉換器(支持超過20種圖像格式)。
- 完全可定制的用戶界面。以您想要的任何方式重新排列菜單和工具欄,分配您喜歡的任何鍵盤快捷鍵,撕下菜單
以創建即時工具欄,甚至可以使用語音命令控制HyperSnap! - 擴展窗口捕獲功能調整窗口的大小,使其比捕獲前的屏幕大得多 - 只需一個快速步驟,無需自動滾動。
NOTE: TextSnap is no longer supported for new programs using accelerated graphics or running under Windows 8.
- Screen magnifier (added in ver. 9.1) - like a magnifying glass, enlarges the area around cursor to make clicking small elements easier. Turn on under the Setup ribbon tab or from the "quick access" toolar on top.
- Auto Backup - All new screen captures, and all images that you edit in HyperSnap, are automatically backed up in the backup folder, and kept there for several days (by default 7 days) before being auto-deleted to free space. No more lost screenshots or image edits on accidental exit of the program, system crash, power outage etc. See more under the File menu - Auto Backup.
- Snap to vertices and segment middles when drawing lines, arrows, rectangles, polygons etc., by holding down the Ctrl key. Shift key may be held down too to limit drawing to horizontal, vertical or 45 degree angles.
- Arrow drawing has a "polyline" mode, which lets you draw a series of connected lines as
- one object, ending with an arrowhead.
- Text and callout object have new option to center text vertically in the box.
The following long depreciated features from older versions were removed in version 9:
- The old menu and toolbars interface is now removed. The new ribbon interface is the only one available.
- Voice commands are removed. They were never widely used.
- 連續抓取多張圖像;
- 抓取超長圖像、全屏圖像;
- 自定義截圖屏幕區域圖像的形狀;
- 抓取虛擬桌面圖像、按鈕、活動窗口等;
- 抓取視頻、屏幕、DirectX, 3Dfx Glide 遊戲全屏截圖等。
- 添加文字 /箭頭/圖形/描述框等;
- 裁剪/旋轉/重置圖像大小/分辨率;
- 水印/陰影/馬賽克;
- 雕塑/邊框/模糊等特效;
- 顏色修正/分辨率調整/一鍵替換顏色。
- 20多種圖形格式(包括:BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX等)保存並閱覽;
- 自動保存圖片上傳到FTP
- 通過郵件發送;
- 保存為壁紙;捕捉後影印。
HyperSnap v.9 is compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit releases of Windows 10, and 11, and their corresponding Windows Server editions.
HyperSnap™ 7 - use this version on Windows XP, also works on Vista, Win7, Win8