最新版 OPCDA.NET v15.5 更新於 2024/8/27
Client Components
Advosol 提供適用於所有規範、經典 OPC DA、HDA、A&E、XML-DA 和 OPC UA 的 .NET 元件。這些元件提供了一組易於使用的 .NET 類別來處理 OPC 伺服器存取。需要很少的 OPC 規範知識。經典 OPC SDK 的 UA 附加元件簡化了向 OPC UA 的遷移。
EasyUA Client SDK
The EasyUA Client SDK provides a set of .NET classes that handle the UA server communication. Included are sample applications and utilities for configuration and testing.
OPC UA DA, HA, AC and UA Methods functionality is supported.
OPC clients can be developed in C# or VB.NET without the hassle of COM interoperability. The OPCDA.NET OPC Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. All features of the OPC DA V2.05 and V3.0 specifications are supported. Additional helper classes, tools and many samples provide a highly efficient application development environment.
The OPCDA.NET-UA add-on option extends the OPCDA.NET Client SDK for C# and VB.NET with an OPC UA wrapper. The application can access OPC DA and OPC UA servers through the same API.
Users of the OPCDA.NET Client Component can upgrade their products to support OPC UA without application code changes.
OPC A&E clients can be developed in C# and VB.NET. The OPCAE.NET SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms.
OPC Historical Data Access clients can be developed with C# or VB.NET. The OPCHDA.NET Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. The development of applications for the OPC HDA Server access is simple and efficient.
XMLDA.NET is a .NET Client development toolkit that handles the access to XML DA and OPC DA servers. The application is coded as an XML DA web client, independent of the type of server to be accessed. Ideal for ASP.NET applications.
Server Development Kits
Advosol 提供用於開發 OPC DA 和 OPC UA 伺服器的 .NET 工具包。該工具包分為兩部分。通用伺服器部分使用經典 OPC 伺服器所需的 DCOM 互通包裝來處理客戶端介面。
應用程式特定的 .NET 插件 DLL 處理「裝置」(任何資料來源)存取。它以 C# 或 VB.Net 編碼為純 .NET 組件。不需要 DCOM 知識。
OPC DA .NET Server Toolkit
The DANSrv is a .NET (C# and VB.NET) server development toolkit for OPC DA V2/V3 compliant servers. All required customization is done in a .NET assembly. No DCOM and little OPC knowledge is required. The toolkit is easy to use, has high performance and can easily handle ten thousands of items.
uaPLUS UA Server Toolkit
The Advosol uaPLUS OPC UA Server Toolkit simplifies the transition to OPC UA. The toolkit can use the same C#/VB.NET customization plug-in .NET assembly as the Advosol OPC DA/HDA/AE and XML DA server toolkits. Or, UA servers can be implemented with UA node managers
Converter Servers
轉換器伺服器在不同的 OPC 規格之間進行轉換。
OPC DA server that enables OPC DA clients to access remote XML DA servers.
XML DA web service that enables XML DA clients to access OPC DA servers.
UA Client Components
Advosol OPC UA 用戶端元件旨在支援多種 OPC 規格以及從基於 DCOM 的經典 OPC 的簡單遷移。
EasyUA Client SDK
The EasyUA Client SDK provides a set of .NET classes that handle the UA server communication. Included are sample applications and utilities for configuration and testing.
OPC UA DA, HA, AC and UA Methods functionality is supported.
The OPCDA.NET-UA add-on option extends the OPCDA.NET Client SDK for C# and VB.NET with an OPC UA wrapper. The application can access OPC DA and OPC UA servers through the same API.
Users of the OPCDA.NET Client Component can upgrade their products to support OPC UA without application code changes.
UA Server Toolkit
Advosol UA Server Toolkit 專為從基於 DCOM 的經典 OPC 到 OPC UA 的簡單遷移而設計。它可以與 Advosol OPC DA 伺服器工具包結合使用,也可以獨立用於僅 UA 伺服器。
uaPLUS UA Server Toolkit
The Advosol uaPLUS OPC UA Server Toolkit simplifies the transition to OPC UA. The toolkit can use the same C#/VB.NET customization plug-in .NET assembly as the Advosol OPC DA/HDA/AE and XML DA server toolkits. Or, UA servers can be implemented with UA node managers
OPC XML Webservices
Advosol 為XML-DA 用戶端 開發人員提供軟體工具,為系統建置人員提供閘道產品。這些產品為當今使用的數千種 OPC DA 產品提供了簡單的遷移路徑。
XML DA Gateways
The OPC XML-DA Gateways convert between Classic OPC DA and XML-DA web services.
Remote servers can be accessed with the HTTP based XML DA communication.
XML-DA Client Side Gateway
The XML-DA Client Side Gateway is an OPC DA converter server that enables OPC DA client applications to access XML-DA servers. The XML-DA servers may be remote without firewall issues thanks to the XML DA HTTP based communication.
XML-DA Server Side Gateway
The XML-DA Server Side Gateway is an XML DA service that enables XML-DA clients to access OPC DA V2 servers. Through the gateway OPC DA servers can be accessed from remote XML DA clients.
XML DA Developer Kits
Client development toolkits help quickly develop .Net based XML-DA client applications.
XML DA Client Components
The XML-DA client development componentes simplify the development with helper classes and tools. Through an integrated wrapper the XML-DA client can access OPC DA servers.
- Windows 8/10/11 or Windows Server 2016 or newer
- .NET Framework 4.7.2/4.8/4.8.1 or .Net6/7/8 (NetCore)
- Visual Studio 2019 or newer with C# or VB.NET
- Visual Studio 2022 for .NetCore
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8.x, 10 or Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016
- 32-bit or 64-bit
- NET Framework 4.x
- Visual Studio 2010,2012,2013,2015 or 2017, C# or VB.NET
- Windows 7 (or newer) or Windows Server 2003 (or newer)
- .NET Framework 4.x or .Net5 (NetCore)
- Visual Studio 2010 or newer with C# or VB.NET
- Visual Studio 2019 V16.9.3 or newer for .Net5
- Windows 7 (or newer) or Windows Server 2003 (or newer)
- .NET Framework 4.x or .Net5 (NetCore)
- Visual Studio 2010 or newer with C# or VB.NET
- Visual Studio 2019 V16.9.3 or newer for NetCore
EasyUA Client SDK
- .NET 4.7.2/4.8 or .NET6/7/8
- Windows 8,10,11 or Windows Server 2019,2022 32 or 64 bit
- Visual Studio 2019, 2022 for .NET Framework, Visual Studio 2022 for .NetCore
OPC DA .NET Server Toolkit
System Requirements:
- Windows 10/11 or Windows Server 2019/2022
- 32-bit and 64-bit
- .NET Framework 4.x or .NET6/7
- Visual Studio 2019/2022, C# or Visual Basic
OPC DA .NET Server Toolkit
- Windows 10/11 or Windows Server 2019/2022
- 32-bit and 64-bit
- .NET Framework 4.x or .NET6/7
- Visual Studio 2019/2022, C# or Visual Basic
uaPLUS UA Server Toolkit
- Windows 10/11 or Windows Server 2016 or newer
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 or .NET 6
- For the development: Visual Studio 2022
XML-DA Client Side Gateway
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8.x,10,11, Windows Server 2008,2012,2016,2019,2022
- .NET 4.x
- IIS with ASP.NET or WCF
XML-DA Server Side Gateway
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8.x,10,11, Windows Server 2008,2012,2016,2019,2022
- .NET 4.x
- IIS with ASP.NET or WCF