最新版 Avisoft-SASLab Pro v5.3 更新於 2024/10/30
Avisoft SASLab Pro 是一種多功能的聲音分析,編輯,分類和合成工具,用於動物聲學通信研究。它提供了先進完善的處理和分析工具,可以大大提高廣泛的聲音分析項目的效率,是一款功能强大的Windows應用程式(相容Vista/7/8/10)。
Avisoft-SASLab Pro is comprehensive:
- Color-coded spectrograms (FFT size of 64 to 1024 points), high quality spectrogram output with TrueType fonts
- Real-time spectrogram display with circular buffer recording
- Digital filtering for removing noise
- Flexible cursors for measuring spectrogram structures
- Versatile automated sound parameter measurement and classification facilities (event detection, analysis, classification and statistics)
- Labeling option for single point and time section labels
- Magnitude- and Powerspectrum, Linear Predictive Coding (LPC), Auto- and Crosscorrelation, Cepstrum, Histogram, 2D and 3D Scatterplot, 3D Waterfall display, Impuls-Density-Histogram, Envelope and Instantaneous frequency using hilbert transformation, frequency shift using FFT technique, Root mean square, Sound similarity matrix for comparison of spectrograms
- Octave and Third-Octave Analysis for noise level measurements
- Heterodyned payback of (full-spectrum) ultrasound recordings
- Synthesizer for generating artificial songs and calls by mouse drawing of the parameter evolution (fundamental frequency, envelope, harmonics, frequency and amplitude modulation). Listen to a few synthesized bird songs
- Automated classification of syllables by means of spectrogram cross-correlation with templates
- A dedicated pulse train analysis tool supports the investigation of temporal patterns of both simple pulse trains or series of sound bursts (e.g. song elements)
- Georeferencing (also referred to as geocoding, geolocating or geotagging) .wav files that have been recorded with a digital field recorder by using GPS track log data (see the Bird Species Map and SONY PCM-M10 samples)
- Creating field survey maps from labeled or renamed (with filenames containing species prefixes) .wav files that can be easily imported into GIS applications, including Google Maps or Google Earth (see the Avisoft Bat Survey sample).
- Synchronizing audio and video recordings by using SMPTE or LANC timecode information (both reading and writing)
- Advanced metadata management capabilities including user-defined database fields that can be collected into a virtual (XML-formatted) metadatabase, which can subsequently be queried within the Avisoft-SASLab Pro software.
- Batch and real-time processing for managing large numbers of sound files.
- and much more ...
Avisoft-SASLab Pro is compatible:
- Supports all common soundcards and USB audio interfaces
- Opens .wav and .bwf files that have been recorded by any solid state / hard disk field recorder
- Imports soundfiles that have been recorded with third-party sound recording/processing tools (.WAV .BWF .AIF, .SND, .AU, various binary formats and .txt)
- Exports images and measurement results as files (.wmf, .bmp, .tif, .txt, .htm, .xml, .sql), via clipboard or through DDE directly into Excel
- Exports georeferenced field survey data by means of .txt, .kml, .gpx or .shp files into GIS applications (including Google Maps / Google Earth, ArcGIS products, Quantum GIS and many others)
- The software can be configured for touch screen operation in order to facilitate its use on tablet PC's.
Avisoft-SASLab Pro is compatible with any PC running Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 or Vista including Intel-based Apple Macintosh running Boot Camp, Parallels or similar virtualization software.
Analysis procedures can be accerated by using a SSD rather than a conventional HDD for the Windows Documents folder.
Automatically measuring sound parameters on the spectrogram:
Syllable classification by means of spectrogram cross-correlation:
Avisoft-RECORDER is a versatile multichannel triggering harddisk recording system. It was designed for the special needs of bioacoustics, but it can also be used for any other audio signals. Possible applications are:
- Long-term monitoring and recording of acoustic events both in the laboratory and in the field.
- High-speed harddisk-recording with sampling rates up to 1 MHz* with various data acquisition boards (Avisoft-UltraSoundGate, National Instruments and soundcards or audio interfaces (up to 192 kHz).
- Pre-trigger recording of sporadic animal vocalizations in the field (either manually or automated using one of the various triggering options : threshold / manual / digital input / timer / time program ... ).
- Individual triggering and saving of single channels from multichannel soundcards or data acquisition boards.
- Multichannel real-time spectrographic display (frequency [kHz] vs. time [s]).
- Multichannel real-time spectrum display (amplitude [dBFS] vs. frequency [kHz]) with temporal averaging and temporary peak hold.
- High-pass filtering for attenuating low-frequency noise.
- Real-time acoustic monitoring of ultrasound signals by using heterodyning, aliasing or envelope tracking techniques.
- Playback through both standard audio interfaces and National Instruments DAQ devices, optionally with playlist functionality.
- USV monitoring option for counting and measuring rat or mice ultrasonic vocalizations.
- Batch mode for processing large numbers of animals in USV drug testing procedures.
- Acquiring GPS location data from NMEA 0183 or Windows Location API compatible GPS receivers and logging the geographic locations of the recorded .wav files into metadata chunks and into separate .gpx, .kml or .shp files (automatic geotagging).
- The dedicated Bat Call Trigger Filter tool can distinguish bat echolocation calls from other unwanted signals, such as insect noise.
- An automated call parameter measurememt tool can quantify various call parameters and classify the calls based on these parameters in real-time. The created log files provide a quick overview on the recorded data, which can also be easily transferred via low-bandwidth internet connections (these log files are much smaller than the original .wav files).
- Customizable metadata input tool for embedding user-defined database records directly into the recorded .wav files. These embedded data records can afterwards be accessed from SASLab Pro and subsequently integrated into a metadata base.
- Real-time weather data logging (into dXML and bext .wav file metadata chunks) from Kestrel 4xxx Pocket Weather Tracker, Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 / Vue / Envoy and Airmar LB150, PB150, PB200 series devices and many other common PC weather stations through a generic real-time log file interface option HID TEMPer, Weather Station Data Logger, Cumulus, Weather Display, Heavy Weather, KlimaLogg Pro).