MobaXterm 是您的遠程計算的終極工具軟體。在單個Windows應用程式中,它提供了大量為程式師,網站管理員,IT管理員和幾乎所有需要以更簡單的方式處理遠程作業的用戶量身訂製的功能。
MobaXterm為Windows桌面提供了所有重要的遠程網絡工具(SSH,X11,RDP,VNC,FTP,MOSH等)和Unix命令(bash,ls,cat,sed,grep,awk,rsync,...) ,在一個開箱即用的單個便攜式exe文件中。有關支持的網絡協議的詳情
From this console window, you will be allowed to run the Unix commands you need: ls, cd, grep, awk, tail, cut, sed, wget, rsync, telnet, ssh, rlogin, rsh ... All the essential Unix tools are present. If you need a program that is not available in the basic MobaXterm file, you can download the free plugins.
MobaXterm allows you to launch remote sessions. You can choose to create SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP or Serial sessions. Every session you start is automatically saved and displayed in the left sidebar.
採圖形介面的 SFTP 瀏覽器
When you log to a remote server using SSH, a graphical SFTP browser pops up on in the left sidebar. It allows you to drag and drop files directly from/to the remote server using a secure SFTP connection.
X11 server
When you run a SSH, TELNET or RLOGIN/RSH session you will be able to display your remote applications directly on your local Windows PC. In a SSH session, there is no need to set the "DISPLAY" variable as MobaXterm uses X11-forwarding in order to ease and secure your work.
加強型的 X 擴充功能
The embedded X server based on provides the latest features available in recent X server implementations: extensions such as OpenGL, Composite or Randr are included. Xdmcp protocol is also supported.
Write once, execute everywhere: this tool allows you to execute the same commands on many different servers at the same time.
MobaXterm allows you to start network daemons for remote access. No extra tool or runtime is needed in order to use these daemons.
MobaXterm brings some useful tools for sysadmins, developers, webmasters and all users who need to work efficiently with their computer.
Thanks to MobaXterm you can work on your remote Solaris desktop as if you were working locally on your Windows computer using the XDMCP protocol.
ake control of your remote Windows computers/servers using the RDP protocol. Many RDP configuration settings are available in the session manager.
SSH 閘道功能
In ssh, telnet, RDP, VNC sessions, you can select a "SSH-gateway" (a.k.a. "jump host") in order to tell MobaXterm to connect first to a SSH server before connecting to the end-server you want to reach in the end. This allow you to reach some servers behind a firewall and to secure your connection.
SSH 通道(連接埠轉發,Port Forwarding)
The graphical SSH tunnels manager allows you to create your SSH tunnels using an intuitive graphical tool.
MobApt Package 管理
MobaXterm package manager (MobApt / apt-get) allows you to download and use much more Unix tools directly into MobaXterm terminal.
When you connect to a remote server using SSH, you will be able to edit remote files directly using the embedded text editor "MobaTextEditor" by just double-clicking on them!
支援巨集功能(Macros support)
You can record macros in MobaXterm terminal: everything you type in the terminal will be recorded in order to replay it later on other servers.
MobaXterm is able to save your session passwords and to keep them secure by using a "Master password".
MobaXterm embedded terminal can highlight syntax or use coloration for keywords, even if you are connected to a remote server which does not support colors. This is useful especially when analyzing log files, editing code or trying to detect important keywords. You can even build your own syntax definitions easily.
MobaXterm Professional Edition gives you access to professional support and to the "Customizer" software. This program allows you to generate customized copies of MobaXterm with your own logo and default settings.
MobaSSH MobaSSH SSH server for Windows
可讓您通過完全安全和加密的網絡連接,從任何操作系統(GNU / Linux,Unix,HP-UX,AIX,Windows等)運行命令並在遠程Windows 電腦上傳輸文件。
Based on OpenSSH, MobaSSH is 100% compatible with the Linux/Unix/HPUx/AIX SSH clients, but also with MobaXterm, Putty or WinSCP on Windows.
- System administration 系統管理
- Centralized backups 集中備份
- Managing a pool of computers 管理計算機池
- System and network monitoring 系統和網絡監控
- Remote commands 遠程命令
- PC to PC file transfer 電腦之間的文件傳輸