最新版 GFI MailEssentials v21.7 更新於 2024/2/2
最新版 GFI Archiver v15.6 更新於 2024/1/4
GFI MailEssentials
Exchange 反垃圾郵件、反網路釣魚和郵件管理
GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP 提供伺服器級別的垃圾郵件和網路釣魚保護以及郵件管理功能。 GFI MailEssentials 使用貝葉斯分析和其他方式提供快速設置和較高的垃圾郵件檢測率,無需進行配置,使用自動白名單具有極低的誤報率,並且可以自動適應郵件環境以便不斷調整和 改善垃圾郵件的檢測。 GFI MailEssentials 還為郵件伺服器增添了郵件管理工具: 免責聲明、郵件歸檔和監控、Internet 郵件報告、列表伺服器、基於伺服器的自動回應和 POP3 下載。
- 貝葉斯技術提供98+%垃圾郵件偵測率
- 透過經常更新的黑名單郵件資料庫比較郵件內容來阻止詐騙郵件
- 允許最終用戶透過其設在Exchange信箱的專門資料夾瀏覽垃圾郵件
- 透過消除手動排序和刪除垃圾郵件的過程增加員工的生產力
- 透過阻止詐騙郵件保護使用者免受身份和資訊盜竊
- 消除內含討厭內容的垃圾郵件(如色情內容)帶來的干擾
- 保護免受帶有惡意對象(如腳本和exploits)的郵件的侵害
The minimum hardware requirements for GFI MailEssentials are:
- Processor: 2GHz with multiple cores
- Memory (RAM): 2GB dedicated for GFI MailEssentials
- Disk space: 10GB dedicated for GFI MailEssentials
Note that the above requirements depend on a range of factors including email volume and number of Anti Virus engines enabled.
- Any version of Microsoft Windows Server (64-bit) from 2008 R2 onwards. (excluding Server Core)
- Microsoft IIS SMTP service or Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2013/2016
- Microsoft IIS World Wide Web service
- Microsoft Messaging Queuing Service (MSMQ)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4/4.5
- ASP.NET & Windows Authentication role services when installing on Windows Server 2008 R2 onwards
- Microsoft SQL Server/Microsoft SQL Server Express (free) is suggested for the Reporting engine database for installs with more than 100 mailboxes.
- McAfee and VIPRE AVs have been discontinued.
- Microsoft Exchange 2007 is no longer supported.
- Microsoft Windows 2008 is no longer supported.
GFI Archiver 可以輕鬆保護、存儲和檢索您的電子通信。該解決方案可讓您在一個位置存檔和管理電子郵件、日曆和文件歷史記錄,並在需要時提供輕鬆訪問。滿足合規性要求、減少服務器空間、提高電子郵件性能、降低成本等等。
- 管理您的電子通信歷史記錄,包括電子郵件、附件、文件、日曆條目和傳真。
- 將原始電子郵件和文件存檔在防篡改的中央存儲中。協助合規、電子取證和內部調查。
- 使用消息審核來驗證存儲的電子郵件和文件是否真實。
- 使用桌面或移動設備快速檢索電子郵件歷史記錄和文件。
- 郵件、附件和文件在存檔前會自動編入索引,從而加快搜索和檢索速度。
- 將電子通信與應用程序分開歸檔,以節省服務器空間並提高性能。
- 使用單實例存儲 (SIS) 來存儲多收件人電子郵件的一份副本,而不是同一封電子郵件的多份副本。
- 壓縮(和解壓縮)電子郵件附件以優化存儲資源的使用。
System Requirements - GFI Archiver
Minimum: Intel Pentium or compatible - 2GHz 32-bit processor.
Recommended: x64 architecture-based server with Intel 64 architecture or AMD64 platform.
Minimum: 1GB RAM (dedicated to GFI Archiver)
Recommended: 3GB RAM (dedicated to GFI Archiver)
Physical storage:
Minimum: 400MB physical disk space (NTFS) for GFI Archiver installation. More space is required for the email databases.
Recommended: Server with 4 physical drives, with the ability to increase storage space on demand when required.
Supported operating systems (64-Bit):
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 (including R2)
- Windows SBS 2011
NOTE: The server on which GFI Archiver is installed needs to be a domain controller (Active Directory) or connected to one. Alternatively, GFI Directory should be installed.
Supported MailServers:
- Microsoft Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 (incl. service packs)
- Other mail servers supporting IMAP (with journaling-like feature)
- Office 365
- Kerio Connect
- Google Apps for Business™
Supported databases:
- Supported versions: SQL Server 2012 or later.
- Recommend version:
- SQL Server 2019.
- SQL Server Express (for smaller deployments, under 100 users)
- Firebird – for evaluating organizations with fewer than 25 email users. (This database is bundled and automatically configured by GFI Archiver.)
Other required components:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7
- ASP.Net 4.7
- Internet Information Services (IIS) - World Wide Web services
- Microsoft Internet Explorer® 8 or later, Mozilla® Firefox®, Chrome™, or Safari®
- Domain Functional level: 2003 onwards
- Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 - When GFI Archiver is not installed on the Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server.
GFI OneConnect
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Kerio Connect
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GFI EventsManager
Monitor, manage and consolidate event log data
GFI EndPointSecurity
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Exinda Network Orchestrator
Quality of experience for critical applications
GFI OneGuard
Network security and resource management tool
Kerio Control
All-in-one next-generation firewall and UTM