最新版 Java Service Wrapper v3.5.59 更新於 2024/7/23
Java Service Wrapper 可以把Java應用程序安裝成一個Windows NT服務或Unix Daemon。它同時還為應用程序提供日記功能,靈活的配置,可靠的運行性能,按需求重新啟動,簡化應用程序的安裝等。
該工具主要用於包裝其他java服務器端程序(比如tomcat,或者自己開發的java服務器程 序),提供如下特性:作為windows服務或者unix守護進程運行; 增強程序的可靠性,程序崩潰後的自動重啟,比如內存溢出,虛擬機崩潰等造成JVM退出的監控和恢復運行(重新啟動); 標準的,可獨立使用的配置JVM參數的腳本; 支持java應用程序重啟JVM,比如應用程序修改了配置文件,或者重啟系統避免內存溢出等問題; 靈活的配置; 簡化應用程序的安裝; 記錄日誌。
- 不需要任何外加的程式就能夠完成您的整體工作。
- 當應用或者 JVM 發生變化時,自動定制反應
- 當出現問題時,自動提示
- 特有的註冊特點,給您的客戶更好的支持
- 在多種平臺上設置統一的標準方式對事件進行安排
- 多平台操作,無論是 Windows Servic e還是 Unix daemon 隨意安裝和部署應用程式
The Java Service Wrapper is available in three editions.
► Professional Edition - Includes all basic and advanced features.
► Standard Edition - Includes all basic and some advanced features.
► Community Edition - Includes all basic features.
Feature | Professional | Standard | Community |
Ability to run as a Windows Service
V | V | V |
Ability to run as a UNIX Daemon
V | V | V |
Codeless Integration
V | V | V |
Capture and logging of all console output from JVM
V | V | V |
Flexible classpath configuration using wildcards
V | V | V |
Custom working directory
V | V | V |
JVM Monitoring and restart functionality
V | V | V |
Single instance enforcement
V | V | V |
Ability to control process priority
V | V | V |
Triggered JVM shutdowns, restarts, and thread dumps
V | V | V |
Suspend/Resume JVM timeouts
V | V | |
Fully localized Java Service Wrapper
V | V | |
Ability to localize user applications
V | V | |
Advanced encoding features
V | V | |
Automatic Java thread deadlock detection and response
V | V | |
Setup Windows mapped drives when running as a service
V | V | |
Ability to log to a remote syslog server from all platforms
V | V | |
Relative Memory Limits
V | V | |
Consoleless Binary (Windows)
V | V | |
Customizable Icon (Windows)
V | V | |
Customizable Splash Screen (Windows)
V | V | |
Customizable response to a second invocation in single mode (Windows)
V | V | |
Ability to embed the configuration inside the Wrapper binaries
V | V | |
Control the timezone used for events and log output
V | V | |
Configure Service Recovery (Windows)
V | V | |
Ability to setup user-defined actions and events
V | ||
Alert emails with log snapshots
V | ||
Event commands
V | ||
Timed events
V | ||
Low memory child process creation
V | ||
Child process management
V | ||
Processor affinity
V | ||
Service permissions
V | ||
Privileges | V |
There are no known distribution-specific restrictions on the Wrapper to run on a Linux-based OS.
Due to the lack of hardware, we don't provide Linux Wrapper binaries for other architectures (alpha, mips, sparc, etc). However, building the pre-release package should work out of the box. If you need help, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to support you.
Due to the lack of PowerPC hardware, we are currently not providing the Wrapper binaries for this platform. However, building the pre-release package should work out of the box.