Apple Developer Program
加入Apple開發者計劃,在iPhone,iPad,Mac,Apple Watch,Apple TV和iMessage 的App Store以及Safari Extensions Gallery上與全球客戶聯繫。您還可以訪問測試版軟件,高級應用程序功能,廣泛的Beta測試工具和應用程序分析。
適用於iPhone,iPad,Mac,Apple Watch,Apple TV和iMessage 的App Store使全球超過10億的客戶可以輕鬆發現和下載您的app。沒有託管費用,Apple處理所有付款處理
Apple客戶對新軟體的快速採用率意味著您希望快速將最新的Apple創新技術集成到您的應用程式中,這樣他們就可以與macOS,iOS,watchOS和tvOS 的最新進展無縫集成。隨著您創建最具創新性的應用程式,您將隨時為接下來的事情做好準備
獲取最先進的Apple技術,幫助您創建有用和引人入勝的用戶體驗。與Siri集成,讓用戶只需使用他們的語音即可完成工作,使用Apple Pay直接從您的應用程式中銷售各種商品,使您的應用程式能夠在iCloud中存儲應用數據等等。
在App Store上發布之前,邀請用戶測試您的iOS,watchOS和tvOS應用。隨著TestFlight Beta測試中的App Store連接,你可以分享你的beta版本,只要使用他們的電子郵件地址可達10000外部測試。
Beta OS Releases
Download the latest beta OS releases and install them on your development Apple devices.
- iOS
- macOS
- watchOS
- tvOS
Developer Tools
Access the resources you need to configure app services, manage your devices and development teams, and to submit new apps and updates.
- App Store Connect
- Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
- CloudKit Dashboard
- CloudKit
- Game Center
- Wallet
- Apple Pay
- In-App Purchase
- Maps
- Keychain Sharing
- App Groups
- Data Protection
- HomeKit
- HealthKit
- Wireless Accessory Configuration
- Personal VPN
- Inter-App Audio
- Background Modes
- Associated Domains
確保您的應用程序提供出色的用戶體驗,並準備好提交到App Store。
TestFlight Beta Testing
Invite users to test your iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps before you release them on the App Store. You can invite up to 10,000 external testers using just their email address. Learn more
Technical Support
Request code-level support from our Technical Support Engineers who can help troubleshoot your code or provide solutions that will fast-track your development. Two incidents per membership year are included.
App Store
The App Store makes it simple for users to discover, purchase, and download your apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV.
- You get 70% of sales revenue. 85% for qualifying subscriptions.
- No hosting fees.
- Apple handles worldwide payment processing.
- Create custom B2B apps.
- You can offer volume purchase and education pricing.
Ad Hoc Distribution
A limited number of users can install your app directly on their Apple devices for testing.
- iPhone (100 per membership year)
- iPad (100 per membership year)
- iPod touch (100 per membership year)
- Apple Watch (100 per membership year)
- Apple TV (100 per membership year)
Developer ID for macOS
You can distribute your Mac applications outside of the Mac App Store by using Developer ID. Signing your Mac applications, plug-ins, and installer packages with a Developer ID certificate lets Gatekeeper verify that apps are not created by malware developers and haven't been tampered with since they were signed. Learn more
Safari Extensions
Enhance and customize the browsing experience with Safari Extensions, and distribute them on the Safari Extensions Gallery.
Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Deploy the next generationof apps to your enterprise.
Get tools and resources to transform your mobile workforce with enterprise-class apps, distributed seamlessly and securely within your organization.
Deploy In-house Apps
Distribute proprietary, in-house iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps within your organization. Securely host and deploy apps to your employees' devices.
Sign Mac Apps
Code sign Mac apps, plug-ins, and installers with a Developer ID certificate for distribution to your employees' Mac computers.
Software and Tools
Download beta versions of macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Xcode, and SDKs.
Access Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles for code signing and provisioning devices.
Configure entitlements to app services including App Extensions, Touch ID, Push Notifications, and more.
Testing and Support
Includes 2 Technical Support Incidents per year.
Provision multiple devices and install your test apps directly on iOS devices, Apple Watch, and Apple TV.
Build great business apps on iOS.
利用尖端的 Apple技術
iOS可以輕鬆地為業務構建出色的應用程序。點按iOS SDK即可在您的應用中構建功能,從而改變商業用戶的工作方式。
從最好的工具開始, 創建最好的應用程式
Apple提供了為iPhone,iPad,Mac,Apple Watch和Apple TV創建出色應用所需的一切。Xcode和Swift現在比以往任何時候都更強大 - 可以輕鬆開始構建出色的應用程序。
您iOS App 可使用的功能取決於您的計劃會員資格。
功能 | ADP | 企業 | 蘋果開發者 |
訪問WiFi 信息 | V | V | |
App 認證* | V | V | |
App 小組 | V | V | V |
蘋果支付 | V | ||
關聯域 | V | V | |
自動填充憑證提供程序 | V | V | |
後台模式 | V | V | V |
ClassKit | V | V | |
通訊通知 | V | V | |
數據保護 | V | V | V |
擴展虛擬尋址 | V | V | |
家人控制** | V | ||
FileProvider 測試模式** | V | V | |
字體 | V | V | |
遊戲中心 | V | ||
群組活動 | V | V | |
健康套件 | V | V | V |
HealthKit 估計值校準 | V | V | |
HLS 插播式預覽* | V | ||
家庭套件 | V | V | V |
熱點配置 | V | V | |
iCloud:CloudKit | V | V | |
iCloud:iCloud 文稿 | V | V | |
iCloud:iCloud 鍵值存儲 | V | V | |
App 內購買項目 | V | ||
App 間音頻 | V | V | V |
鑰匙串共享 | V | V | V |
HLS 低延遲* | V | ||
地圖 | V | V | V |
MDM 管理式關聯域* | V | V | |
多路徑 | V | V | |
近場通信(NFC) 標籤讀取 | V | V | |
網絡擴展 | V | V | |
支持按需安裝 | V | ||
個人VPN | V | V | |
推送通知 | V | V | |
通過Apple 登錄 | V | ||
西里 | V | V | |
時效性通知 | V | V | |
錢包 | V | V | |
無線配件配置 | V | V | V |
ADP: Apple Developer Program 會員資格。此付費計劃的會員可以在App Store 上分發App。
企業: Apple Developer Enterprise Program 會員資格。此付費計劃的會員可以在組織內部向員工分發App。
Apple Developer:已同意Apple Developer 協議以訪問Apple Developer 網站上特定資源的Apple ID 持有者。此為免費協議,但開發者無法分發App。
即使您不是Apple Developer Program 會員,也可以使用MapKit 框架,只是您不能提供路線規劃。只有具有Apple Developer Program 的會員資格,才能在App Store Connect 中上傳地理方位文件。
* Xcode 12 中不支持自動簽名。將來發行的版本將支持這項功能。
** 僅限開發