最新版 CMS IntelliCAD 13 更新於 2024/9/1
最新版 QuoteCAD Manufacturing
最新版 Etoolbox Mobile CAD Viewer
CMS IntelliCAD 專業繪圖軟體
CMS IntelliCAD 二維和三維專業繪圖軟體,擁有極高的Autodesk AutoCAD兼容性及伸延性,軟體強大又簡易使用。CMS IntelliCAD 功能強大的特色深受工程師、建築師及設計師喜愛。CMS IntelliCAD 同時提供高兼容性的 AutoCAD 功能, 及 LISP , ADS 和內置 Microsoft VSTA / VBA。用戶可原用舊有的AutoCAD 檔案,延續多年的軟體操作習慣而不影響工作進度。從 CMS IntelliCAD 新版開始, 支援 DGN 檔案,可以直接開啟和編輯OPEN and EDIT *.DGN 檔案,且將能直接儲存為*.DGN格式,帶來許多方便性 。CMS IntelliCAD 提供多項強大功能,包括:
- 同步工作特色:可同時打開多張圖紙操作
- IntelliCAD Drawing Explorer™ 可拖拉式操作,簡單快速閱讀及交換圖紙
- 自訂功能表或命令列,無須編寫程式
- ActiveX 整合,可將IntelliCAD 圖紙 附加到微軟Microsoft Office或 OpenOffice 文件上。
- AutoCAD & *.dwg 支援 - 包括版本 2.5-2015
- 跟 AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT一樣, IntelliCAD 用 *.dwg 格式存檔。IntelliCAD 可開啟、修改及存檔任何DWG檔案, 版本由2.5 到最新版本, 不會發生數據流失或轉換錯誤。 對於舊版本的檔案支援, IntelliCAD 8.3 甚至比AutoCAD 還要好
- IntelliCAD 擁有高水準的三維繪圖能力,用戶可輕鬆建立3D 曲面, 增加設計上的美感。
- 3-D 曲面設計:ACIS 3D 實體造形 (只限於專業版):CMS IntelliCAD (專業版) 能創建、修改、導入及導出 ACIS .sat 3D實體檔案。
CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, including a new Options dialog which is highly compatible with other CAD applications, calculators for evaluating expressions and converting units of measurement, lookup tables and the ability to reset advanced blocks. When creating reports, extract data from external references, advanced blocks, attributes, and AEC entities; extract from .dgn, .ifc, .rvt, and .rfa files when supported; and filter data to meet conditions.
LISP is completely refactored to improve performance and increase compatibility with other CAD applications. Other new features include Flatshot, Solid Profile, Make Shape, Compile to SHX, and Make Linetype, and more.
For CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 PE PLUS licenses that include Spatial® Technology ACIS® modeler, use the following commands to work with surfaces: Network, Offset, Fillet, Extend, and Trim.
All CMS IntelliCAD support working with BIM files: use the IFC Validate, RVT to IFC conversion, and Corner Window commands; dimension AEC entities; manage layers for .ifc underlays; define styles for new elements such as roof slabs, dimensions, structural members, and more; and attach railings to stair segments.
For technical users, CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 uses ODA SDKs version 2024.12. IntelliCAD IcARX continues to be a pre-release version and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX, allowing developers to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.
QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing 軟體工具,對於需要企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統的基本功能和系統整合功能的小型企業來說,是最重要的工具。QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing 軟體提供強大又實用的功能,用戶不論在製造上,客戶關係管理上(Customer Relationship Management),以及供應商鏈管理(Supplier Chain Management)等業務,都將能體驗QuoteCAD™ Manufacturing軟體帶來的實用性與便利性。
經濟實惠又簡單好用的QuoteCAD™Manufacturing具有最低的學習曲線,且不需要在大多數現有ERP解決方案中所需要的高發現的高客製化特性。平時典型的企業導入ERP系統上,通常需耗時數個月,並且需要諮詢團隊的協助,以及通常需要對現有的業務流程進行更改調整。 QuoteCAD™Manufacturing 完全符合小型企業的基本需求,並且將額外的安裝和設定時間降到最低。
QuoteCAD™Manufacturing軟體分為二個主要安裝程式檔案:主要的 QuoteCAD™Manufacturing 應用安裝程式和 QuoteCAD 資料庫 SQL server 安裝程式。QuoteCAD™Manufacturing需安裝在用戶機器上,不能安裝在一個server透過network部屬。
- 訪問控制 - 管理各種進程的用戶權限
- 基於子產品,組件和服務組件的定制產品結構,由多個供應商內部構建或提供。
- 從外部源導入組件數據為* .csv文件。
- 將額外信息與CAD圖紙,數據表,圖像或目錄等產品,組件或服務相關聯。
- 清潔透明的拖放操作簡單。
- 多個價格配置級別。
- 多個客戶和供應商管理。
- 自定義報告(報價單,訂單,物料清單)。
- 高度定制和易於使用的產品和報價項目(稅收,折扣,運費等)。
- 多文檔界面 - MDI。
- 產品組和嵌套產品的報價。
- 報價中的輔助貨幣。
- 可視化實時計算庫存數量,考慮待處理訂單進行計算。
- 庫存狀態的視覺警告。
- 客戶訂單和採購訂單(產品或零件)管理。
- 材料清單。
- 庫存管理,產品和零件實時庫存。
- 說明手冊,在線教程和在線錯誤報告系統。
- 多語言支持:EN,FR,DE,ES,IT,PT,PL,JP,ZH-Hans。
- 支持的操作系統:Windows XP / VISTA / 7 / 8.x / 10 | 32位和64位| HD 335Mb | RAM 120MB
ETOOLBOX® MOBILE CAD TOOLS是一款行動CAD檔案(*.dwg)檢視器,由 CAD MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC 公司開發,適用於CMS IntelliCAD® CAD軟體或任何能夠建立*.dwg、*.dxf和*.dwf檔案的CAD軟體所建立的檔案。
CMS IntelliCAD同樣提供了一整套用於2D及3D CMS IntelliCAD®軟體繪圖工具!事實已經證明,這是工程師、 建築師、諮詢顧問以及那些需要使用*.dwg格式CAD繪圖人士的最明智選擇。
此應用程式旨在為您提供無與倫比的CAD相容性,並與數百種協力廠商解決方案實現完整的可程式設計操作。ETOOLBOX® MOBILE CAD TOOLS可以保證您的繪圖檔保密,安全且隨時可用。 您將能夠隨時打開並檢視存儲在行動裝置或雲端資料夾中的*.dwg檔案。使用ETOOLBOX® MOBILE CAD TOOLS,無需上載CAD檔案。
* 可直接打開存儲在行動裝置資料夾或雲端資料夾中副檔名為*.dwg的2D或3D CAD檔案;
* 可控制圖層能見度;
* 可使用單指點觸平移;
* 可使用多點觸控完成2D縮放及平移;
* 可使用多點觸控完成3D縮放及平移;
* 可使用單指點觸完成3D旋轉及軌道檢視;
* 內置6種座標檢視方式
* 內置4種等角檢視;
* 支援3D線框轉譯、3D隱線框轉譯、3D概念原型轉譯及3D現實成品轉譯模式;
* 支援單鍵放大、 縮小及放縮至最大;
* 支援2D近似尺寸模型;
* 可切換至灰度模式
* 可切換至灰度模式
CMS IntelliCAD System requirements
Minimum software and hardware requirements to install and run CMS IntelliCAD Premium
Microsoft® Windows 10, 8.x, Windows 7 64-bit.
For 64-bit operating systems, install the 64-bit version of IntelliCAD. The 64-bit version of IntelliCAD runs slightly faster, but can use all available system memory to handle large drawing files. IntelliCAD 32-bit can access up to 3GB of RAM on 32-bit operating systems and up to 4GB of RAM on 64-bit operating systems.
Intel® Pentium® 4 or comparable, faster processor recommended.
1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM minimum for 32-bit and 2 gigabytes (GB) of RAM minimum for 64-bit Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM minimum for Windows Vista.
500 MB of free hard disk space recommended for typical installation.
1024 x 768 VGA or higher resolution, video adapter, and monitor.
Graphics card compatible with OpenGL Version 1.4 or higher.
Keyboard and mouse, or other pointing device.
CD-ROM or DVD drive for installation, if installing from a CD or DVD.
CMS IntelliCAD® PE CMS IntelliCAD® PE Easy Run |
CMS IntelliCAD® PE+ | AutoCAD® | AutoCAD LT® |
Native .dwg file support
V | V | V | V |
*.dwg file support for v2.5 up to Latest Version
V | V | ||
Digital Signatures for *.dwg Drawings
V | V | V | V |
MicroStation *.dgn native Open file support
V since 8.2 | V since 8.2 | ||
Open/Save - Supports *.dwg, *.dxf, *,dwf, *.dxb & *.dwt file extensions
V | V | V | V |
Export - Supports 2D/3D *.pdf, *.svg, *,dwf, *.bmp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.dwf & *.stl file extensions
V | V | V | V |
Import - Supports 3D Collada *.dae
V | V | ||
Import/Export - Supports ACIS 3D Solids *.sat
V | V | ||
STEP & IGES Import/Export
V | V | ||
Vectored PDF files Import for direct editing
V | V | V | V |
BIM support *.ifc, *.rvt/*.rfa
no *.ifc | V | ||
Attach point cloud .rcp/.rcs files.
V | V | ||
Support for command Line
V | V | V | V |
Support for 3D surface commands
V | V | V | |
Facet Modeler for lightweight 3D drawings.
V | V | V | |
Support for 3D Solids modeling
V | V | ||
AEC entities such as walls, windows,
doors, openings, stairs, railings & slabs, etc. |
V | |||
Printing, Publishing with eTransmit
V | V | V | V |
LISP support (including DCL)
V | V | V | |
Autodesk® Development System (ADS) support
V | V | V | |
Object IRX for custom entity creation
V | V | ARX | |
AutoCAD® software menu (.mnu) and
script (.scr) files |
V | V | V | V |
TrueType™ font support
V | V | V | V |
Raster Image Support (See full list of
supported image file extensions) |
V | V | V | |
Work with Multiple Open Drawing
V | V | V | V |
Explorer for managing layers, block, line types,
and more |
V | V | V | V |
Express tools
V | V | V | |
Tool palettes
V | V | V | V |
Microsoft ActiveX support, including in-place editing
V | V | V | |
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications - VBA 7.1
V | V | V | |
Microsoft .NET 4.5 API
V | V | V | |
Script Recorder
V | V | V | |
Graphical Block Preview
V | V | V | V |
Visual Menu Customization
V | V | V | V |
Right-mouse click to edit properties of multiple selected entries
V | V | V | V |
Professional Photo-realistic 3D Rendering
V | V | V | |
Advanced Photo-realistic 3D Rendering with ARTISAN Add-on module
V since 8.2 | V since 8.2 | ||
Photo-realistic 3-D Real time shading
V | V | V | |
System Requirements free RAM/HD Space for Full Installation
2GB(64-Bit)/1.64GB | 2GB(64-Bit)/1.64GB | 2GB/1.8GB | 2GB/1.8GB |