.NET Memory Profiler 是一款強大的工具,專門做為檢視內存跟踪和優化以C#,VB.NET或任何其他.NET語言編寫的程式的軟體。有了分析指南,自動記憶分析儀,和專門跟踪的幫助下,您可以確保您的程式有沒有內存或資源的洩漏,內存使用則盡可能的優化處理。
基本應用例如winform,console application等
ASP.net 應用
Window 服務
The major new features of .NET Memory Profiler 5.7 are:
Improved support for .NET Core 3.x and .NET 5.0
New implementation of debug profiling
New implementation of unit test profiling
Unit test data collector for VSTest
Better support for Visual Studio 2019 and the latest Visual Studio previews
Hybrid inspection snapshots
Identification of delegate target Method
WPF cleanup support in .NET Core 3.x and .NET 5.0
Identification of instances in the pinned heap
NOTE! .NET Memory Profiler can be run on Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11, or Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019/2022.
.NET Framework (v4.5.2 or later) must be installed on the system before installing the memory profiler.
Araxis Merge for Windows and OS X
Araxis Merge 是一個視覺化的文件比較、合併和同步的軟體,便於讓軟體工程師和 web開發者使用,其可以快速精確地比較、了解和整合不同版本的原始文件;進行版本和質量控制,以創建 HTML 或是 XML 報告。它可以依檔案的類型,命名的等級來合份並透過印表機輸出。它可以讓你從容的工作在幾個不同版本檔。利用顏色來區分出檔,讓你更簡單的比較出類似或不同的檔案。
Beyond Compare MAC & Linux 已不支援繁中版
Beyond Compare 是一套優秀的專業級檔案內容及資料匣(目錄)的文件比對工具,並內建了檔案瀏覽器,方便您針對檔案、檔案匣、壓縮包、FTP網站之間的差異比對及資料同步。可以很方便的對比出兩個檔夾或者檔的不同之處。並把相差的每一個位元組用顏色加以表示,查看方便。並且支援多種規則對比。
Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders. By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you're interested in and ignore those you're not. You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records.
You can compare entire drives and folders at high speed, checking just sizes and modified times. Or, thoroughly verify every file with byte-by-byte comparisons. FTP sites and zip files are integrated seamlessly, so you can update your website with the touch of a button.
Once you've found specific files you're interested in, Beyond Compare can intelligently pick the best way to compare and display them. Text files can be viewed and edited with syntax highlighting and comparison rules tweaked specifically for documents, source code, and HTML. The text contents of Microsoft Word .doc and Adobe .pdf files can also be compared but not edited. Data files, executables, binary data, and images all have dedicated viewers as well, so you always have a clear view of the changes.
CppDepend 是一種工具,可簡化複雜C \ C ++代碼庫的管理。開發人員可以通過比較不同版本的代碼來分析代碼結構,指定設計規則,進行有效的代碼審查並掌握演變。提供了代碼規則和代碼查詢、技術債務估算、代碼質量的檢測、代碼Vizualisation等功能,其目的便是幫助開發人員設計出更安全的程式。
CppDepend 2024.1: Advanced Source Explorer, Support for C++23/C++20/C++17, C++ Modules Support, and More.
Advanced Source Explorer.
Support for C++23/C++20/C++17.
C++ Modules Support.
Improved Incremental analysis.
Improved Visual Studio support.
New useful rules added.
Improved Linux Support.
External Symbols Refined.
針對c程式的版本:Crystal FLOW for C、Crystal REVS for C
針對c++程式的版本:Crystal FLOW for C++、Crystal REVS for C++
Crystal C/C++工具是一套創新的代碼檢查、編輯和視覺化工具套件。許多軟體工程師在面對那些格式化程度低、沒有文檔說明的代碼時,往往感到沮喪,而Crystal C/C++因為其強大新穎的代碼檢查、編輯和視覺化能力大大節省了您的寶貴時間。利用它可以把自己或別人寫的代碼格式化,並可以生成直觀的流程圖、交叉調用圖、直觀的注釋等。
Flowcharts from Code
Rich Trees for easier code-analysis
DataFlow across the project
CallFlow across the project
Data Dependency Tree to view computation sequences
Premium Browsing
MISRA C Static checking
Code formatting for improved readability
Comprehensive HTML documentation
Software metrics including McCabes and Halstead complexity
Source Code Publishing
Batch Printing and Image Generation
State/Transition diagrams in flowcharts
Context-Sensitive Tokens Panel
Comments Panel
Editing and Automatic Formatting in real time
per computer ( a dedicated license ) :
When you install the software on your machine, it will display the machine's ID based on the network card in the machine. The machine's ID is called the host-ID. A license for that host-ID will be sent to you.
any one user at a time on the network ( a floating license ) :
For each floating license that you purchase, any one user at a time, on the network, can use the software.For example, if you purchase three floating licenses, then any three users on the network can use the software at any point in time. In this way, a floating license can be shared by more than one users – one at a time.
Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / XP / Vista / 2000 / 2003 / 2008
Pentium class or equivalent processor
System RAM
512 MB
1280x1024 recommended with at least 256 color display adaptor
Minimum Hard Disk space
20 MB
HTML Browser
IE 5.0 or above.
UNIX, LINUX, Solaris, FreeBSD and Mac platforms with the Wine emulation environment
WINE 1.0 stable release or above
Pentium class or equivalent processor
System RAM
512 MB
1280x1024 recommended with at least 256 color display adaptor
Minimum Hard Disk space
50 MB
HTML Browser
Gecko SDK must be installed
IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger (源碼恢復反組譯靜態分析工具)是一款交互式,可編程、可擴展、多處理器、交叉Windows或Linux WinCE MacOS平台主機來分析程序,。IDA Pro已經成為事實上的分析敵意代碼的標准並讓其自身迅速成為攻擊研究領域的重要工具。
Parasoft 測試自動化解決方案、自動化程式碼審查、單元測試自動化
Parasoft 是全球領先的自動化軟體測試企業,擁有分佈全球的技術支援團隊。全球超過 10,000家公司是Parasoft 的客戶,全球財富 500強公司有 58%已使用 Parasoft產品,財富100強公司有88%已使用Parasoft產品。 如:Alcatel-Lucent, HP, IBM, Cisco, Motorola,Lockheed martin,NASA, Boeing, GE, GE Healthcare,Deuche bank, Federal Reserve bank, Bank of America 和 Daimler Chrysler等公司; 台灣的日月光半導體製造股份有限公司及大陸的中國移動,中國電信,中國農業銀行,中國銀聯,中國石油,中國民航,中國平安,招商證券,一汽集團, 中國南車,國家電網,北京大學,南京大學,南瑞集團,寶鋼集團,華為,中興,百度,騰訊,東軟,通用醫療,飛利浦醫療及各大政府機構和研究所等都成功的使用了Parasoft軟體的產品和解決方案。
Language Solutions (C++test, Jtest, .TEST)
Desktop Edition
A completely integrated tool suite that enables developers/testers to perform automatic coding standards analysis (automated code reviews), unit testing, and regression testing on their desktop using built-in coding guidelines/rules and auto-generated test cases. Will scan and test multiple classes/files/directories in a single pass. Test failures and coding standards violations are reported to the user’s GUI for evaluation and fix. The Desktop Edition is intended to be licensed and used on every developer’s/tester’s desktop.
Also includes the RuleWizard module, which enables the creation of custom coding standards and/or rules using a graphical interface.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of coding standards analysis and unit testing for a team of developers and full project code base(s). Provides Command Line interface and error reporting with output to a file or e-mail in HTML format. Extends static analysis with BugDetective (dataflow).
Functional Test Solutions (SOAtest)
Desktop Edition
Provides Jtest Connect, RuleWizard, automated unit testing, automated functional testing, automated regression testing, and error reporting through GUI only. Enables Web services and message based testing via SOA.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of policies, unit testing, functional testing, and load testing which includes 100 virtual users for performance testing. Provides Command Line interface and error reporting on entire project.
PC-lint Plus 是 GIMPEL SOFTWARE 公司開發的 C/C++軟體程式碼靜態分析工具
PC-lint Plus是一種靜態分析工具,通過分析C和C ++源代碼來發現軟體中的缺陷。
與編譯器一樣,PC-lint Plus會解析您的源代碼文件,執行語義分析,並構建一個抽象語法樹來表示您的程式。從那裡開始,PC-lint Plus採用各種機制,包括數據流分析,價值跟踪,讀寫分析,強類型檢查,功能語義驗證和許多其他技術,以提供對單個文件和整個項目的可靠和整體分析。
然後,PC-lint Plus使用易於理解的清晰,簡潔和可操作的診斷報告其發現。診斷消息格式是完全可定制的,包括快速解決缺陷所需的精確位置信息和上下文。PC-lint Plus可以從命令行運行,集成到構建過程或持續集成系統中,也可以在IDE中運行。
Comply with Safety Standards
Enforce compliance with industry coding standards including MISRA, AUTOSAR, and CERT C, customize detection of individual guidelines, and easily support guideline deviations.
Identify Defects and Vulnerabilities
Detect critical bugs and vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, null pointer dereferences, inappropriate interface use, and undefined behavior by providing constructive diagnostics.
Find Potential Bugs
Identify code that is brittle, difficult to maintain, invokes implementation-defined behavior, or is otherwise suspicious, in order to reduce the potential for defects to develop in the first place.
Improve Developer Productivity
Avoid wasted time spent tracking down bugs and identify issues proactively during the development process.
Widely Compatible
Runs natively on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Analyze source code targeting virtually any platform. Supports a wide variety of compilers, C11/C18 and C++17, and integration with your IDE, build process, or CI system.
Fully multi-threaded operation allows analysis of large projects to efficiently scale across multiple cores to take full advantage of the available hardware.
Secure, On-site Analysis
Analysis is performed on developer workstations or build/CI servers without using an internet connection to provide a truly secure, private, and local solution.
Certified for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508
PC-lint Plus has been certified by exida® for ISO 26262:2018 (ASIL D qualified) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 4 qualified).