CEBAS final Render 是一款應用於3dsmax上的超級渲染器。集成了所有先進的渲染功能,將其Lume Object(照明體)和Bunch of Volumes (體光焦散)外掛程式也一同打包在內,支援網路渲染,Global Illumination (簡稱GI)全域照明是目前最快的。finalRender Stage-1 使用了很多新的技術來增強3dsmax 的渲染。功能特性:真實的3D動態模糊;多種攝像機(InsectEye,Architectural,Cylinder,Distortion, Fisheye,Panoramic,Spherical,UltraWide,Window);真實三角形替換;Hyper-GI;finalToon 等。
新版推出 New finalRender trueHybrid™ Major Release
trueHybrid™ Rendering Core Overhaul expanding the power of CPU to GPU.
CEBAS finalRender 特色:
- fR-PyroVDB: Fire&Smoke Material with unmatched flexibility and power.
- DirectVolumeRender: of finalFluid right out of the box.
- 3ds Max 2023: In-Viewport Volume visualization
- Temporal GPU denoising
- Unlimited Network Rendering Available
- Fast Iterations, Save time and cost
CEBAS finalRender提供了14 種高級材質,通過材質間的互相組合能創造出無限豐富的材質和陰影效果。每個finalShaders 的材料不用做什麼複雜的參數調節就能立即顯示出結果,非常方便,也大大節省了創作的時間。finalShaders 的安裝要求finalRender Stage-1 SP2a 或者更高版本。
CEBAS finalRender 中的材質具體包括:
fR X-Ray:能產生一流的類似X光線或者是類似霜凍玻璃的效果。
fR 3D-Gradient:一種類似max中Gradient(梯度漸變)材質類型效果的材質陰影。他們完全控制物體在三維空間中的表面顏色;這種材質的強大之處還在於它能創建出千變萬化的表面材質顏色。
fR-Wire:fR-Wire 有效的擴展了finalRender Stage-1 中的材質設置!他能讓所有的材質像這樣進行光影跟蹤計算,包括材質的反射、折射和陰影效果。
fR-WetMaterial :fR-WetMaterial 在整個渲染具有獨一無二,革命性的創舉。這種材質類型能通過正確的IOR和折射計算直接在任何表面添加液體流動或者水滴的效果,這是max上其它的渲染器所不能比的。
fR-Wax:一種類似於sss 效果的表面漫反射材質類型。他能用來快速的產生蠟燭或者人物皮膚的表面材質效果。
fR-Volumetric :finalRender Stage-1 另一種獨特的材質類型。它通過正確和適當的取樣就能測量物體的真實體積。這種材質類型允許使用者創建煙,玻璃杯中的流水等等。
R-CarPaint :能產生類似汽車表面的漆光材質。
fR-Distant :能產生更為細緻多樣化的表皮毛髮效果。
fR-Electron : 能用來產生特性看電子顯微鏡圖像。金屬、塑膠和半透明的大理石也能被輕易地產生。
fR-Elevation :一種多層材質類型。
fR-Skin :這是finalShaders 最複雜的材質類型之一。它能更真實的創建表皮的皮膚,例如皮膚的乾燥和濕潤程度。
fR- ThinFilm :另一種高級的物體表面模擬的材質類型。
finalRender 帶來了新的增強和功效,提供了更多的穩定性和效率。一個全新引進的GI引擎連同一個革命性的觀點主要能夠使GI引擎去完成finalRender使用者更高的要求。全域光照渲染將更快和更潔淨,而且輕鬆的操做比之前將會顯示出更多意想不到的細節。增加了協力廠商相容性,例如FumeFX2.1使用FinalRender外掛程式會有驚人的效果。同樣支持Hair Farm。
在finalRender 有最多最突出的特色
- 全新的HarmonicsGI Engine能達到更快,更好更平滑
- MSP engine增強,更強大穩定,存儲效率更快
- 與FumeFX配合的更加出色,可達到10x速度。
- 增強的AQMC GI Engine
- 真實的3D Stereo Camera模型
- 增強了無閃爍次表面散射渲染效果
- Camera Fly GI 模式
- Hyper-GI特效技術讓GU結果更加清晰,快速
- finalRender Image GI engine
- 最優化QMC GI Engine
- 支持32-bi和64-bit
- 更先進的元素渲染支援
- 安裝方便,使用簡單
- 強大的分散式渲染技術
- 自我調整反鋸齒渲染處理速度極快,清晰
- 先進的MTD(微分三角位移)渲染效果
- MTD(Micro Triangle Displacement)調節器
- GI Detail Detection
- Physical Sky和Physical Sky Map視窗
- True Physical Camera model
- FianlToon的動畫和插畫渲染效果
- 超過150種預設材質渲染效果
- FinalRender著色器,簡單操作,功能強大
- 非常快的Sub-Surface Scattering(次表面散射特效)
- 隨意載入拆分幾何圖型
- 快速的光線追蹤功能
- 真實的焦散渲染
- 快速區域陰影功能
- 高速高效真實的3D動態模糊效果
- 基於符合IES標準的Photo-real Area light types
- 即時大量光線特效
- 以幾何計算出的直射光源效果
- 以幾何計算出的間接照明光源效果
- 進階的攝像機功能(像魚眼特效, panorama & more)
- Physically correct DOF raytracing
3ds Max 2025-24-23 | CPU:SSE4.2GPU: OptiX 7.5 CUDA 12.x Shading Model 5.x
finalRender 授權版本比較
finalRender is offered as a yearly subscription only.
1. finalRender -one full year subscription license.
Access the latest major finalRender version with all updates. Does not extend automatically - renew yearly as needed.
This License allows you to use all the CPU cores installed on your system. Up to 2 CUDA GPU Cards can be used in addition to the CPU cores for Rendering.
2. finalRender Unlimited Network -one full year subscription license
This license extends an existing finalRender License to allow an unlimited amount of network rendering machines to be used. This is a yearly subscription.
Important:You must own at least one finalRender Workstation License to order this product
3. finalRender Unlimited GPU -one full year subscription license
This license extends an existing finalRender Workstation License to allow for the use of an unlimited amount of CUDA GPU cards in/or attached to one workstation.
Important:You must own at least one finalRender Workstation License to order this product.
Take your 3ds Max visual effects to the next level with thinkingParticles Release 7.3. This latest release builds on the success of thinkingParticles 7.2 and introduces an enhanced, more matured version of our Math Expression Language, ME-L.
ME-L has taken a quantum leap in complexity, preparing itself for the next revolution in AI-powered natural language models that can speed up VFX scene setup in the future. Despite its increased complexity, ME-L remains simple, fast, and efficient for visual effects scripting, making it accessible to everyone.
finalToon™ opens up a whole new world of illustration and special cartoon rendering effects for 3ds max.
Thanks to the unique finalToon™ features, you can now add greater versatility to any projects involving NPR (Non Photo Realistic Rendering) with greater ease
psd-manager 5
psd-manager™ 5 is the most advanced PSD file exporter for 3ds Max available on the market. Now you can readjust nearly everything in a rendering with Adobe® Photoshop® or any another application that supports PSD files. psd-manager is the tool to help you save time and money by integrating the tools you best know and like.
MaxMp4 is a plugin for 3ds Max that allows users to create MP4 videos from their rendered frames. It acts as a standard 3ds Max file exporter plugin and can be found in the Save As dialog of 3ds Max. When the user selects MP4 as the output format, they can use the SETUP option to specify the quality and MP4 codec to use..
With maxMp4, users can easily create high-quality MP4 videos without the need for re-encoding or transcoding, saving time and streamlining their workflow. It supports both GPU and CPU rendering and offers support for h.264 and h265 encoding, ensuring that users can produce professional-grade videos without sacrificing performance or efficiency.
Major features are:
- CPU/GPU Accelerated mp4 File Generation
- h.264 right from inside of 3ds Max
- h.265 support, with codec installed (Microsoft Store)
- Use any MP4 File as Texture!
- Optional additional Windows System Codecs supported
- Bypass the need for re-encoding or transcoding, saving time and streamlining the workflow.
finalFluid: Integrated GPU Solver for 3ds Max
Get one of the most advanced and fully integrated real-time fire & smoke GPU simulation systems for 3ds Max. Thanks to its deep integration, finalFluid leverages all of 3ds Max’ tools and workflow advantages. The times of excessive and complex import and export workflows are finally over! Everything happens right inside of 3ds Max, in real-time.
finalFluid is compatible with most 3ds Max tools including standard particle systems and renderers. In addition to the integrated toolset, advanced plug-in tools are supported, as well. In Specifically thinkingParticles, finalRender, tyFlow and vray are only some of the advanced plug-ins that perfectly integrate with finalFluid.
Major features are:
- NVIDIA-GPU Accelerated Sparse Grid Solver
- Real-time Workflow right inside of 3ds Max
- Movie Quality Fire & Smoke VFX in Real-time
- Standard Particle Support
- Advanced 3rd Party Particle System Support
- Internal and External Renderer Support via OpenVDB
- Direct Volume Rendering™ with finalRender