jQuery EasyUI 框架幫助你輕鬆建立網站:
- EasyUI是基於jQuery用戶界面元件的集合。
- EasyUI為建立現代化的、互動的、JavaScript應用程式提供了必要的功能。
- 使用EasyUI你不需要寫太多javascript代碼,一般情況下你只需要使用一些html標記來定義使用者介面。
- 為HTML5網頁提供完整的框架。
- EasyUI節省您的時間和心力,同時並能開發你的產品。
- EasyUI非常簡單,但是功能非常強大。
jQuery EasyUI 提供易於使用的元件,它使Web開發人員能夠快速的建立現今流行的jQuery core和HTML5。這些能夠使您的應用程式適合今天的網路。以下有兩個方法可發布的UI元件:
1. 直接在HTML發布組件
data-options="title:'My Dialog',iconCls:'icon-ok',onOpen:function(){}">
dialog content.
2. 編寫JavaScript代碼來創建組件。
url: ...,
required: true,
valueField: 'id',
textField: 'text'
jQuery EasyUI 提供元件包括功能強大的資料網格、樹形表格、面板、下拉組合和更多的可建立跨瀏覽器web網頁的整合式元件。使用者可以組合使用這些元件,也可以單獨使用其中一個。
jQuery EasyUI
- datagrid: Slow scrolling with mousewheel on frozen columns. fixed.
- datagrid: The 'rowStyler' function is called on empty row. fixed.
- linkbutton: Calling 'disable' method still can submit the form. fixed.
- combotree: The 'onBeforeSelect' event fires twice while selecting a node. fixed.
- combotreegrid: The 'onSelect' event fires twice while selecting a row. fixed.
- checkbox: Add 'readonly' property.
- radiobutton: Add 'readonly' property.
- Compatible with jQuery 3.x.
New Plugins
- timepicker: Allow the user to choose time on a clock.
付費版授權說明(Commercial License)
- Source Code
- Up to 5 developers to use at a time
- No limitations on the number of projects/sites
- Use the software for any period of time you need
- Tech support on the product within 1 year
- Free upgrades for a period of 1 year
Commercial License - you can use it in a non-GPL/proprietary project
This license agreement refers to jQuery EasyUI software - Commercial License.
jQuery EasyUI Team grants to you a limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use, royalty-free, copy and modify the software.
The Licensee has the right to use the software by up to 5 developers at a time. There are no limitations on the number of projects/sites you can use the software in, you can use it on any number of projects/sites you need. There is no time limit, you can use the software for any period of time you need. There is no restriction while you are developing your solution. There are no royalties of any kind involved.
Modifications to the software are allowed but you may not:
a) Distribute the modified software or part(s) of it as standalone application.
b) Sublicense, rent, lease or lend any portion of the software.
c) Modify or remove any copyright notices from any of the software files.
The Licensee has the right to apply for tech support on the software within 1 year since purchasing the product and bug fixing during the same period.
The Licensee has the right to get free upgrades for 1 year since purchasing the product.
jQuery EasyUI Team retain all ownership rights to the software.