最新版 NReco PivotData Toolkit v.1.4.2 更新於 2023/9/28
由烏克蘭公司 NReco 開發出的.NET組件,功能強大,便利實用,身受開發者的喜愛。NReco 近年推出二十多款人氣 .NET 組件,以及 NReco Framework,世界各地的 .NET 工程師的生活變得更加容易──僅需幾行程式碼即能順利完成工作。
OLAP library 函數庫 NReco.PivotData.dll
- pure C# library for data aggregation and grouping: calculates data for pivot table (pivot grid, pivot chart) from any enumerable data source or SQL database.
- implements fast in-memory data cube (multidimensional dataset) and OLAP query operations (slice/dice/filter/roll-up/pivot).
- aggregate (summary) functions : count, sum, average, min, max, count unique values, list unique values, list values, variance, standard deviation, custom formula. Several measures may be collected at once.
- supports incremental data processing (real-time data aggregation), merging calculation results (parallel/distributed aggregation), lazy totals calculation.
- fast data cube serialization (save/load in-memory cube state).
- pivot table data model (2D or n-Dimensional): several dimensions per axis (label grouping), sort by labels, sort by values, totals, sub-totals.
- simplest way to pivot a DataTable or typed list - with one line of C# code.
- FREE for usage in a single-deployment projects (see FAQ section for more details)
BI toolkit 工具包 NReco.PivotData.Extensions.dll + js pivot builder
- advanced components for pivot table visualization and exports:
- HTML pivot table renderer that supports labels grouping, multiple measures, totals and groups subtotals, custom formatting options and CSS styling
- export pivot table to CSV, Excel, PDF, JSON or .NET DataTable
- calculate pivot table percentage/difference values
- javascript pivot table control widget: sort by labels/values/totals, fixed headers, server-side pagination for large tables
- filter data cube or pivot table by simple keyword-based query
- ASP.NET pivot table control for building pivot grid or pivot chart by end-user
- data processing:
- ETL components: parse numbers/dates, merge/match by regex, combine columns, calculate derived values
- load tabular data from SQL database, CSV/TSV, JSON
- load in-memory cube with pre-aggregated data (like SELECT GROUP BY or MongoDb aggregate pipeline results)
- export cube to DataSet (star schema)
- save/load cube data to file
- memory-optimized read-only cube implementation (FixedPivotData)
PivotData Toolkit (NReco.PivotData.Extensions.dll) 開發工具包
OLAP 函數庫擴展成具有分析/報表功能的高階組件
- Data sources 數據源:
- DbCommandSource: use SQL DB (MS SQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL/Amazon Redshift/Apache Spark etc) as input data source
- JsonSource: use JSON as input data source (supports both arrays of objects and values)
- CsvSource: use CSV file as input data source (can be used for processing data from large >1gb CSV files)
- MongoDbSource is implemented in the "ToolkitMongoDbSource" example
- GroupedSourceReader: load PivotData from pre-grouped data (for example, when data is aggregated on SQL level with GROUP BY)
- DerivedValueSource: handle derived values: parse input values, apply formatting rules, define derived values (date parts like year/month/quarter, formulas)
- Pivot table export writers:
- HTML: PivotTableHtmlWriter
- CSV: PivotTableCsvWriter
- Excel: PivotTableExcelWriter
- JSON: PivotTableJsonWriter
- DataTable: PivotTableDataTableWriter (not available in .NET Core version)
- Pivot table model wrappers:
- PercentagePivotTable: calculates percentage values (by grand total, row or column totals).
- DifferencePivotTable: calculates difference between values (by row or column).
- TopPivotTable: limits table by top N rows and/or columns.
- PaginatePivotTable: takes section of the table by specified start-end rows and columns. Used for server-side pagination.
- PivotDataFactory / PivotTableFactory: create PivotData/PivotTable instances by JSON configuration (used when pivot table is constructed dynamically)
- CubeFileReader / CubeFileWriter: read/write serialized PivotData (configuration and data) from/to local files
PivotData OLAP library 特色功能:
- perform fast in-memory aggregation of tabular data and calculate one or several measures in one pass
- execute OLAP queries from C# code in linq-style: slice/dice, drill up/drill down, roll-up/pivot (without OLAP server and MDX)
- calculate summary data for pivot tables (pivot charts) in .NET applications
PivotData BI Toolkit usage scenarios:
- reports automation: generate highly customizable pivot tables and pivot charts
- render/export pivot tables to HTML/CSV/Excel/PDF/JSON formats on the server side
- add web pivot table builder to ASP.NET application (MVC, MVC Core, WebForms) or any web applications (with PivotData .NET Core microservice on backend)
- embedded business intelligence and analytics, scheduled reports generation, custom BI dashboards, real-time reporting functionality
PivotData Tool ── utility for pivot tables generation by CSV/TSV files or SQL database
PivotData Tool 工具特色功能:
- aggregate large datasets that Excel cannot handle (csv files >1gb are processed in several minutes)
- load data directly from MS SQL (or any other DB that has ODBC driver)
- load pre-aggregated data (for example result of SQL GROUP BY query)
- parse input values (dates, numbers, custom regex rules)
- calculate derived values and formulas
- perform data cube slicing and filtering
- save data cube for fast multiple reports generation
- generate 2-dimensional pivot table reports (HTML, CSV, Excel; PDF may be produced by HTML output with wkhtmltopdf)
- upload data cube to URL (useful for refreshing data in SemanticTool)
NReco 推出多個便利實用的 .NET 組件供用戶挑選購買
business intelligence & reporting
NReco PivotData Toolkit
NET6/NET8/.NET Core ASP.NET MVC/Blazor .NET 4.5+
.NET SDK for data aggregation and advanced pivot table reports generation. Implements in-memory data cube, OLAP-operations, pivot table HTML rendering and exports. Includes web pivot table builder (js frontend). Can be used for creating embedded BI dashboards.
PivotData Microservice
NET6 app On-premise API server For any web app
Microservice (.NET Core app with web API) for embedded analytics & reporting functionality. JSON-configurable data connectors for SQL/MongoDB/ElasticSearch/SSAS data sources. Includes web pivot tables & charts builder (js frontend example). Reports may be exported to HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, PDF, Image.
Javascript Pivot Table
Javascript JQuery Plugin ASP.NET MVC
Advanced features for pivot.js jQuery plugin: sort by values/labels, fixed headers, pivot table data for exports, drill-down event. ASP.NET MVC integration (optional): UI builder for report SQL query, exports to CSV/Excel/PDF.
Javascript Query Builder
Javascript JQuery Plugin ASP.NET MVC
NReco Query Builder is a javascript widget for building complex data filters. ASP.NET integration provides backend that translates UI widget state into SQL or MongoDb query.
file format .NET APIs
HTML-to-PDF Generator
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
WkHtmlToPdf .NET wrapper that performs HTML-to-PDF conversion. Supports page header/footer, page numbering etc.
HTML-to-Image Generator
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
WkHtmlToImage .NET wrapper that performs HTML-to-image conversion (jpg/png). Can be used for getting web page thumbnail.
PDF-to-Image Renderer
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
.NET wrapper for poppler tools that converts PDF pages to images or text (ASP.NET PDF viewer, PDF thumbnails, extract PDF text/images).
PhantomJS .NET Wrapper
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.0+
NReco.PhantomJS is a .NET wrapper for running PhantomJS from C#/.NET code (headless WebKit browser).
VideoConverter | VideoInfo
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
FFMpeg .NET wrapper for converting media files (video, audio). Can extract video thumbnails, transcode/decode live media streams, encode video from images etc.
Fast CSV parser
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET 4.5+ Free / open source
Lightweight and ultra-fast .NET CSV parser: implements CSV stream reader and writer. Memory efficient: uses only one single circular buffe (no allocations in heap). Suitable for CSVs of any size (many GBs).
data access & processing
GraphQL API for SQL DB
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
Simplifies creation of GraphQL API for existing SQL database: engine that translates GraphQL queries to SQL, can generate GraphQL schema by database schema.
Natural Language Query
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
NLQuery performs rule-based named entity recognition (NER) Can be used for natural language interfaces in .NET applications (smart data list filters, search-driven reporting etc).
Recommendation Engine
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET Framework 4.5+
Fast collaborative filtering engine (C# port of Apache Mahout CF) that takes users' behaviour and from that tries to find items users might like.
NReco Data Access library
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET 4.5+ Free / open source
High-performance schema-less data access library for .NET and .NET Core. Can be used with any ADO.NET provider.
User-entered Expressions Evaluator
NET6/NET8/.NET Core .NET 4.5+ Free / open source
Runtime parser for string expressions (formulas, method calls, properties/fields/arrays accessors). LambdaParser builds dynamic LINQ expression tree and compiles it to the lambda delegate. Types are resolved at run-time like in dynamic languages.