Redisson 是一個具有記憶體資料網格功能的 Redis Java 用戶端。它提供了更方便、最簡單的使用 Redis 的方法。Redisson 物件提供了關注點分離 (Separation of Concern),使您能夠將注意力集中在資料建模和應用程式邏輯上。
Use cases
Scaling Java applications
Redis based objects, collections, locks, synchronizers and services required for distributed applications on Java.
Redis based cache implementations for Java like JCache API, Hibernate 2nd Level Cache, Spring Cache and application level caching.
Data source caching
Redis based Java cache for databases, web services or any other data source using Read-Through, Write-Through and Write-Behind strategies.
Distributed Java tasks scheduling and execution
Task processing on Java might be run in parallel with Redis based distributed implementations of ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService.
Distributed data processing
Java based MapReduce programming model to process large amount of data stored in Redis.
Easy Redis Java client
Redisson is the most advanced and easiest Redis Java client. It has zero learning curve thus you don't need to know any Redis commands to start work with it.
Web session clustering
Load balancing of user sessions with Redis based Tomcat Session Manager and Spring Session implementations.
Redis based reliable Java microservices communication using RPC, messaging and cache.
Redis based Java message broker for Pub/Sub and Stream messaging.
Supported Managed Engine Distributed Java objects Distributed Java locks and synchronizers |
Distributed Java services Distributed Java collections Integration with Java frameworks Supported codecs |
- Thread-safe implementation
- Redis 3.0 - 7.2 compatible
- Valkey 7.2.5+ compatible
- Supported deployment types
- Proxy
- Multi-Cluster
- Multi-Sentinel
- Single
- Cluster
- Sentinel
- Replicated
- Master and Slaves
- Amazon Web Services compatible
- AWS Elasticache Serverless
- AWS Redis Global Datastore
- AWS ElastiCache
- Amazon MemoryDB
- Microsoft Azure compatible
- Azure Redis Cache
- Azure Redis Cache active-passive replication
- Azure Redis Cache active-active replication
- Google Cloud Memorystore compatible
- Google Cloud Redis
- Google Cloud Redis High availability
- Redis Enterprise compatible
- Redis Enterprise
- Redis Enterprise Active-Active databases
- Redis Enterprise Multiple Active Proxy
- IBM Cloud compatible
- IBM Cloud Databases for Redis
- Aiven compatible
- Aiven for Redis
- Supports auto-reconnection
- Supports failed to send command auto-retry
- Supports OSGi
- Supports SSL
- Asynchronous connection pool
- Lua scripting
- RediSearch
- JSON datatype
- Reactive Streams API
- RxJava3 API
- Asynchronous API
- Local cache support including Caffeine-based implementation
- Distributed Java objects
- Object holder, Binary stream holder, Geospatial holder, BitSet, AtomicLong, AtomicDouble, PublishSubscribe, Bloom filter, HyperLogLog
- Distributed Java collections
- Map, Multimap, Set, List, SortedSet, ScoredSortedSet, LexSortedSet, Queue, Deque, Blocking Queue, Bounded Blocking Queue, Blocking Deque, Delayed Queue, Priority Queue, Priority Deque
- Distributed Java locks and synchronizers
- Lock, FairLock, MultiLock, RedLock, ReadWriteLock, Semaphore, PermitExpirableSemaphore, CountDownLatch
- Distributed services
- Remote service, Live Object service, Executor service, Scheduler service, MapReduce service
- Helidon integration
- Micronaut integration
- Quarkus integration
- Spring Cache implementation
- Spring Cloud Stream implementation
- Spring Transaction API implementation
- Spring Data Redis implementation
- Spring Boot Starter implementation
- Hibernate Cache implementation
- MyBatis Cache implementation
- Transactions API
- JCache API (JSR-107) implementation
- Tomcat Session Manager implementation
- Spring Session implementation
- Redis pipelining (command batches)
- Supports many popular codecs (Kryo, Jackson JSON, Avro, Smile, CBOR, MsgPack, Amazon Ion, LZ4, Snappy, Protobuf and JDK Serialization)
- 2000+ unit tests
Open-source edition |
PRO edition |
Distributed objects Object holder, JSON object holder, Binary stream holder, Geospatial holder, BitSet, AtomicLong, AtomicDouble, LongAdder, DoubleAdder, PublishSubscribe, Reliable PublishSubscribe, Id generator, Bloom filter, HyperLogLog, RateLimiter. |
V | V |
Distributed collections | V | V |
Map, Multimap, Set, SortedSet, ScoredSortedSet, List, Queue, Deque, Blocking Queue, Bounded Blocking Queue, Blocking Deque, Delayed Queue, Priority Queue, Transfer Queue, Stream, Time Series, Ring Buffer. | ||
Distributed locks and synchronizers | V | V |
Lock, Spin Lock, Fenced Lock, Fair Lock, MultiLock, RedLock, ReadWriteLock, Semaphore, PermitExpirableSemaphore, CountDownLatch. | ||
Distributed services | V | V |
Remote service, Live Object service, Executor service, Scheduler service, Map Reduce service. |
Cache Implementations | V | V |
Spring Cache, Hibernate Cache, MyBatis Cache, JCache API (JSR-107), Micronaut Cache. | ||
Microservice frameworks integration | V | V |
Quarkus, Micronaut, Helidon. | ||
Web Session management | V | V |
Apache Tomcat Session Manager, Spring Session. | ||
Local Cache for Map | V | V |
Up to 45x faster for read operations. Supports local cache entries expiration. |
Local cache for Map Cache | V | |
Up to 45x faster for read operations. Supports local cache entries expiration. |
Extra Local Cache implementations | V | |
Up to 45x faster for read operations. Spring Cache, Hibernate Cache, MyBatis Cache, JCache API (JSR-107), Micronaut Cache, JSON object holder |
Ultra-fast Redis client engine | V | |
Up to 4x faster Redis commands execution. Benchmark whitepaper |
Ultra-fast Web Session management | V | |
Up to 4x faster performance of web applications. Apache Tomcat Session Manager, Spring Session. |
Ultra-fast Cache Implementations | V | |
Up to 4x faster performance of Cache implementations. Spring Cache, Hibernate Cache, MyBatis Cache, JCache API (JSR-107), Micronaut Cache |
Data partitioning in cluster mode | V | |
Scales objects to multiple Redis master nodes. Clustered Map, Clustered Set, Clustered ScoredSortedSet, Clustered BitSet, Clustered Bloom filter, Clustered Spring Cache, Clustered Hibernate Cache, Clustered JCache, Clustered Micronaut Cache. |
Advanced Live Object service | V | |
Up to 10x faster search engine. Search index partitioning in cluster mode. Up to 4x faster for read/write operations. |
Advanced JCache | V | |
Local cache. Fallback mode. Data paritioning in Cluster mode. Up to 45x faster for read operations. Up to 4x faster for write operations. |
XA transactions | V | |
XAResource implementation to participate in JTA transactions. | ||
Proxy mode | V | |
Supports a single or multiple Redis databases. Compatible with AWS Elasticache Serverless, Azure Redis Cache active-active replication, RLEC Multiple Active Proxy and RLEC Active-Active Databases. |
Advanced Replicated mode | V | |
Supports single host bounded to multiple master and slave Redis nodes. Compatible with Aiven Redis hosting. |
Multi Cluster mode | V | |
Supports multiple Redis Clusters with active-passive data replication relationship. Compatible with AWS Redis Global Datastore. |
Multi Sentinel mode Supports multiple Redis Sentinels with active-passive data replication relationship. |
Observability | V | |
30+ metrics exposed through the top 20 monitoring systems. Tracing capabilities through OpenZipkin Brave or OpenTelemetry |
24x7 Support | V | |
24x7 technical support with SLA. Priority fixes with intermediate releases. |
Supported JDK: 1.8 - 21 and Android