WANdisco公司將syntevo的產品納入旗下,其中 SmartSVN 產品是一款跨平台的全功能SVN(Subversion)用戶端軟體,其最大的優勢就是操作非常簡單和方便,多有操作都可以通過滑鼠點擊完成。該軟體的其它特性還包括:支援多種認證機制:svn、svn+ssh、http、https、HTTP的代理支援;支援所有的svn命令;支援標籤操作;智慧化程度高;方便的導航系統..等等。
SmartSVN 可運行在Linux、Mac OS X、OS/2、Unix以及Windows。除了標準的SVN指令(例如checkout、update、commit、merge等)之外,其亦提供 tag與branch處理(無需要為了轉換不同的tag或branch而去處理URL)、內建檔案比對與衝突處理器(conflict solver)等。使用者無需安裝額外的工具來處理SVN working copies,SmartSVN用起來類似命令列SVN client或檔案比對工具,版本管理是軟體配置管理的基礎,它管理並保護開發者的軟體資源。
- 集中管理檔案,安全授權機制
- 軟體版本升級管理
- 加鎖功能
- 提供不同版本來源程式的比較
- 支援多種認證機制:svn、svn+ssh、http、https、HTTP的代理支援
- 支援所有的svn命令
- 支援標籤操作
- 方便的導航系統
- Windows 10+ (64-bit)
- macOS 11 - 14
- Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+)
標記和分支支持(SmartSVN Professional)
使用SmartSVN Professional,您可以像使用本機Subversion功能一樣方便地使用標籤和分支。一旦為主幹,標籤和分支定義了項目存儲庫位置,就不必再處理難以記住的URL:只需使用標籤和分支,就像您習慣使用其他版本控制系統一樣。
在項目目錄視圖中,您可以立即查看哪些目錄包含本地修改(紅色箭頭)以及哪些目錄已在存儲庫中更改(綠色箭頭,SmartSVN Professional)。
結合文件的遠程狀態(SmartSVN Professional),您可以在實際發生之前檢測並避免潛在的衝突。SmartSVN Professional甚至可以顯示已添加到存儲庫但尚未在本地可用的文件和目錄。
修訂圖(SmartSVN Professional)
- 哪個分支發生了變化,
- 哪個版本代表哪個標籤,
- 文件移動,重命名或複制時的歷史記錄。
Windows Explorer集成
此外,作為獨立項目視圖的替代方案,SmartSVN還集成了Windows Explorer。這包括所有主要命令,您可以直接從您喜歡的文件管理器中運行命令。SVN文件狀態顯示為圖標疊加。
使用SmartSVN,無需在純文本中編輯常見的Subversion屬性,例如外部定義。相反,您可以使用存儲庫瀏覽器輕鬆選擇存儲庫位置。當然,SmartSVN也為SVN 1.5中引入的相關外部URL提出建議。
SmartSVN主窗口中的“事務”視圖自動從存儲庫中提取有關新修訂的信息。它將使您及時了解項目中發生的任何提交 - 如果您願意,可以自動,清晰,甚至來自其他分支機構。SmartSVN Professional還可以監視其他存儲庫位置的更改,例如,項目使用的庫。
獨立於項目的事務窗口(SmartSVN Professional)可以監視任何存儲庫中的提交。這使您可以輕鬆了解項目中使用的庫的更改,或者團隊或整個公司內的所有SVN活動。
Powerful Commit
SmartSVN Professional(可選)建議添加新文件或刪除丟失的文件,並能夠檢測移動和重命名的文件。
SmartSVN Professional允許提交對外部(嵌套工作副本)的更改,使您可以選擇為所有受影響的存儲庫提供一個提交消息,並為每個存儲庫提供單獨的提交消息。您不必像在其他SVN客戶端中那樣選擇外部的根目錄。
SmartSVN可以使用Open Office或Mozilla詞典拼寫檢查您的提交消息。當註冊不同語言的詞典時,SmartSVN會自動檢測並使用最佳匹配語言,因此您無需手動切換語言。
提交嚮導:JIRA集成(SmartSVN Professional)
變更集(SmartSVN Professional)
使用SmartSVN 6.5,您可以將文件拖放到現有的變更集上。
從Subversion 1.5開始,命令行客戶端以及其他SVN客戶端也支持更改集。與其他SVN客戶端相比,SmartSVN允許將目錄放入變更集,因為目錄也可能包含與任務相關的屬性更改。
使用Repository Browser,您可以直接瀏覽存儲庫的結構。更具體地說,您可以:
- 檢查目錄,
- 查看不同版本的文件,
- 創建新目錄,
- 移動或重命名文件和目錄,
- 複製文件和目錄(例如創建分支),
- 刪除文件和目錄,
- 顯示文件或目錄日誌,
- 顯示文件或目錄修訂圖,
- 顯示帶註釋的文件視圖。
變更報告(SmartSVN Professional)
衝突解決方案(SmartSVN Professional)
即使在完美溝通的團隊中,兩個人也可能獨立地改變文件的相同部分。產生的衝突需要手動解決。SmartSVN內置的衝突解算器將一般三向合併的自由與檢測和輕鬆解決此類衝突的能力相結合。如果需要,您可以根據需要編輯生成的文件 - 您不必接受或拒絕整個更改塊。
Wandisco 系列軟體
分散式及龐大資料管理的領導者Wandisco公司推出Wandisco Non-Stop NameNode, 其運用Wandisco專利的Active-Active分散式技術,保證NameNode 100%執行時間,消除了固有的SPOF(Single Point Of Failure),使得Hadoop運行真正做到7x24小時無單點失效風險。
SmartSynchronize is a multi-platform file and directory compare tool. It allows you to compare files or perform 3-way-merges, both with the ability to edit the file contents. SmartSynchronize is optimized for comparing directory structures (for example, of software projects), and can keep them synchronized.
File Compare
- comfortable editing and transfer of changes from one file to the other
- inner-line change detection
Directory Compare
- configurable filter for customized directory scanning (inclusion and exclusion)
- configurable filter for ignored files
- easy transfer of changes from one directory structure to another
- saving configuration for later re-use ("profile")
- automatic synchronization depending on file times and previous synchronization time
- ability to edit each of the three files
- easy merge from changed files to resulting files
- General
- command line interface for easy invocation from other applications
- configurable font, colors and accelerators
- runs on Windows, Linux, macOS
- support for all major text file encodings
SmartGit is a graphical Git client with Subversion support. SmartGit is free for non-commercial use and runs on macOS, Windows and Linux.
One for All.
This powerful, multi-platform Git client has the same intuitive user interface on Windows, macOS and Linux:
- graphical merge and commit history
- drag and drop commit reordering, merging or rebase
Use your SmartGit license on as many machines and operating systems you like.
Everything Included.
No need to install and configure additional tools.
SmartGit includes:
- command line Git client (Windows, macOS)
- Graphical Merge and Commit History
- Git-Flow
- SSH-client
- File Compare
- File Merge ("Conflict Solver")
Adopt to Your Needs and Workflows.
A commercial Git client should support your work-flows. You can customize SmartGit in various ways:
- Preferences for Merging, Rebasing
- Layout of certain views,
- External tools,
- External or built-in Compare or Conflict Solver tools,
- Keyboard shortcuts,
- Toolbars,
- Syntax coloring,
- Light and dark themes
Interacting with popular platforms.
SmartGit comes with special integrations for GitHub, BitBucket and BitBucket Server (former Atlassian Stash) to create and resolve Pull Requests and Review Comments.
Of course, you can use SmartGit like any other Git client with your own Git repositories or other hosting providers (e.g. GitLab).
Major Advantages of (Smart)Git over (Smart)CVS
- Major Advantages of (Smart)Git over (Smart)CVS
- SmartGit as well as the open source Git command line tools (including the part required for a Git server) are very actively developed
- SmartGit holds all repository data locally, so every operation is very quick
- instant display of local changes (for SmartCVS even a simple file compare to see the changes made to a file require a server connection)
- with SmartCVS creating or switching branches requires a server connection and consequently is slow
- with (Smart)Git every commit is an entity containing all file changes and the commit message; SmartCVS had to collect this information from each and every file to find belonging revisions which is slow and error prone
- SmartGit is more flexible (especially for commits that have not been pushed to the Git server or other Git repositories):
- it is much easier to create clean commits, e.g. just commit certain parts of a file
- if you forgot to commit something, you may amend commits later
- it is possible to reorder and squash commits
- it's much easier to try out something, e.g. merging, and discard the result if you don't like it and restart again
- branching is very easy and quick, even temporary branches for purely local changes are no problem
- SmartGit allows secure SSH and https connections making it easier to tunnel through a proxy