SourceGuardian 是目前市面上最先進的PHP Encoder,具有完整地ground-up rewrite、功能強大的GUI並涵蓋了最新版本的PHP。
SourceGuardian for PHP可以讓你快速又安全地編碼、編譯並將你的PHP文件進行加密,不僅能保護你的智慧財產權不被侵犯還可防止資料庫密碼被盜取。SourceGuardian可以限制scripts、IP和鎖定網域或是使用內鍵的授權機制。
使用SourceGuardian for PHP有什麼優點?
- 保護PHP應用程式,以便可以用類似的方式被部屬到一個正式的應用程式上,而不用部屬原始碼。
- 分佈PHP應用程式的試用版
- 鎖定PHP Scripts在某一台機器上,這樣應用程式就不會被竊取或被挪用到公司以外的工作人員,防止智慧財產權被侵犯。
- 保護資料庫密碼
- 保護應用程式中的某一個部份,讓大多數的文件可以被開啟或改變,但不會影響到核心功能
- 讓在遠端工作的員工可以在完成工作後,確保工作內容不會被更動
PHP Encoder Features
SourceGuardian is the most advanced PHP Encoder on the market, complete with a ground-up rewrite, a powerful GUI and protection covering the latest version of PHP. You can encode your scripts using Windows, macOS and Linux, all with a powerful GUI or using a command line interface.
Powerful protection
SourceGuardian PHP Encoder protects your PHP scripts by compiling the PHP source code into a bytecode format, followed by encryption layers.
New GUI Interface and command-line encoder
We created a new GUI for SourceGuardian, including Windows, Linux and macOS. This new GUI, combined with the powerful command-line encoder, makes it even easier to encrypt your PHP scripts.
Supported PHP Versions
SourceGuardian 15 for PHP works with the following versions of PHP: PHP 4.x,5.x,7.x and PHP8+, PHP8.3 is fully supported. We always lead the way amongst PHP Encoders for supporting the latest version of PHP
PHP Protection methods
To protect your scripts from unauthorized usage SourceGuardian for PHP has added features that can optionally lock your scripts to run only from predefined IP addresses, domain names or LAN hardware addresses (MAC).
SourceGuardian for PHP can also easily produce trial versions of your scripts by setting an expiry date for your PHP scripts or by limiting the number of days that your protected script will work. To protect against local date changes for trial versions of your protected scripts there is an option for time checking using atomic online time servers.
For larger projects SourceGuardian for PHP provides an option to protect an entire project so that all scripts used in the project will work only with other protected scripts. This way scripts may include a protected script from an unprotected script and this adds another level of protection.
Here is a sample list of protection features
– Locking to a specific date, with optional atomic online time server checking
– Locking to multiple domain names
– Locking to multiple IP addresses
– Locking to multiple LAN hardware (MAC) addresses
– Locking to a machine ID
– Improved locking to a specific domain name with encryption. The domain name is used as a part of the key for encryption, so protected scripts may not be decrypted and run from another domain. This is very powerful
– Improved locking to an IP address with encryption. This is similar to the domain name locking but an IP address is used as a part of the key for encryption. This means that protected scripts cannot be decrypted and run from another IP address. Locking of an entire PHP project, so that no protected script can run if any other script is substituted with an unencoded one or encoded with another installation of SourceGuardian. This is ideal for protecting settings, passwords etc within a PHP project.
– Locking to an external license file produced by the built-in SourceGuardian license generator. This is ideal for creating protected scripts to be deployed to different users and it even allows you to assign different locking options to different users. The SourceGuardian license generator tool can run from the GUI or as a command line tool which adds another powerful element - It provides a method for licenses to be dynamically generated and this would be useful (for example) when selling scripts online.
– Locking protected scripts to work only online
– Custom text may be added to the generated license file
– You can now encode only files that were changed since your last encoding session
– PHP 4.x,5.x,7.x and PHP8+ support, including all the new language features
– Thread Safety support. SourceGuardian has a special version of its Loaders available for Thread Safety PHP installations
Encoding of HTML templates and other non-PHP files
We have added an option for encoding HTML templates, or other non-PHP files, using the SourceGuardian encoder. HTML templates or other non-PHP files may be encoded by the encoder, then read and decrypted from the protected scripts code. Template files which are encoded as part of the project may be used only from the protected scripts which were encoded as a part of the same project. It's impossible to use protected templates from unencoded scripts or from scripts encoded with a different SourceGuardian project.
Built-in support
To make it easier for our customers, and potential customers, we have added in built-in support to your application. Now there is no worry of emails from us being spam-trapped – all of our communication can be seen within the application itself. We also provide support via email and our helpdesk, but this way you can see when your support has been answered directly within SourceGuardian
Cross platform encoding
A script encoded under one operating system will run under any other supported operating systems. Currently we have the encoder for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Protected scripts will work on Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD.
Script Loaders are available for these operating systems. Please find a list of all supported operating systems on our web site. In the near future we will support more operating systems and we can create a bespoke loader for your OS. Please contact us.
Supported PHP Versions
SourceGuardian 15 for PHP works with the following versions of PHP: PHP 4.x,5.x,7.x and PHP8+, PHP8.3 is fully supported. We always lead the way amongst PHP Encoders for supporting the latest version of PHP