最新版 Aspose.Pdf for .NET v24.9 更新於 2024/9/12
最新版 Aspose.Words for .NET v24.9 更新於 2024/9/9
Aspose.Total for .NET
替您的.NET應用程式增加圖表、電子郵件、拼寫檢查、條碼生成、臨時查詢生成、重複圖案、流程和流行檔格式的管理等功能。 Aspose.Total可向您提供 Aspose所有現有的組件以及在您一年的訂閱期內新發佈的構件。 有了Aspose.Total,您可以通過編程的方式對一些最流行的商業檔格式進行管理: Word Excel、 PowerPoint、Flash、 Project、 PDF。 除了檔管理組件外、Aspose.Total還包含圖表、電子郵件、拼寫檢查、條碼生成、臨時查詢生成、重複圖案。
Aspose.Total .NET 包含下列產品:
Aspose.Cells for .NET |
Aspose.Words for .NET |
Aspose.Pdf for .NET |
Aspose.Slides for .NET |
Aspose.BarCode for .NET |
Aspose.Tasks for .NET |
Aspose.Email for .NET |
Aspose.Diagram for .NET |
Aspose.OCR for .NET |
Aspose.Imaging for .NET |
Aspose.Note for .NET |
Aspose.3D for .NET |
Aspose.CAD for .NET |
Aspose.HTML for .NET |
Aspose.GIS for .NET |
Aspose.PSD for .NET |
Aspose.ZIP for .NET |
Aspose.Page for .NET |
Aspose.OMR for .NET |
Aspose.PUB for .NET |
Aspose.SVG for .NET |
Aspose.Finance for .NET |
Aspose.Drawing for .NET |
Aspose.Font for .NET |
Aspose.TeX for .NET |
Aspose.Total for Java
使用Aspose.Total for Java,開發人員可以利用Aspose.Total for Java套包裡的每個產品來建立一個廣泛的應用程式。
Aspose.Total for Java包括下列產品:
Aspose.Cells for Java
Aspose.Cells 是一個無圖形界面的Excel電子表格報表組件,它能夠使你的Java應用程序讀寫Excel電子表格,而且無需Microsoft Excel。利用Aspose.Cells,開發者能夠導出數據,非常詳細地格式化電子表格,導入圖像,導入圖表,創建圖表,流化Excel數據,保存各 種格式等等。
Aspose.Words for Java
Aspose.Words for Java是一個組件,它使你的應用程序不用借助Microsoft Word就能夠執行大量的Word文檔處理任務。 利用Aspose.Words你能夠生成,修改,轉換,繪製輸出和打印文檔,它支持的格式有DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF和其他格式。
轉換流行的文檔格式。使用Aspose.Words,開發者能夠輕鬆的打開和保存DOC、OOXML、RTF、 WordprocessingML、HTML、MHTML、TXT和OpenDocument文檔。 Aspose.Words for .NET能夠保存任何的文檔為PDF格式。 |
Aspose.Pdf for Java
Aspose.pdf 是一個用Java程序創建pdf文檔的組件,而不是使用Adobe Acrobat。它支持所有重要的功能,如壓縮,文字,表格,圖表,圖像,附件,超文本鏈接語言,註釋,書籤,頁眉,頁腳,安全和自定義字體。 現在你可以輕鬆的使用API,XML和XSL-FO文件創建Pdf文檔。 Aspose.Pdf支持文檔對像模型,它也可以讓您轉換的HTML ,XSL-FO油和Excel表格(需要Aspose.Cells )到PDF文件。
Aspose.Slides for Java
Aspose.Slides for Java 是一個Java 組件,用來操作PowerPoint 幻燈片文檔,無需安裝PowerPoint環境,可導出到PDF、嵌入音頻和視頻鏈接,產生縮略圖,抽取文本信息等功能。支援的格式包含PPT, PPS, POT和PresentationML (OOXML, PPTX)。
Aspose.BarCode for Java
Aspose.BarCode 是一個Java的條形碼生成和識別庫。 支持29種條形碼類型,包括:MSI, QR, OneCode, Australia Post, Aztec, Code128, Code11, EAN128, Codabar, Postnet和USPS。 可輸出各種格式的條形碼圖形,包括GIF, PNG, BMP和JPEG。 還包括條形碼大小、色彩、旋轉角度和標題的設置。
Aspose.Email for Java
Aspose.Email for Java is a Java class library that enables Java applications to read and write email message files in various formats without Microsoft Outlook. It provides classes to read and update MSG,EML,EMLX,OFT files, add/remove attachments and recipients, update subject, body and other MSG file properties.
Aspose.OCR for Java
Aspose.OCR for Java is a character recognition component built to allow developers to add OCR functionality in their Java applications. Aspose.OCR provides simple set of classes that allow developers to recognize characters from the images.
Aspose.Imaging for Java
Aspose.Imaging for Java is an imaging library that lets developers create, edit, draw or convert images in their Java applications with ease and performance. It offers broad spectrum of traditional image processing operations as well as most demanded features that makes it most widely used imaging engine.
Aspose.Tasks for Java |
Aspose.Diagram for Java |
Aspose.Note for Java |
Aspose.3D for Java |
Aspose.CAD for Java |
Aspose.HTML for Java |
Aspose.ZIP for Java |
Aspose.Page for Java |
Aspose.PSD for Java |
Aspose.OMR for Java |
Aspose.PUB for Java |
Aspose.Font for Java |
Aspose.TeX for Java |
Aspose.Total Product Family
有了Aspose.Total Product Family Pack你可以輕鬆開發強大的應用程式,不論是.NET或Java平台都可以,還可以將您的報告輸出成各種不同的格式,像是從Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services和JasperReports,此外還可以在Microsoft SharePoint應用程式轉換各種格式的文件。
Aspose.Cells Product Family
Aspose.Cells Product Family Pack包含我們所有的獲獎 Aspose.Cells組件 - Aspose.Cells for .NET, Java, Reporting Services, JasperReports 和SharePoint 。你只要買一個Aspose.Cells Product Family Pack 就可以得到所有你需要的Aspose.Cells。
Aspose.Words Product Family
Aspose.Words Product Family Pack包含Aspose.Words for .NET、Aspose.Words for Java、 Aspose.Words for Reporting Services,、Aspose.Words for JasperReports和Aspose.Words for SharePoint (MOSS, WSS)。
Aspose.Pdf Product Family
Aspose.Pdf Product Family Pack包含Aspose.Pdf for .NET, Aspose.Pdf for Java和 Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services。 Aspose.Pdf是一個 PDF文檔組件,可以使.NET和Java應用程式從頭開始創建 PDF文檔,而無需使用的Adobe Acrobat。一直以來,Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services可以在Microsoft SQL Server 2000,2005和2008 Reporting Service產生PDF報表。
Aspose.Slides Product Family
Aspose.Slides Product Family Pack包含Aspose.Slides for .NET, Aspose.Slides for Java, Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services, Aspose.Slides for JasperReports和 Aspose.Slides for SharePoint。 Aspose.Slides是PowerPoint的管理組件,它使 .NET和Java應用程式,讓您在不需使用Microsoft PowerPoint就能生成、讀取、修改、列印PowerPoint文檔。
Aspose.BarCode Product Family
Aspose.BarCode Product Family Pack包含Aspose.BarCode for .NET, Aspose.BarCode for Java, Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services和Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports。讓您可以在以上的環境下生成條碼。
Aspose.Email Product Family
Aspose.Email Product Family Pack包含Aspose.Email for .NET, Aspose.Email for Java,和Aspose.Email for SharePoint。讓您可以處理Email文件。
Aspose.OCR Product Family
Aspose.OCR Product Family Pack包含Aspose產品中兩大OCR組件Aspose.OCR for .NET與Aspose.OCR for Java,讓您可以在.NET與JAVA應用程式中OCR圖片中的文字。
Aspose.Imaging Product Family
Aspose.Imaging Product Family包含Aspose產品中兩大圖片編輯組件Aspose.Imaging for .NET與Aspose.Imaging for Java,讓您可以在.NET與JAVA應用程式中編輯與修改圖片。
SharePoint Components
使用Aspose.Total for SharePoint,開發人員可以利用Aspose.Total for SharePoint套包裡的每個產品來建立您需要的檔案格式。
Aspose.Total for SharePoint包含以下產品:
Aspose.Cells for SharePoint
Aspose.Cells for SharePoint是一種靈活的電子表格操作解決方案,它允許用戶在微軟SharePoint中轉換MS Excel文件,除此之外也支持多種文件格式。
Aspose.Words for SharePoint
您 的公司是否使用基於Windows SharePoint Services (WSS)或微軟Office SharePoint Server's (MOSS)技術的文件託管項目?是否在您內部工作流程中或與客戶和合作夥伴的互動中不得不使用多種文件格式?
Aspose.Words for SharePoint是一個支持文檔轉換的獨特的解決方案,它可以在微軟SharePoint應用程式中轉換或合併文件並支持多種文件格式。
Aspose.Slides for SharePoint
如 果您有 經驗,您就會知道從一個SharePoint應用程式裡,將PowerPoint文件轉換為其他文件格式是困難且費時的。Aspose.Slides for SharePoint是市場上的第一個開發出來的組件,它會使過程變得方便又快捷。Aspose.Slides for SharePoint讓您在SharePoint應用程式下,不需使用Microsoft PowerPoint的情況,允許你讀取和轉換PowerPoint文件。其目的是讓SharePoint開發人員,當需要轉換各種PowerPoint 文件格式為PDF、TIFF或XPS格式時,除了省時方便更不會失去精確度。Aspose.Slides for SharePoint是以C#語言寫入,易於安裝並能快速地運行。
Aspose.Email for SharePoint
Aspose.Email for SharePoint provides email document conversion and file to email synchronization features within the Microsoft SharePoint document library.
If you need to create new PDF files, Aspose.Pdf is the right tool. But developers often need to edit pre-existing PDF documents and for this task, Aspose.Pdf.Kit is the tool to use.
Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint
Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint is an amazing product which provides you the capability to convert list items and wiki pages into Portable Document Format(PDF).
Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint
Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint provides a unique and robust solution to enhance your SharePoint's lists by using this barcoding system.
Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint is a light weight component that supports more than 40 of the most popular barcode symbologies including Linear, Postal and 2D barcodes.
Aspose.Imaging for SharePoint Aspose.Imaging for SharePoint adds image processing capability to SharePoint solutions. It supports converting between different image file formats and image editing from within Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. |
SSRS Rendering Extensions
了 解微軟 SQL Server開發人員的特殊需要,Aspose向您介紹Aspose.Total for Reporting Services,一款擁有多種Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services的獨特擴展插件。使用這些呈現擴展插件,開發者能夠輕鬆地導出他們的RDL報表為Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和PDF 文檔。 此外,還可以使用Aspose.Total for Reporting Services來添加條形碼到導出的文檔中。Aspose.Total for Reporting Services 是一個可靠的、強大的報表解決方案,使開發者能夠為他們的客戶提供更優質的解決方案。
Aspose.Total for Reporting Services包含以下產品:
Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services
Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 允許您從 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 以及最流行的 Microsoft Report Viewer 版本中提供本機 Excel 報告。 |
Aspose.Words for Reporting Services
Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 支持從 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 以及 Microsoft Report Viewer 中將 RDL 和 RDLC 報告導出為 OOXML、DOC、RTF 和 WordprocessingML 文檔。 |
Aspose.PDF for Reporting Services
Aspose.PDF for Reporting Services 是一個強大的解決方案,能夠從 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 生成 PDF 報告。 支持大多數 RDL 報告功能,允許開發人員生成最高質量的 PDF 報告。 |
Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services
Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services 是市場上唯一從 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 生成 Microsoft PowerPoint 格式報告的解決方案。 表格、矩陣、圖表和圖像等 RDL 報告功能可以高質量地轉換為演示文稿或幻燈片放映。 |
Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services
Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services 是在 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 中呈現條形碼圖像的最全面的解決方案。 |
JasperReports Exporters
了 解到JasperReports開發人員的獨特需求,Aspose推出了Aspose.Total for JasperReports,該套裝中包含了多款獨特的JasperReports輸出程式。利用這些輸出程式,開發人員可以將其 JasperReports報告輕鬆輸出成Word、Excel和PowerPoint文檔。此外,還能將條形碼添加到已輸出文檔。
Aspose.Total for JasperReports包含以下產品:
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports 允許將報告從 JasperReports 和 JasperServer 導出為 Microsoft Excel 電子表格格式,包括 XLS、XLSX 和 SpreadsheetML。 它還支持其他流行格式,如 PDF、ODS、CSV 和製表符分隔。 |
Aspose.Words for JasperReports
Aspose.Words for JasperReports 是市場上唯一將報告從 JasperReports 和 JasperServer 導出到 Microsoft Word 文檔 (DOC)、Office Open XML (OOXML、DOCX)、富文本格式 (RTF)、OpenDocument 文本 (ODT)、Web 的解決方案頁面 (HTML) 和純文本 (TXT) 格式。 |
Aspose.PDF for JasperReports
Aspose.PDF for JasperReports 專門設計和開髮用於將報告從 JasperReports 和 JasperServer 導出為可移植文檔格式 (PDF) 及其 ISO 標準版本; PDF/A. 大多數報告功能,如圖表、表格和圖像,都以最高精度轉換為 PDF。 |
Aspose.Slides for JasperReports
Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 專為需要從 Java 應用程序中將報表從 JasperReports 導出為 Microsoft PowerPoint 97 – 2003(PPT 和 PPS)和 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2013(PPTX 和 PPSX)演示格式的開發人員而設計。 |
Aspose.Imaging for JasperReports
Aspose.Imaging for JasperReports 提供了一種靈活的解決方案,可以將 JasperReports 導出為多種圖像格式。 可以輕鬆生成多頁報告或批量導出。在批處理模式下。每個報告頁面都將保存為單獨的文檔。 |
Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 提供了一個獨特而強大的解決方案來增強您的業務的實用性。 它允許開發人員在 JasperReports 上生成和顯示高質量的條形碼標籤。 |
.NET and Java API Licensing
Different companies have different needs. To accommodate companies large and small, we offer a variety of license types.
Aspose .NET and Java licenses are either based on the number of developers and the number of locations (buildings) where the products will be used (Developer and Site licenses), whether you need to deploy SDK/API capabilities to your customers (Developer SDK and Site SDK licenses) or by your usage of the product calculated monthly (Metered licenses).
Description | Developer Small Business | Developer OEM | Developer SDK | Site Small Business | Site OEM | Site SDK | Metered Small Business | Metered OEM |
Developers licensed | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ∞ | ∞ |
Use end user software at locations | 1 | ∞ | ∞ | 10 | ∞ | ∞ | ∞ | ∞ |
For use with web sites/apps | V | V | V | V | V | |||
Allows external distribution | V | V | V | V | V | |||
Use in a development library, API or SDK | V | V | V | V | ||||
License type | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual | Perpetual | Metered | Metered |
Commercial Deployments | 50 | 250 | ||||||
Updates and hotfixes for one year | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Can be used to create unlimited applications | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Discount applied to multiple purchases | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Free technical support | V | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
Developer Small Business License
One Developer and One Deployment Location
A Developer Small Business License allows One developer to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used at only One physical location (distinct address or office building) within your organization. A Developer Small Business License covers One developer and/or One physical location. A license must be purchased for each developer in the development team, or for each physical location the end user software will be used, whichever is the greater.
It does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. Only OEM Licenses support this form of distribution.
This license does not support creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, only the Metered License types support API usage. Only the Metered License types support API usage.
Developer OEM License
One Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations
A Developer OEM License allows One developer to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used at an unlimited number of physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization. A Developer OEM License covers One developer working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. A license must be purchased for each developer in the development team.
It allows distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. This license does not support creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, only the Metered License types support API usage.
Developer SDK License
One Developer, Supports SDK Usage, Fifty Commercial Deployments
A Developer SDK License allows One developer to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be distributed to fifty (50) Commercial Deployments (distinct customers). A Developer SDK License covers One developer working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS, API/SDK or public facing web project will require this license type. Additional Developer OEM licenses must be purchased for each additional developer in the development team.
It allows distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. This distribution is subject to the Commercial Deployment conditions that accompany this license type. This license supports creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, again, subject to the Commercial Deployment conditions of this license.
Where more than fifty (50) Commercial Deployments are required, multiple Developer SDK Licenses, or Site SDK licenses must be purchased.
Site Small Business License
Up to Ten Developers and up to Ten Deployment Locations
A Site Small Business License allows Ten developers to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used at Ten physical locations (distinct address or office building) within your organization. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product and/or you use the end user software at more than Ten physical locations, buy multiple Site Small Business Licenses or extra Developer Small Business Licenses.
It does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. Only OEM Licenses support this form of distribution. It can support multi-site intranet usage subject to the restrictions on developers and physical location numbers.
This license does not support creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, only the Metered License types support API usage.
Site OEM License
Up to Ten Developers and Unlimited Deployment Locations
A Site OEM License allows Ten developers to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used at an unlimited number of physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization. A Site OEM License covers Ten developers working on end user software which use the product functionality. A SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product buy multiple Site OEM Location Licenses or extra Developer OEM Licenses.
It allows distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. This license does not support creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, only the Metered License types support API usage.
Site SDK License
Ten Developers, Supports SDK Usage, Two Hundred and Fifty Commercial Deployments
A Site SDK License allows Ten developers to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be distributed to two hundred and fifty (250) Commercial Deployments (distinct customers). A Site SDK License covers Ten developers working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS, API/SDK or public facing web project will require this license type. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product buy multiple Site OEM Licenses or extra Developer OEM Licenses.
It allows distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. This distribution is subject to the Commercial Deployment conditions that accompany this license type. This license supports creating end user software like a development library with an API or SDK, again, subject to the Commercial Deployment conditions of this license.
Where more than two hundred and fifty (250) Commercial Deployments are required, multiple Developer SDK Licenses, or Site SDK licenses must be purchased.
Metered Small Business License
Unlimited Developers and Internal Locations, Supports SDK Usage, Pay as you Use
A Metered Small Business license allows an unlimited number of developers from your organisation to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used within your organization. A Metered Small Business License covers unlimited developers working on end user software which use the product functionality. An internal web project or application with an SDK or API can be used with this license type.
It does not support public facing web sites/applications, extranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. Only OEM Licenses support this form of distribution. It can support multi-site intranet usage and creating end user software that are used internally in a development library with an API or SDK
Metered OEM License
Unlimited Developers and Deployment Locations, Supports SDK Usage, Pay as you Use
A Metered OEM license allows an unlimited number of developers from your organisation to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used at an unlimited number of physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization. A Metered OEM License covers unlimited developers working on end user software which use the product functionality. A SaaS or public facing web project or application with an SDK or API can be used with this license type.
It supports public facing web sites/applications, extranets or SaaS project usage scenarios and creating end user software that are used in a development library with an API or SDK
Groupdocs系列產品 請點選以下連結
Conholdate.Total for .NET
Conholdate.Total for .NET是Aspose&GroupDocs提供的所有.NET API中最完整的組合。 它使開發人員能夠在自己的基於.NET的應用程序中執行各種文檔處理任務。 這個.NET軟件包為所有類型的文檔管理系統提供了一體化解決方案,因為它提供了在廣泛的流行範圍內創建,編輯,影印,查看,註釋,比較,簽名,自動化,搜索和轉換文件格式。
Conholdate.Total for .NET使您能夠構建一個能夠處理許多流行文件格式的令人難以置信的多功能文件處理系統。 您可以輕鬆打開,創建,修改和轉換文件格式。
Conholdate.Total for .NET目前支持以下文件類型。Microsoft Word文檔
Microsoft Excel電子表格
Microsoft PowerPoint演示文稿
Adobe PDF文檔
Microsoft Outlook消息和存儲文件
Microsoft Project文件
Microsoft Visio文件
Microsoft OneNote文件
Conholdate.Total for Java
GroupDocs.Total for Java是由GroupDocs提供的每個Java API的編譯。 它提供了在任何Java應用程序中查看,註釋,轉換,比較,簽名,水印和編輯大多數流行文件格式的功能
Conholdate.Total for Java允許您構建一個能夠處理許多流行文件格式的令人難以置信的多功能文件處理系統。 您可以輕鬆打開,創建,修改甚至相互轉換以下類型的文件格式。
Microsoft Word文檔
Microsoft Excel電子表格
Microsoft PowerPoint演示文稿
Adobe PDF文檔
Microsoft Visio圖紙
Microsoft Outlook電子郵件
Microsoft Project文檔
Microsoft OneNote文檔