Q-Chem 是一個綜合性化學量子計算程序。它的功能範圍,從最高性能的DFT /高頻的計算,以高層次後心力衰竭的相關性的方法。 調Q化學處理了範圍廣泛的問題,在商業,學術和政府實驗室,其中包括:分子結構、化學反應、分子振動 、電子光譜、核磁共振譜、溶劑化效應。
Q-CHEM 是由遍及全球的多個研究機構共同開發的從頭計算量子化學軟體包,涉及的科研機構有35家,分佈在美國、英國、德國、澳大利亞、中國和中國臺灣地區等國家和地區。它包含了當前流行的各種最先進量子化學理論方法和工具,由美國的 Q-Chem,Inc公司進行生產、銷售以及發佈和維護工作。
Q-CHEM 的特點是與當前最先進的量子化學理論和計算方法結合的非常緊密。不同於其他擁有了較長發展歷史的軟體,Q-CHEM在1993年的設計之初就採用了全新的方法理論、最先進的算法和現代編程技術,系統地將各種計算方法和工具集成到了一個工具包中,極大地提高了計算速度和準確性,並且能夠高精度地計算較大的分子體系。在可視化方面,它是化學計算可視化軟體SPARTAN(www.wavefun.com)的後臺計算程序。SPARTAN可安裝到Windows、Linux、Macintosh、IRIX等操作系統上,它以波函數的圖形界面為前端,以Q-CHEM為後端計算程序,可以很方便的實現分子設計、計算和結果可視化等的一系列流程。另外,Q-CHEM也支持WEBMO和MOLDEN等分子圖形顯示工具。
- 基於快速DFT計算的包括色散、雙雜化和範圍修正的新泛函
- 較強功能的用於自由基和激發態計算的EOM-CCSD方法
- 用於強相關計算的一系列有效活化空間方法
- TDDFT的解析梯度計算模塊和世界首創的TDDFT的解析Hessian計算
- 多種計算電荷遷移和激發態的新方法
- 用於大體系計算的QM/MM方法和溶劑化方案
包括新的更有效J矩陣計算方法、線性級別的交換能和力場的計算、使用CFMM(Continuous Fast Multipole Method)方法來產生線性級別的庫侖交換勢
包括Slater 、Becke、GGA91和Gill‘96交換泛函;VWN、PZ81、Wigner、Perdew86、LYP和G G A 9 1 相 關 能 泛 函 ; E D F 1 交 換 相 關 能 泛 函 ;B3LYP、B3P和用戶可定義的混合泛函;解析梯度和解析頻率計算;SG-0標準積分求解網格;可擴展到5294個點的Lebedev網格等。
COLD PRISM方法:這個方法是最新的用於計算兩電子積分的算法,同時Q-CHEM也採用這個方法來高效率的計算與有效核勢相關的矩陣元素。
Continuous Fast Multipole Method (CFMM):這個方法使得Q-CHEM能夠用比別的程序更少的時間來計算電子的庫侖相互作用,而且分子越大,節省的時間越多;此外,Q-CHEM也改進了短程相互作用的處理,極大的加速了能量的計算以及力的計算,而且計算精度也沒有損失。
高階耦合簇方法:除了傳統的Q C I S D、CCSD和CCSD(T)方法,Q-CHEM還採用了新的軌道優化耦合簇方法OD等;此外,Q-CHEM採用了新的高階耦合簇方法:CCSD(2)和OD(2),這些方法
在處理化學鍵斷裂和自由基問題上比傳統的QCISD(T)和CCSD(T)要好;另外,Q-CHEM也能夠用耦合簇方法計算激發態,其中的EOM-SF-CCSD、EOMIP-CCSD和EOM-EA-CCSD可以很方便的把Multi Reference問題處理成Single Reference問題,極大簡化了多自由基問題的計算;Q-CHEM對高階耦合簇方法的基態和激發態計算還提供了解析梯度,可用於激發態和基態的幾何優化。
幾何優化:Q-CHEM結合了Jon Baker的最新版的幾何優化程序包,它包含一套最先進的幾何優化算法。同時,Q-CHEM中的幾何優化程序包還支持內部反應坐標,可用於研究反應路徑。
PARTAN:Q-CHEM是化學計算可視化軟體SPARTAN(www.wavefun.com)的後臺計算程序。SPARTAN可安裝到Windows、Linux、Macintosh、I RI X等操作系統上,它以波函數的圖形界面為前端,以Q-CHEM為後端計算程序,可以很方便的實現分子設計、計算和結果可視化等的一系列流程。
Density Functional Theory
- Local Functionals and Gradient-Corrected Functionals
- Exchange Functionals
- Slater
- Beckee '88 (B)
- GGA91 (Perdew '91, PW91)
- Gill '96
- Gilbert and Gill '99 (GG99)
- Handy and Cohen's OPTX (HC_OPTX)
- Correlation Functionals
- VWN (#5 parameterization)
- Lee-Yang-Parr (LYP), LYP (EDF1 parameterization)
- Perdew-Zunger '81 (PZ81)
- Perdew '86 (P86)
- Wigner
- GGA91 (Perdew '91, PW91)
- exchange-correlation functionals
- EDF1 and Becke(EDF1)
- PBE functionals
- SOGGA, SOGGA11 family of GGA functionals
- Exchange Functionals
- Hybrid HF-GGA Functionals
- B3LYP, B3PW91, B3LYP5
- (using the VWN5 functional)
- User-definable hybrid functionals
- Meta GGA Functionals
- M06-L,M11-L
- PK06, BR89, B94
- Hybrid Meta GGA and Hyper-GGA Functionals
- MPW1B95, MPWB1K, PW6B95, PWB6K, M05, M05-2X, M06, M06-2X, M06-HF, M08, M11
- B3tLap
- BR89BR94hyb
- RI-B05 for nondynamic correlation
- Double-Hybrid Functionals
- ωB97X-2
- Long-range corrected (LRC) functionals
- Long-range corrections from Herbert group: LRC-ωPBEPBE, LRC-ωPBEhPBE
- Baer-Neuhauser-Livshits (BNL) functional
- ωB97, ωB97X and ωB97X-D functionals
- Dispersion corrections to DFT
- Becke and Johnson’s XDM model
- vdw-DF-04 of Langreth, Lundqvist and co-workers’
- VV09
- -D2 and -D3 of Grimme's
- B97-D
- ωB97X-D
- Constrained DFT
- Calculation of reactions with configuration interactions of charge-constrained states with constrained DFT
- User-Definable Linear Combination of Functionals
- Numerical-Grid Based Numerical Quadrature Schemes
- The SG-0 standard grid
- This grid is derived from a MultiExp-Lebedev-(23,170), (i.e. 23 radial points and 170 angular points per radial point). This grid was pruned whilst ensuring the error in the computed exchange energies for the atoms and a selection of small molecules was less than 10 microhartree from that computed using a very large grid.
- The SG-1 standard grid
- This grid is derived from a Euler-Maclaurin-Lebedev-(50,194) grid (i.e., 50 radial points, and 194 angular points per radial point).
This grid has been found to give numerical integration errors of the order of 0.2 kcal/mol for medium-sized molecules, including particularly demanding test cases such as isomerization energies of alkanes.
- This grid is derived from a Euler-Maclaurin-Lebedev-(50,194) grid (i.e., 50 radial points, and 194 angular points per radial point).
- Lebedev and Gauss-Legendre Angular Quadrature Schemes
- Lebedev Spheres avaiable for up to 5294 angular points.
- Incremental Density Function Theory
- Improves efficiency of DFT calculations by greater amounts as convergence is reached by use of the difference denisty and Fock matrices.
- The SG-0 standard grid
- Analytical First Derivatives for Geometry Optimizations
- Analytical Second Derivatives for Harmonic Frequency Analysis
- Inclusion of the first and second derivatives
- of the Becke Weighting Functions for
- greater accuracy.
- Near-edge X-ray absorption with short-range corrected DFT
Linear Scaling Methods
- Fast numerical integration of exchange-correlation with mrXC (multiresolution exchange-correlation)
- Treats the smooth and compact parts of the electron density separately
- Highly efficient, no errors
- Fourier Transform Coulomb Method (FTC)
- Continuous Fast Multipole Method (CFMM)
- Fastest ab initio implementation of multipole-based methods
- Linear-cost calculation of electronic Coulomb interactions
- Finds exact Coulomb energy; no approximations are made
- Efficiently calculates energy and gradient
- Linear-Scaling HF-exchange method (LinK)
- Linear scaling exchange energies and gradients for cases with sparse density matrices
- Resolution-Identity
- Faster DFT and HF calculations with atomic resolution of the identity (ART) algorithms
- Dual Basis
- Fast calculation with one iteration only with the large basis basis
- Accurate in relative energy
- Applicable to DFT and MP2
- Linear Scaling Grid Based Integration for Exchange-Correlation Functional Evaluation
- Efficient computation of the exchange-correlation part of the dual basis DFT
- Fast DFT calculation with ‘triple jumps’ between different sizes of basis set and grid and different levels of functional
- Linear Scaling NMR Chemical Shifts
Q-Chem's AOINTS Package for Two Electron Integrals
- Incorporates the latest advances in high performance integrals technology
- The most efficient method available for evaluation of two-electron Gaussian integrals
- Algorithms choose the optimum method for each integral given the angular momentum and degree of contraction
- Analytical solution of integrals over pseudopotential operators
- J Matrix engine
- Direct computation of Coulomb matrix elements approximately 10 times faster than explicit integral evaluation
SCF Improvements
- Automated optimal hybrid of in-core and direct
- SCF methods
- Direct Inversion in the Iterative Subspace (DIIS)
- Drastically reduces the number of iterations necessary to converge the SCF
- Initial Guessing Schemes
- Improves the initial starting point for the SCF procedure
- Superposing spherical averaged atomic densities (SAD)
- Generalized Wolfsberg-Helmholtz (GWH)
- Projection from smaller basis sets
- Core Hamiltonian Guessing
- Stability Analysis for SCF Wavefunctions
- Tests for a complex solution to the SCF equations to ensure the quality of energy minima.
- Available for restricted and unrestriced HF or DFT wavefunctions.
- Maximum Overlap Method (MOM)
- Prevents oscillation of the occupations at each iteration that can hinder convergence
- Scales cubic with the number of orbitals
- Direct Minimization of the Fock Matrix
- Follows the energy gradients to minimize the SCF energy providing a useful alternative to DIIS
- Relaxed constraint algorithm (RCA) for converging SCF
- Intermediate molecular-optimized minimal basis of polarized atomic orbitals PAOs)
- Set of orbitals defined by a atom-blocked linear transformation from the fixed atomic orbital basis
- Potential computational advantages for local MP2 compuations
- Analytical gradients and second-order corrections to the energy available
Møller-Plesset Theory
- Second-Order Møller-Plesset Theory (MP2)
- Restricted, Unrestricted, and Restriced Open-Shell Formulations Available
- Energy via direct and semi-direct methods
- Analytical gradient via efficient semi-direct method available for restricted and unrestricted formalisms
- Proper treatment of frozen orbitals in analytical gradient Energy via MP3, MP4 and MP4SDQ methods also available
- Local MP2 Methods
- Drastically reduces cost through physically motivated truncations of the full MP2 energy expression
- Reduces the scaling of the computation with molecular size
- Capable of performing MP2 computations on molecules roughly twice the size as capable with standard MP2 without significant loss of accuracy!
- Utilizes extrapolated PAO's (EPAO's) for local correlation
- Available methods are the TRIM (triatomics in molecules) and DIM (diatomics in molecules) techniques
- Yields contiuous potential energy surfaces
- TRIM recovers around 99.7% of the full MP2 energy
- DIM recovers around 95% of the full MP2 energy
- RI-MP2 Methods
- Up to 10 times faster for MP2 and Local MP2
- Dual-basis RIMP2 methods
- Opposite-spin MP2 methods
- Scaled opposite-spin MP2 method (SOS-MP2)
- Modified opposite-spin MP2 method (MOS-MP2)
- Optimized-orbitals opposite-spin MP2 method (O2)
- Attenuated MP2 method
Coupled-Cluster Methods
- Significantly enhanced coupled-cluster code rewritten for better performance and multicore systems for many modules in 4.0
- Singles and Doubles (CCSD)
- Energies and gradients are available.
- Frequenies available via finite differences of forces.
- RI implementation is available (energies only)
- XX = EE, EA, IP, SF (energies and gradients) DIP, 2SF (energies)
- Robust treatment of radicals, bond-breaking and symmetry- breaking problems
- Non-Iterative Corrections to the Coupled Cluster Energies
- (T) Triples Corrections (CCSD(T)) for CC energies
- (2) Triples and Quadruples Corrections (CCSD(2)) for CC energies
- (dT) and (dF) corrections for CCSD, EOM-SF-CCSD, and EOM-IP-CCSD.
- Extensive use of molecular point group and spin symmetry to improve efficiency.
- Quadratic Coupled-Cluster Doubles
- Improved behavior of the coupled-cluster wavefunction for such trouble cases as homolytic bond dissociation
- QCISD, QCISD(T) and QCISD(2) energies available
- Frozen Core Approximations, including frozen natural orbitals, available to increase treatable system size
- Interface with EFP is avaliable for treating the effect of the environment
- Dyson orbitals are available
- RI/Cholesky decomposition implementation of CCSD and EOM-CCSD
Valence Space Models for Strong Corrrelation
- Optimized Orbital Coupled-Cluster Doubles (OD)
- Helpful in avoiding artifactual symmetry
breaking problems - The mean-field reference orbitals are optimized to minimize the total energy
- Alternative approach to Brueckner
coupled-cluster - OD, OD(T), and OD(2) energies and
gradients available
- Helpful in avoiding artifactual symmetry
- Valence Optimized Orbital Coupled-Cluster
Doubles (VOD)- Coupled-cluster approximation of the traditional CASSCF method.
- A truncated OD wave function is utilized within a valence active space
- Requires far less disk space and scales better with system size than CASSCF so that larger systems can be treated
- VOD, VOD(T), VQCCD and VOD(2) energies and gradients available
- Perfect Quadruples and Perfect Hextuples methods
- Coupled Cluster Valence Bond (CCVB) and related methods for multiple bond breaking
- Extended RAS-nSF for studying excited states
Supported Calculation Types
- Vertical absorbtion spectrum
- The calculation of the excited states of the molecule at the ground state geometry, as appropriate for absorption spectroscopy.
- Excited state optimization
- Analytic gradient available with CIS, TDDFT and EOM-CCSD
- Excited state vibrational analysis
- Available for UCIS, RCIS and TDDFT
- Collinear and Non-Collinear Spin-Flip DFT
CIS Methods
- Excited states are computed starting from a
Hartree-Fock wavefunction- Provides qualitatively correct descriptions of single-electron excited states
- Geometries and frequencies comparable to ground-state Hartree-Fock results
- Efficient, direct algorithm for computing closed- and open- shell energies, analytical gradients and second derivatives
- CIS (XCIS) Method available
- Comparible results to the closed-shell CIS method for doublet and quartet states
- CIS(D) and SOS-CIS(D) perturbative doubles correction available
- Reduces the errors in CIS by a factor of two or more (to roughly that of MP2)
- RI-CIS(D) and RI-CIS(D0) methods for faster correlated excited state calculations
Time-Dependent DFT (TDDFT)
- Excited state energies computed from a ground state Kohn-Sham wavefunction
- For low-lying valence excited states, TDDFT provides a marked improvement over CIS, at about the same cost
- Provides an implicit representation of correlation effects in excited states
- Provides marked improvement over CIS for low-lying valence excited states of radicals
- Spin-flip density functional threory (SFDFT)
- Extends TDDFT to states beyond the low-lying valence states.
- Also useful for bond-breaking processes and radical and diradical systems
- Nuclear gradients of excited states with TDDFT
- Direct coupling of charged states for the study of charge transfer reactions
- Analytical excited-state Hessian in TDDFT within Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Improved TDDFT prediction with implementation of asymptotically corrected exchange-correlation potential (TDDFT/TDA with LB94)
- Obtaining an excited state self-consistently with MOM (maximum overlap method)
- Overlap analysis of the charge transfer in a excited state with TDDFT (Nick Besley, Section 6.3.2).
- Localizing diabatic states with Boys or Edmiston-Ruedenberg localization scheme for charge or energy transfer
- Implementation of non-collinear formulation extends SF-TDDFT to a broader set of functionals and improves its accuracy
Wavefunction-Based Correlated Excited State Methods
- Equation of Motion Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles EOM-CCSD
- Method of computing vertical excitation energies via linear response from the ground state CC wavefunction.
- Spin-Flip Excited State Methods
- Improved treatment of di- and tri-radical systems.
- Address bond-breaking problems associated with a single-determinant wavefunction.
- Available for OD and CCSD levels of theory.
- Excited State Property Calculations
- Transition dipoles and getometry
- Potential energy surface crossing minimization with EOM-CCSD
- Correlated excited states with the perturbation-theory based, size consistent ADC scheme of second order
- Restricted active space spin- flip method for multireference ground states and multi-electron excited states
Attachment-Detachment Analysis for Excited States
- A unique tool for visualizing electronic transtions
- Utilizes the difference density matrix between the ground exctied state to create a one-electron picture of electronic transitions
- Useful in classifying the character electronic transistion as valence, Rydberg, mixed, or charge-transfer.
Automated Geometry and Transition Structure Optimization
- Uses Dr. Jon Baker's OPTIMIZE package
- Utilizes redundant internal coordinates to ensure rapid convergence even without an initial force constant matrix
- Geometry Optimization with General Constraints
- Can impose bond angle, dihedral angle (torsion) or out-of-plane bend constraints Freezes atoms in Cartesian coordinates
- Desired constraints do not need to be imposed in starting structure
- Optimizes in Cartesian, Z-Matrix or delocalized internal coordinates
- Eigenvector Following (EF) algorithm for minima and transition states
- GDIIS algorithm for minima
- Greatly speeds up convergence to an equilibrium geometry
- Intrinsic Reaction Coordinates (IRC) following
- Connect equilibrium geometries and transistion states along reaction paths.
- Ab initio dynamics with extrapolated z-vector techniques for MP2 and/or dual-basis methods
- Improved robustness with Version 4.0
- Freezing and Growing String Methods for efficient automatic reaction path finding
Vibrational Spectra
- Automated with both analytical and numerical second-derivatives
- Infrared and Raman intensities
- Outputs standard statistical thermodynamic information
- Isotropic subsitution available for comparison with experiment
- Anharmonic correction
- Partial hessian analysis
- Exact, quantum mechanical treatment of nuclear motions at equilibrium with path integral methods.
- Calculation of local vibrational modes of interest with partial Hessian vibrational analysis.
- Quasiclassical ab initio molecular dynamics.
NMR Shielding Tensors
- NMR chemical shifts provides a reliable comparison between the experimentally measured NMR signals and structural properties.
- First and only linear-scaling NMR calculation with hundreds of atoms
Analysis of Electronic Structures
- NOB 5.0, a sophisticated approach to population analysis
- Stewart Atoms
- Recovers the atomic identity from a molecular density
- Provides a simplified representation of the electronic density
- Q-Chem utilizes the resolution of the identity (RI) for computation of these values.
- Momentum Densities
- Property that shows what momentum an electron is most likely to possess
- Useful in comparison to Compton scattering experiment results
- Complement the normal electron density in providing detailed picture of the electronic structure
- Intracules
- These are unique 2-electron distribution functions that provide the most detailed information about the Coulomb and exchange energies in a molecule with respect to position and momentum
- Analytical Wigner Intracule
- Atoms in Molecules Analysis (AIMPAC)
- Q-Chem can now produce output suitable for use by the AIMPAC program, which is a freely available program that performs AIM analysis.
- AIMPAC is available at www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/aimpac/imagemap/imagemap.htm
- Hirshfeld population analysis
- Localized atomic magnetic moments and correlated bond orders within DFT
- T-Chem: Quantum transport properties via the Landauer approximation
Solvation Modeling
- The simple Onsager reaction field model
- The Langevin dipoles model
- Continuum model that realistically treats solvation effects by adding a layer of dipoles around the Van der Waals surface of the solute
- SS(V)PE: a new dielectric continuum model
- SM8 solvation model
- Smooth solvation energy surface with switching/Gaussian polarizable continuum medium PCM) solvation models for QM and QM/MM calculations.
- The original COSMO solvation model by Klamt and Schüürmann with DFT energy and gradient.
Relativistic Energy Corrections
- Additive correction to the Hartree-Fock energy is computed atomatically everytime a frequency calculation is requested
- Needed for an accurate description of heavy-atoms
- Approximately accounts for the increase of electron mass as the electron approaches the speed of light
- Based on Dirac-Fock theory
Diagonal Adiabatic Correction
- Computes the Born-Oppenheimer diagonal correction in order to account for a breakdown in the adiabatic separation of nuclear and electronic motions
Intermolecular Interaction Analysis
- SCF with absolutely localized molecular orbitals for molecular interactions (SCF-MI)
- Roothaan-step (RS) correction following SCF-MI
- Energy decomposition analysis (EDA)
- Complementary occupied-virtual pair (COVP) analysis for charge transfer
- Automated basis-set superposition error (BSSE) calculation
- Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory for intermolecular interaction energy decomposition
- XPol monomer-based SCF calculations of many-body polarization effects
Other Analytical tools
- Analysis of metal oxidation states via localized orbital bonding analysis
- Visualization of noncovalent bonding using Johnson and Yang’s algorithm
- ESP on a grid for transition density
Gaussian Basis Sets
- strong>Standard Pople Basis Sets
- 3-21G (H-Cs), 4-31G (H-Cl), 6-31G (H-Kr), and 6-311G (H-Kr)
- Polarization and diffuse function extensions
- Dunning's systematic sequence of correlation consistent basis sets
- Obtained from the Pacific Northwest Basis Set Database cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ, cc-pVQZ, cc-pV5Z for H-Ar
- Augmented versions of these sets for H-Ar
- Core-valence effects included through the cc-pCVXZ basis set for B-Ne
- DZ and TZ basis sets also available
- The modern Ahlrichs double and triple zeta basis sets are also available
- G3Large basis set for transition metals
- User-specified basis sets supported
Pseudopotential Basis Sets
- These sets incorporate relativistic effects
- PRISM now supports fully analytical treatment of integrals over pseudopotential operators
- Standard pseudopotential sets obtained from the Pacific Northwest Basis Set Database
- Available sets are:
- The Hay-Wadt minimal basis
- The Hay-Wadt valence double zeta basis
- lanl2dz (mimic of Gaussian's lanl2dz)
- Stevens-Bausch-Krauss-Jaisen-Cundari-21G
- CRENBL-Christiansen et al. shape consistent large orbital, small core
- CRENBS-Christiansen et al. shape consistent small basis, large core
- Stuggart relativistic large core
- Stuggart relativistic small core
- User-defined pseudopotential basis sets supported
Correction for Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE)
- Places basis functions on ghost atoms to correct the overestimation of binding energies.
Interface to CHARMM
- YinYang Atom model without linked atoms
- ONIOM model implemented
- The QM/MM interface between Q-Chem and CHARMM is distrib