MedModel 比起其他模擬軟體,是款功能強大且基於Windows,將所有類型和規模的衛生保健系統可視化、分析和優化的仿真工具。這是一個專門為醫院、診所和實驗室在設計、評估、規劃、設計/重新設計的流程、程序和政策時,提供預測的分析工具。在一個訓練有素、經驗豐富的分析師手中,MedModel模型可用於測試各種方案。可以監看並記錄,在任何被設計出來的事物之間的改變。這種技術提供的靈活性和易於使用,以及完整的模擬幾乎任何情況下可以完美預測,以及做出完整的評估。
Typical applications of MedModel include:
- Department specific productivity improvement
- Facilities design (labs, clinics, radiology, ER's, OR's, etc.)
- Planning for future changes
- Staff planning
- Analyzing patient capacity
- Equipment planning and logistical analysis
- Evaluate the impact of HIPAA, JCAHO and other changes
- Emergency preparedness
- Bed capacity management
- Health care policy formulation
- Managed care analysis
- 採用物件導向技術 (Object Oriented)
- 只要點/放” (Point & Click) 即可完成系統模型的建立
- 內建服務產業的標準圖庫(Graph Library)
- 可載入其他應用軟體的圖像及文字,如Word﹑Excel﹑PowerPoint等
- 預先結構化的程式設計
- 使用者可以不需要寫程式
- 提供自行撰寫程式的功能
- 提供資料分析軟體
- 可自動判別資料的分配類型,如: Normal,Poisson,Gamma....等
- 可載入CAD圖像以及.WMF﹑.BMP﹑.GIF﹑.PCX……等不同的影像檔案格式
- 讓模型更逼真,如AUTO CAD建築物圖檔(比例尺百分之百相同)
- 內建個人自我訓練課程
- 可依個人需求隨時查詢……等。
- 採C++語言,方便與各系統整合
從CAD文件,流程或值流圖或Process Simulator模型創建臨床環境的動態動畫計算機模型。清楚地了解和了解當前的臨床流程。觀察您在模型中運行的建議更改,以更好地了解它們在特定臨床區域或通過更高級別的患者流量/床管理環境中的效果
- 病人流量
- 床管理
- 設施設計
- 生產力低下
- 過渡計劃
- 未來的人員配備要求
- 設備規劃
- 後勤分析
- 應急準備
- 規劃未來的變化
- 資源利用率
- 系統容量
- 特定臨床區域內的患者流量
- 整個醫院的患者流量
- 快速變化的患者人口統計學的製約因素。
Computer and processor |
1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) processor |
Memory |
1 GB RAM (32-bit); 2 GB RAM (64-bit) |
Hard disk |
1.5 GB available disk space |
Operating system |
Windows 10 |
Other |
Internet access (for online registration and updates) |
The ProModel Optimization Suite is a discrete-event simulation technology that helps you to make better decisions faster. It is used to plan, design and improve new or existing manufacturing, logistics and other tactical and operational systems. It empowers you to accurately replicate complex real-world processes with their inherent variability and interdependencies, to conduct predictive performance analysis on potential changes, and then to optimize the system based on your key performance indicators.
To understand how ProModel can help you, think of your facility as a collection of resources that are intended to function together cost-effectively. Each person and piece of equipment is related to every other component (by coincidence or convenience). Together, they define how your facility works. Now, what if you could dissemble all or part of the factory and reconfigure the pieces to find ways to run the entire system more efficiently? What if you could actually see which new configurations work best and which ones fail, by watching them for a week, month or year on a trial basis? ProModel lets you do just that. Forget risk, disruption and expense—test multiple alternatives in an amazingly short time.
Enterprise Portfolio Simulator
High level decision support and scenario tool
Enterprise Portfolio Simulator uses modeling technology to predict the performance of project portfolios while identifying schedule, financial, and resource risks. These risks are then mitigated virtually, using scenario planning, to ensure more projects can be included in the portfolio, while being completed on-time and within organizational constraints.