Cloudflare 企業方案的優點與功能
Web 現況
在現今世界中,您的網站就是您的業務命脈。然而,網站維護與運作比以往更為複雜。Web 的高度開放性也是其弱點:攻擊者可以找到多個網路通訊層與各種通訊協定的弱點。犧牲效能來封鎖每個可能的受攻擊面並不是一個好主意。因此,您需要一個簡單、經濟且可跨電腦、行動裝置與網路運作的解決方案。
Cloudflare 讓您只需要簡單地變更 DNS,就能保護您的網站,並提高其執行速度與可用性。Cloudflare已重新思考網路、硬體與軟體層的整個技術堆疊,並在高可用性全球網路上建置反向 Proxy 服務。透過以雲端服務方式提供此功能,Cloudflare可協助您節省時間、金錢與精力。Cloudflare不斷創新,帶來的全新 Web 體驗,都將持續嘉惠於您,讓您的網站訪客在使用時更安全愉快。
超過 25 億個唯一 IP
550 萬個網站且持續增加中
廣泛的客戶群: 包括主要消費者網站뼵政府機構與企業
Flat Bandwidth Pricing
With Cloudflare’s content delivery network, you’ll never be charged for bandwidth. This means predictable monthly bills, regardless of the amount of traffic served from our edge.
SAML for ASP.NET 安全斷言標記語言(SAML)控件是一款工具包。它為SAML 2.0版本單點登陸到ASP.NET應用程式添加了支持。它同樣為SAML斷言的自定義運用而在網絡服務應用程式中使用了SAML斷言安全代符。
Example Projects
Example ASP.NET projects written in C#, with full source code, are included. The examples demonstrate:
Acting as the SAML service provider (SP)
Acting as the SAML identity provider (IdP)
Service provider initiated SSO
Identity provider initiated SSO
Setting and retrieving SAML attributes
SAML metadata creation and consumption
OWIN ASP.NET Identity integration
High-Level API
A high-level, configuration-driven API provides a very simple to use interface that hides the mechanics of SAML SSO. This makes it easy to add SSO functionality to your web application with just a few lines of code. Configuration changes, including adding support for additional partner identity providers or service providers, may be made with zero code changes.
Initiating SAML SSO from the SP
Initiating SAML SSO from the IdP
Receiving the SAML Response at the SP
Low-Level API
A low-level API provides complete control and flexibility. The API provides accesses to the SAML profiles, protocols, bindings, assertions and metadata. The high-level API is implemented using the low-level API. For most scenarios, the high-level API provides all the control you need in a simpler interface. For those situations where this isn’t enough, the low-level API is available.
SAML v2.0 Specification Compliance
SAML Profiles
All SAML v2.0 profiles are fully supported, acting as either the identity provider or service provider.
Web browser single sign-on (identity provider and service provider initiated)
Single logout
Artifact resolution
Identity provider discovery
Authentication, attribute and assertion query
Name identifier management and mapping
SAML Assertions
SAML v2.0 assertions are fully supported.
Create, modify and access SAML assertions
Serialize SAML assertions to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML assertions
Encrypt and decrypt SAML assertions, attributes and identifiers
SAML Protocols
All SAML v2.0 protocols are fully supported.
Create, modify and access SAML protocol messages
Serialize SAML messages to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML messages
SAML Metadata
SAML v2.0 metadata is fully supported.
Create, modify and access all SAML metadata
Serialize SAML metadata to and from XML
Generate and verify XML signatures on SAML metadata
SAML Bindings
All SAML v2.0 bindings are fully supported.
HTTP Redirect
HTTP Artifact
EnCase 是數位鑑識領域中,非常有名的一套軟體,為Guidance Software公司生產, 該公司成立於1997年,開發團隊的成員多半是具有數位鑑識人員(專家)背景. EnCase支援各種作業系統及檔案系統,為國際間普遍被採用的專業電腦鑑識軟體。
Forensics report (產生鑑識報告)
Image gallery (圖片檔案快速瀏覽)
View Registry (檢視登錄檔)
CDFS support (支援CDFS格式)
Password recovery (密碼破解,為PLSP選購模組)
Keyword search (關鍵字搜尋)
E-mail search (電子郵件搜尋)
NTFS support (支援NTFS格式)
FAT 16/32 support (支援FAT16/32格式)
EXT2/3 support (支援EXT2/3格式)
File Recovery (刪除檔案復原)
Validate Image (映像檔驗證)
Duplicate (建立數位證物映像檔)
Wipe Disk (清理磁碟紀錄)
Web History/Cookie/Cache/URLtyped (網路瀏覽紀錄檢視)
Text indexing (檔案建立索引)
Encase 64-Bit support
DBX/PST/EDB/NSF (電子郵件檢視及搜尋功能)
What’s New with EnCase Forensic v22.3
With the release of EnCase Forensic v22.3, digital forensic investigators can now take advantage of AFF4 functionality. AFF4, or the advanced forensics file format, is an open-source format used for the storage of digital evidence and data. EnCase Forensic now supports both physical and logical reading of images, meaning an investigator can copy an entire image or only select portions of an image from another investigative tool into the EnCase format for fast, deep-drive investigations to ensure they have the information advantage needed to get to the truth faster and make the world a safer, more secure place.
Hack The Box 是一個在線平台,可讓您測試滲透測試技能並與具有類似興趣的其他成員交換想法和方法。它包含一些不斷更新的挑戰。其中一些模擬現實世界的場景,而另一些則更傾向於CTF的挑戰風格。作為個人,您可以完成一個簡單的挑戰來證明自己的技能,然後創建一個帳戶,使您可以連接到我們的專用網絡(HTB Net),其中有幾台機器等待您入侵它們。通過黑客機器,您可以獲得積分,可以幫助您提高排名。
ICS CUBE 是互聯網網關和UTM,旨在控制流量,監控互聯網連接並保護企業網絡免受內部和外部威脅。ICS CUBE是針對典型SME的整個網絡相關需求的單一解決方案
統一威脅管理解決方案。ICS CUBE 通過使用下一代防火牆,防病毒,郵件和垃圾郵件過濾器,入侵檢測,內容過濾和訪問權限實施,提供小型企業網絡安全性。由於精心設計的流量統計,廣泛的報告和警報,郵件和即時消息分析,數據丟失保護模塊,ICS CUBE使網絡可見。ICS CUBE取代所有網絡服務器,包括文件,郵件,即時消息,活動目錄,VoIP和一整套技術服務器,如路由,DNS,DHCP。
ICS CUBE是一款小型企業防火牆路由器,可保護您的企業網絡,生成詳細的流量報告並管理Internet連接,解決與業務實踐中的Internet使用相關的所有問題。
Internet gateway
ICS CUBE supports many types of internet access technology, cooperates with different terminals, manages and encrypts traffic in tunnels, balances traffic between multiple Internet service providers.
Centralized management
Access and control of all your ICS CUBEs via one of them.
Network security
Protected connections between corporate offices ensuring information integrity and safety. Corporate network is secured against viral and advanced persistent threats.
Access control
Controlling employee access to Internet resources for groups and individually.
Proxy server
HTTP traffic optimization combined with elaborate accounting and precise access control for every user and resource type or exact address.
Mail and jabber server
Instant messaging and unlimited number of mailboxes on board. Mail antivirus to ward e-mail viruses, phishing attacks and unwanted SPAM. Flexible mail processing rules.
File and web server
Safe file exchange for corporate users. Intranet or protected virtual internet web server for clients.
Voice over IP
Full featured voice over IP corporate gateway. Incoming and outgoing call redirection, filtering, IVR.
Configuration is synchronized among several ICS CUBEs. This mode is used for increased resilience and/or load balancing.
IPinfo 是行業領先的 IP 數據提供商,專注於 IP 到地理位置、ASN、IP 到公司、VPN 檢測、IP 到運營商、IP 範圍和託管域數據。借助 IPinfo 的 IP 數據,企業可以查明用戶的位置、定制體驗、防止欺詐並確保合規性。所有數據集都可以通過 API 或各種可下載格式獲得。IPinfo API 每年處理 4200 億次 API 請求,自 2013 年以來一直在線。它可靠、可擴展、簡單且易於使用!
LanScope Cat IT資產管理和資料丟失預防軟體
由日本 MOTEX Inc. 公司開發的 LanScope Cat 軟體功能強大,主要功能有 Asset Management 資產管理、Operations Log Management 日誌管理、Web Access Management 訪問管理,及 Device Control。
軟體可以綜合管理IT資產,自動收集 IT 設備內部重要信息,操作日誌管理 Web 訪問管理、設備控制、電子郵件管理、應用程式 ID 監察等主要功能,以及伺服器 Log 訪問日誌管理、文件伺服器容量管理、域名登錄,註銷管理等多個特色功能,針對已知和未知的惡意軟體防護,為企業內部資料洩漏施以對策方案,有效解決資訊安全問題。
軟體工具檢測惡意軟體,追蹤進入通路的隔離。有些不能完全防止惡意軟體的新物種繼續在傳統的反病毒措施成長,某些情況下,不知道感染。這是一個挑戰,即使知道有病毒感染,可能需要很長的時間來確定原因。LanScope Cat 軟體擁有IT網路管理和資料丟失預防工具的強大功能,提供企業防毒及資料洩漏和丟失預防的最佳解決方案。
The actual causes of information leaks are mostly employees or contractors who bring out data in e-mail or recording media or copies of paper materials. As described above, companies suffer great damage due to information leaks. These costs are not only in the form of apologizing to victims and investigation costs, but in the loss of trust in the company and brand image. The effect on a company of just one information leak is immeasurable. And 80% of them are caused from the inside.
Manage IT assets
Monitor asset performance
We automatically collect information to ascertain usage status of IT assets, including PCs and software, and create an environment to render the best performance by setting up the right resources in the right places.
Employee monitoring
Productivity management
By recording computer usage, we can suppress illicit and non-business use. Also, we learn about and analyze usage of IT assets and work status, creating improved operational efficiency and productivity.
USB control, app control
Control of data removal
By visualizing data usage and controlling routes through which information can leak (Web, devices, apps, PCs), we protect personal information and your company's secret information.
Magnet Axiom Complete 是款用來獲取、恢復和分析網際網路通信痕跡的利器。因其易用性、簡明行和全面性而聞名。其能夠幫助政府執法部門、軍事/情報機構人員、海關/邊境檢查人員、企業安全人員對Windows和Mac電腦以及Android和iOS移動設備進行電子取證調查。詳細介紹請見後面欄位!
IEF 對於企業的益處
The ability to recover digital evidence is becoming business-critical. Magnet Axiom Complete is the secret weapon every organization should have in its forensic toolkit.
IEF can search a hard drive, live RAM, or files for Internet-related data. The software is designed with digital forensics examiners/investigators in mind. IEF is also used by IT security professionals, litigation support personnel, incident response teams, cyber security specialists and corporate investigators.
IEF can recover data from social networking communications, instant messenger chat histories, popular webmail applications, web browsing history, and peer-to-peer sites and other online communications.
IEF 對於司法鑑定人員的益處
INTERNET EVIDENCE FINDER™ (IEF) searches in more places, recovering more data. Its easy to use, and the reporting is flexible.
IEF is forensic software that recovers Internet-related data from a hard drive, live RAM, or files. Because of the advantages it offers over other solutions on the market, IEF is the only choice for many of the world’s top law enforcement agencies.
IEF was designed with digital forensics examiners/investigators in mind, and recovers more digital evidence than any other solution on the market.
IEF 對軍方與政府的益處
In military and government investigations, digital evidence can be a question of national security, and even life or death.
INTERNET EVIDENCE FINDER™ (IEF) is forensic software that searches a hard drive, live RAM, or files for Internet-related data. IEF was designed with digital forensics examiners / investigators in mind. IEF is also used by IT security professionals, litigation support personnel, incident response teams, cyber security specialists and corporate investigators.
IEF recovers content from social networking pages, instant messenger chat histories, popular webmail applications, web browsing history, and peer-to-peer sites and other online communications.