TriSolver運用TRIZ 創新技術讓您可以產生與管理您的創新想法!
TriSolver是一個易於使用的軟體,有助於當您遇到技術或管理上的問題,可以提出創造性的解決方案。 TriSolve可用於個人或團隊的腦力激盪會議或研討會。
- TriSolver有助於團隊記錄和評價想法(IdeaMapping),並快速創建報告。
- TriSolver提供一個虛擬的構思工作空間,可以顯示所有相關的知識和資訊。
- TriSolver提供完整的TRIZ技術工具箱,讓您可以創新和解決系統性問題。
TRIZ 創新技術
TRIZ是俄文創新問題解決理論的詞頭縮寫,其拼寫是由“ 發明問題的解決理論” (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)俄語含義的單詞首字母(Teorija Resenija Isobretatelskih Zadac)組成,在歐美國家也將其縮寫為TIPS。TRIZ是由前蘇聯發明家協會主席Genrich Altshuller及其領導的一批研究人員,在分析研究世界各國專利的基礎上,提出的一種創新問題解決理論,它由解決技術問題和實現創新開發的各種方法、工具和演算法組成。最終目標是使 TRIZ成為指導人們進行創新活動的科學。最初,TRIZ主要用於解決技術領域中的創新問題,如新產品概念設計等,後來逐漸向經營管理、教育和政治等非技術領域擴展,應用範圍不斷擴大。這門獨特的解決問題的技術,教授人們怎樣才能夠成為一個發明家。TRIZ理論廣泛應用於工程技術領域,並已逐步向其他領域滲透和擴展,目前已經向自然科學、社會科學、管理科學、生物科學等領域發展。
- 矛盾矩陣;
- 創新的層次與40個發明原理;
- 技術系統進化法則;
- 質場分析與76個標準解;
- 理想法則與理想最終解;
- 發明專利的評價;
- 科學與技術效應;
- 創新發明問題解決演算法TRIZ。
Computer-Aided Innovation with TriSolver Software
TriSolver Software offers unique tools for the systematic development, management and monitoring of innovation process. It can be used for:
Innovation management
Conceptual development of new products, processes and business strategies. Forecasting of the evolution of technological systems, products and processes.
Quality management
Anticipatory risk analysis, inventive failure identification and troubleshooting for new and existing products, processes or business strategies. Integration and supplementation of the AFI-Method (Anticipatory Failure Identification) with FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), HAZOP and other methods.
Product and process optimization
Product- and process optimisation, advanced value engineering and cost reduction.
Customer-driven innovation
Development of innovative customer-inspiring concepts.
Training and education
Training in TRIZ and Computer-Aided Innovation.
Problem solving
Inventive problem solving and comprehensive search for solutions. Your competitors are then left with very little chance of making any major improvements to or out-classing your technical solution.
Protection of intellectual property
Protection of company expertise with patent fences. Overcoming of the competitor patents.
Idea, information and knowledge management
IdeaMapping and information mapping
Hyperlinks from ideas to external documents on PC, in intranets and the Internet
Documentation of the solution and inventive processes in meetings and workshops
Evaluation and categorisation of ideas
Presentation of the idea pool in diagrammatic (Patent-Portfolio) and tabular form
Automatic generation of project web pages (report in html-format)
Keyword search in idea pools, projects, databases
Support for fast problem solving
12 general double principles for business & management
40 TRIZ inventive principles
10 best principles for brainstorming
15 best principles for design
Support for solving of simple to moderately difficult problems
Contradiction Matrix with statistical evaluation of recommended principles
76 TRIZ standards solutions for inventive problem solving
Support for solving of difficult problems and comprehensive search for solutions
TriSolverARIZ - step-by-step method for comprehensive search for solutions
TRIZ separation principles for resolving physical contradictions
Support for solving of specific problems
Anticipatory failure identification
Principles for creative cost reduction
Principles for eliminating of harmful effects
Evolution trends for prediction of sustainable and disruptive technical development
Checklist for the identification and utilisation of system resources
Application catalogue of physical, chemical and geometrical effects
On-line help and electronic program documentation
Examples of innovation and problem solving projects
Electronic TRIZ documentation and manual
Export of project results
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Excel
Other features
Program language
Eng. or Germ.
Eng. and Germ.
TRIZ database, enlargeable with new user examples
Creation of new innovation tools with user favourite solution principles
Modification and customising of TRIZ tools
- Plattform:MS Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Language:English, German