Win-TECH Software Design 公司提供高品質且低成本的軟體解決方案,以幫助工業自動化系統的設計和維護。透過微軟的 Windows平台,應用程式可用來監看一連串或網絡環節上的數據流量,提供了大量的詳細資料和操作通信設備的可見度,也是專門設計用來測試和模擬 modbus協議的應用程式。這些應用程式可以讓你快速的隔離問題,並確定通信連結時的錯誤行為。每個WinTECH的應用程式,都是設計成安裝簡易、易於使用,而且價格合理。在經營工廠的過程中需要花費很多的金錢與時間來執行或恢復遺失的資料連結。要減少這些時間的消耗(即使只有幾分鐘),通常都會超過購買軟體的費用成本
WinTECH Software 應用程式,不僅對於維護人員或技術服務人員非常好用,也在企業內部中被廣泛使用。
Seamlessly distribute real-time information across a PC network using modbus to TCP/IP utility applications. Now, multiple users may access data from a single, (or multiple), modbus connection(s). Previously, data from a modbus slave device was dedicated to a single modbus master. Distribution of this data had to occur at a much higher level, (within the DCS or network host system), requiring a greater degree of design complexity and sometimes making it difficult for a casual user to acquire access to the data. Simple requirements, (such as capturing data into a spreadsheet for example), might have required that a custom application be developed which could not be justified on a one-time basis. Now, any PC connected to the network may have instantaneously access to the data. What's more, all network communications occur without making any changes to the existing slave device(s), so your initial harware investment is maintained.
Reduce Time-to-Market using WinTECH source code toolkits. Why re-invent the wheel? WinTECH Software can supply source code for implementing the modbus protocal on a Windows PC, (including support for modem and network connections). These toolkits are proven reliable, (several have been ported to other platforms), and greatly reduce the time it takes to implement a new design. For those of you who program using Visual Basic, WinTECH Software recommends its OCX control. Again, time-to-market is a big advantage, and the quicker you can assemble a working design, the better off you'll be, (assuming the reliablility is built-in).
Reverse engineer undocumented protocols using serial and/or network monitors. Often, documentation for a given design is not always up to the current revision of the code. When this happens, there is only one way to make sure if a device is operating correctly and that is to monitor the conversation. Hardware solutions for monitoring a serial connection are available, but often cost thousands of dollars. WinTECH's Listen application is available for a fraction of that cost, is much easier to use, and generally supplies you with all the data you need to isolate a problem. For network connections, the WinTECH Socket Spy series of applications may be used to test and trace the operation of various communications programs running on a PC. These include such common applications as internet browsers and e-mail. Since you have access to all data passed back and forth between the target application and the Windows Sockets Library, you can quickly identify conditions which return errors--you can even set breakpoints to halt the execution of the target program based on the occurrance of some logic condition.
Production testing of modbus slave devices is easily accomplished using the built-in scripting capabilities of ModScan. This modbus master simulator may be configued to execute a series of tests and automatically log the results to disk. Slave devices may be tested for comformance to the modbus specification by checking the responses made to a predefined set of queries. Long-term, (burn-in), and performance testing may be configured by running the test in a repetitive loop.
Systems engineers responsible for integrating devices from different manufactures often are faced with the need to do either conformance testing of a device or to simulate the operation of a device in lieu of having the physical device to test. WinTECH applications may be used to simulate either end of the modbus conversation. This allows devices to be tested as they become available, and also helps to identify non-conformance of the system during integration.
After the initial installation, an Automation communications system may run for an extended period of time without failure. Unfortunately, when it does fail, it usually chooses the most inopportune moment, (like the day before you're to leave on vacation or after a power-failure when EVERYTHING is down). During times like these, all the help you can get is appreciated. It's not the time to begin evaluating test software or trying to call and get the activation codes to enable software that's been laying around for several months. If you're responsible for a system, find the best tools available to troubleshoot it, buy the tools, learn how to use them, and be prepared. Because sooner or later you're going to need them.
ModScan 是一個作為 modbus 主站運行的 Windows 應用程式。支持使用 RTU 或 ASCII 傳輸模式訪問和更改連接的從設備中的數據點。ModScan 非常適合對 modbus 協議進行快速、輕鬆的一致性測試,其內置的串行流量顯示可以有效地對現場連接進行故障排除。ModScan 的 CE 版本可在任何運行 Windows CE 3.00 的 PocketPC 上運行,例如 ComPAQ iPAQ、ComPAQ Aero、HP Jornada 和 Casio E-115。
64-bit Modbus Data Scanner with support for MMI & OLE Automation.
modscan32 是一個運行在 windows下,作為在RTU或這ASCII傳輸模式下的MODBUS協議主設備的應用程序。把一個或多個MODBUS從站設備通過串口,調製解調器或者網絡連接到電腦上,就可以使用ModScan 讀取和修改數據點
ModScan32 is an expanded version of the popular 16-bit application ModScan. It is a Win32 application designed to operate as a MODBUS Master device for accessing data points in a connected PLC compatible slave device. Like it's 16-bit predecessor, ModScan32 is designed primarily as a testing device for verification of correct protocol operation in new or existing systems. Extensions have been built in to allow third-party data acquisition via Control Automation routines and/or the Microsoft Jet Database engine. ModScan32 allows multiple documents to be opened, each actively scanning a series of data points from one or more connected MODBUS slaves. Coils and registers, may be read and/or written from any open ModScan32 document using MODBUS Commands 01-06. The basic operation of the application is depicted in the typical Windows display below:
The specified MODBUS slave device is polled by the ModScan32 document on a cyclical basis specified by the user. Any address supported by the device may be scanned and the associated values listed on the bottom of the display. Communications errors or Exception Responses returned by the slave device are listed on the ModScan status line. Writing a specific data point is as simple as double-clicking an address/value combination and entering the desired value in a pop-up dialog:
Menu options allow register values to be displayed and modified using a variety of formats, including decimal, hexadecimal, binary, and floating-point notation. ModScan32 supports direct serial connections, TAPI connections through a modem, and network connections using the modbus/TCP protocol. Both RTU and ASCII transmission modes are supported.
To assist in trouble-shooting connections, ModScan32 may be placed in a debug mode which displayes the actual serial data streams transmitted to and from the connected device. The horizontal splitter control allows the user to adjust the size of each document's data dsplay area.
ModScan32 supports many features added as a result of requests made by users of ModScan(16). Included in these is the ability to write a customized user-defined message to a connected slave device and the execution of test scripts for production testing environments.
Test Scripts consist of a pre-defined series of modbus messages, (editable using any spread-sheet or word processor), which detail the data sent to a device and the expected reply. Messages are executed from the script file in a loop and results may be logged to a disk file for later evaluation.
Windows XP/Vista/7,Windows 10 & 11
Win32 Spy/Monitor Tools |
Socket Spy/32 |
Listen32 Listen32 is a 32-bit version of Listen which includes all the above features plus the ability to launch and monitor communications from separate Win32 processes without being physically connected to the serial cable. It operates much like the Socket Spy applications, hooking the communications API within Windows by launching a target application using the Win32 Debugger API. Listen32 also provides extended buffering operation for longer term data collection and the ability to transmit byte strings to a device for testing protocol response. |
Adapt-a-Spy The Adapt-a-Spy toolkit has been proven to work with Windows 95, 98, NT, and Windows 2000. It demonstrates two different techniques for injecting a dll into the process space of a third-party application without violating any Win32 security constraints. All code necessary to set the hooks on each WinSock function is provided for both the WinSock 1.1 and WinSock 2.0 API. Shell routines are provided for each WinSock function which gives you complete control over all parameters passed into and out of the target application. All you have to do is include your custom logic in the function of choice, to access and possibly change data as it's passed back and forth between the application and the WinSock DLL. |
Modbus Applications |
ModSim32 ModSim32 is an expanded version of the popular 16-bit application ModSim. It is a Win32 application designed to operate as one or more MODBUS slaves, simulating data which may be accessed from a MODBUS master application. ModSim32 can support direct serial connections to the master application, or operate as a network server to supply data to multiple modbus/TCP-compatible client applications. |
MNetSvr MNetSvr is a Windows application designed to operate as a logical bridge between serial modbus devices and networks running the TCP/IP protocol. MNetSvr supports the modbus/TCP, (Modbus API standard for network communications), protocol to service requests for data from connected client applications, (acting as Modbus Masters), to one or more slave devices connected to MNetSvr serially. |
MNetMon MNetMon is based on a very simple concept. Because the RS-232 electrical protocol operates using a, (voltage level), active transmitter connected to a passive receiver, it's generally possible for a second receiving device to tap into and "listen" to the transmitted characters without interfering with the conversation between to orignal devices. By using two comm ports on the eavesdropping machine, both sides of the link may be monitored. This technique has been used for years, (and is the basis for WinTECH Software's Listen & Listen32 Serial Data Link Monitors). |
Modbus ActiveX Controls |
Modbus Master OCX Modbus_master.ocx contains a 32-bit custom control which allows Visual Basic and other OLE Container applications to quickly and easily access data points contained in a modbus slave device connected to the PC. The modbus device may be connected directly to a PC COM port or accessed via a network connection using the modbus/TCP, communications protocol standard. Modem connections are also supported using the Win32 TAPI, (Telephony APplication Interface) library. Multiple connections may be made from the application to different COM ports and/or network devices and each connection operates independently, allowing asynchronous operation to multiple devices on multiple modbus networks. |
Modbus Slave OCX The Modbus_slave control allows your application to easily exchange data with modbus master devices connected either serially or via a TCP/IP network. The control supports up to four simultaneous COM port connections plus the modbus/TCP network connection. Your application simply passes a pointer to one or more data arrays, and the data is immediately accessible to any connected master controller using either the modbus RTU or modbus ASCII transmission mode. |
Modbus Source Code Toolkits |
16-bit Modbus Master Driver for Windows 3.x |
16-bit Modbus Slave Driver for Windows 3.x |
Modbus Master Driver for Win32 The expanded version of the Win32 Master Dll supports not only direct serial connections, but also modem connections via the TAPI interface, as well as network connections using the MBAP, (Modbus API for network communications), standard. |
Modbus Slave Driver for Win32 The expanded version of the Win32 Slave Dll supports not only direct serial connections, but may also serve as a modbus network server using the MBAP, (Modbus API for network communications), protocol. Only one API call has been added from the basic modbus slave command set. |
OPC Applications |
OPCXchg OPCXchg is a Windows application that allows you to access data from various third-party devices and utilize this data in a variety of ways to create graphical displays and/or exchange this data with other devices. OPCXchg supports both modbus master and modbus slave devices as well as local and remote OPC connections. Modbus devices may be connected serially via one or more of the PC COMM ports or via a TCP/IP network interface. Data from any connected device, (or OPC application), may be exchanged with any other connected device. A simplified user interface allows data points to be displayed within OPCXchg using a variety of built-in graphical objects. OPCXchg also supports OLE Automation that allows data from connected devices to be accessed from Visual Basic and/or Excel. |
OPCtoDDE OPCtoDDE provides a convenient link between data contained in an OPC Server and an Excel spreadsheet. Using OPCtoDDE, you can easily access OPC data items from Excel without generating any Basic code. OPCtoDDE utilizes existing DDE technology contained within Excel, to provide live links with OPC. As data changes, items in the spreadsheet will automatically be updated. |
MbOPCsvr mbOPCSvr is designed to provide a generic interface between modbus slave devices and Windows applications operating as OPC Clients. MbOPCsvr operates as a standard Windows Multiple Document Interface, (MDI), application. Each document represents a block of data from an addressed modbus slave and is scanned independently based on a user defined clock interval. Each data item configured within a document may be addressed by one or more OPC Client applications. As new data is read from the modbus slave, the OPC Tags are automatically updated. Multiple slaves may be attached to the PC and made available to OPC from any of nine serial ports or via a modbus/TCP connection. |
OPC Developer Toolkits |
OPC Server DLL |
OPC Client DLL |
HDA Server DLL |
HDA Client DLL |